Fix setup issues with dynamic remarketing campaigns

This article goes over issues that can arise from dynamic remarketing campaign settings. It covers product (or inventory) filters and targeting issues.

Before you begin

Before you deep-dive into your campaign settings, try reviewing other common issues for dynamic remarketing in Fix issues with dynamic remarketing.

Check the product or inventory filter setting

If you notice your product filter isn’t working, check that the product filter value matches the value in your feed exactly. For example, say the label in your feed is “Summer Sale”. But in Google Ads, you added “Sale” or “SummerSale” or “Summer Sales” as the product filter in the "Shopping settings" section of the Settings tab, those won't match and the ads won't run. The content of the product filters and the feed label have to match, but inventory filters aren't case sensitive.

If you want to use a label, you must add the "ads_labels" column to your Merchant Center Feed. Custom Labels in Merchant Center feed don't work for dynamic remarketing. If you’d like to filter your feed, you’ll need to use the “ads_labels” column instead.

To have your dynamic remarketing campaign match to more than one label in your feed, you can add multiple values separated by a comma into the campaign settings.

For a list of other display related attributes you can include in your Merchant Center feed, read Display ads attribute specification.

Note: Using product filters can lower how well your ads perform and isn't recommended.

Review your ad placements

If you've been running ads for a while, but aren't seeing impressions or clicks in the "Audiences" page under “Insights and reports” in the “Campaigns” menu, your ads may be appearing to customers who aren't on your remarketing list. This might be because "Targeting optimization" is turned on. You can find this setting in the "Display Network" tab, when you click +Targeting.

Targeting optimization is automatic, and helps optimize your targeting across the Display Network, letting you reach people similar to your remarketing lists that your targeting wouldn’t otherwise reach, at around the same cost per person, automatically. The setting will show your ad to new people in addition to the people on your remarketing list to help you reach a wider interested audience.

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