Error messages

For help with a specific error, search for words in the error message or filter by the section of the Partner Center where the error message appears. You can find more detailed information in the Help Center by following the link in the last column of the table.
Error message locationError messageHow to fix the error
Book Catalog > Add BookAn issue was encountered while adding the book to the catalog. Please check your input and try again. Enter a valid 10-digit or 13-digit ISBN. If you don't have an ISBN for the book, check the box labeled This book doesn't have an ISBN or other identifier. Learn more about ISBNs.
Book Catalog > Advanced options > Upload book listYour files have been received and are currently being processed. Check your upload history to see if the processing has completed or has any errors. View your upload history (Advanced options > View uploaded lists). When the spreadsheet has been processed, the number of errors will be displayed. Click this number to download an error report. After making any necessary changes, upload the corrected spreadsheet. Learn more about spreadsheets.
Book Catalog > Advanced options > Upload content files (PDF, JPG...)File "[name]" could not be uploaded. Files should be in one of the following formats:
  • PDF
  • ePub
  • JPEG, TIFF, PDF, and PNG (for covers only)
Learn more about file types.
Book Catalog > Advanced > Manage TemplatesThis field cannot be empty. The Territories field cannot be left blank. Provide a list of countries where you have rights to make the books previewable, or WORLD for worldwide rights. Learn how to format a list of countries.
Book Catalog > Advanced > Manage TemplatesLink appears invalid. The Buy Link is the URL of the link displayed for Google Books users to purchase the book directly from you. The Buy Link must start with http:// and, at this time, this field cannot be deleted or left blank if previously filled. Learn more about templates.
Book Catalog > [Book] > Book infoOne of your contributors is empty. If you meant to remove a contributor, use the removal control next to the contributor you wished to remove.You selected a contributor type, such as author or editor, but didn’t provide the contributor name. Enter the contributor name or delete this contributor field. Learn more about book details.
Book Catalog > [Book] > Book info"Saving..." hangs. If "Saving..." appears for longer than 5 seconds, the interface is frozen. Refresh the page. This error can occur when the contributor type is blank. Learn more about adding contributors.
Book Catalog > [Book] > Book info > SettingsThis field cannot be empty. The "Territories" field can't be blank. Provide a list of countries where you have rights to make the books previewable, or WORLD for worldwide rights. Learn how to format a list of countries.
Book Catalog > [Book] > Book info > SettingsLink appears invalid. The “Buy link” is the URL of the link displayed for Google Books users to purchase the book directly from you. The link must start with http:// or https://. At this time, the link can't be deleted. Learn more about preview settings.
Book Catalog > [Book] > Book info > SettingsFile [filename] could not be uploaded. Your logo must follow the design guidelines:
  • Format: .gif, .jpeg, or .png
  • Dimensions: Maximum width of 190 pixels, maximum height of 50 pixels
  • Maximum file size: 50 KB
Learn more about logo policies.
Book Catalog > [Book] > Book info > SettingsDate format is incorrect. Enter the "Preview Availability Date" in the YYYY-MM-DD format. Learn more about preview settings.
Book Catalog > [Book] > Book info > SettingsDate format is incorrect. Enter the "On Sale Date" in the YYYY-MM-DD format. Learn more about distribution settings.
Book Catalog > [Book] > Book infoOne of your subject codes is invalid.The “Genre” field has been added but left blank or the genre you entered isn't recognized in the specified schema. Learn more about metadata settings.
Book Catalog > [Book] > Book info > Settings"Saving..." hangs If "Saving..." appears for longer than 5 seconds, the interface is frozen. Refresh the page. Possible causes include an invalid “On Sale Date” or “Publisher Website.” Learn more about the Settings tab.
Book Catalog > [Book] > PricingCurrency is incorrect or not specified. The "Currency" field can’t be blank and must be formatted as a three-letter ISO 4217 code such as USD for US dollars. Learn more about prices.
Book Catalog > [Book] > PricingIncorrect entry for country list. The "Countries" field can't be blank and must be formatted according to our guidelines, with countries listed as two-letter ISO 3166 codes. Certain regional codes are allowed.
  • ECZ
Learn how to format a list of countries.
Book Catalog > [Book] > PricingInvalid amount specified. You must provide a numeric price. For books offered at no charge, enter 0 (zero). Use the decimal mark (dot or comma) that is standard in your language. Learn more about prices.
Book Catalog > [Book] > ContentContent file(s) processed, but not verified.
  • For “Duration mismatch:" Compare the duration of the audiobook file with the duration in the book's metadata.
  • For "Audio quality errors:" Ask the publisher to go to "Audiobook sound quality issues" and follow the steps. Learn more about Audiobook sound quality issues.
Book Catalog > [Book] > ContentFile "[name]" could not be uploaded. The file you submitted must be in one of the following file formats:
  • PDF
  • ePub
  • JPEG, TIFF, PDF, and PNG (for covers only)
Learn more about uploading files.
Book Catalog > [Book] > ContentError: Unable to sanitize epub Validate your EPUB file. If you find any errors, correct them before submitting your content again. Learn how to validate an EPUB file.
Book Catalog > [Book] > ContentFailed step 1 of 6
Failed step 2 of 6
Failed step 3 of 6
Failed step 4 of 6
Failed step 5 of 6
Failed step 6 of 6
Any of these error messages indicates an issue with processing the file. Please try uploading the file again.
Book Catalog > [Book] > ContentRequired: Provide complete fileset This file appears to be part of a set of multiple PDF files. Submit any missing files. Learn more about filesets.
Book Catalog > [Book] > ContentRequired: Fix ePub and resubmit Validate your ePub file. If you find any errors, correct them before submitting your content again. Learn how to validate an ePub file.
Book Catalog > [Book] > ContentRequired: Fix the filename and resubmit Make sure you're following our filename guidelines.
Book Catalog > [Book] > ContentRequired: The ePUB must have content Check that your EPUB file contains content, then resubmit it.
Book Catalog > [Book] > ContentRequired: Please contact us [Error 003] Please contact us so we can investigate this processing error.
Book Catalog > [Book] > ContentRequired: Please contact us [Error 005] Please contact us so we can investigate this processing error.
Book Catalog > [Book] > ContentRequired: Fix file list This file appears to be part of a set of multiple PDF files, and it has been submitted more than once without the other files in the set. Submit any missing files in the fileset.
Book Catalog > [Book] > ContentRequired: Fix XHTML in ePub Validate your ePub file. If you find any errors, correct them before submitting your content again. Learn how to validate an ePub file.
Book Catalog > [Book] > ContentRequired: Rezip your ePub Zip your EPUB file again and re-submit it.
Book Catalog > [Book] > ContentRequired: Fix embedded media file A media file in your EPUB file could not be processed. Make sure your media files are in in a supported format.
Book Catalog > [Book] > ContentRequired: Please contact us [Error 017]Learn how to validate an EPUB file. If there is an error with EPUB validation, please fix the issue and try uploading the file again. If your file contains an SVG (Scalable Vector Graphic) image with width or height exceeding 3200, this is not allowed, so please replace the image and try uploading the file again. If you do not find either of these issues, please contact us.
Analytics & ReportsPick a from date The starting date in the date range is blank or not properly formatted as YYYY-MM-DD. Learn more about sales reports.
Analytics & ReportsPick a to date The end date in the date range is blank or not properly formatted as YYYY-MM-DD. Learn more about sales reports.
Analytics & ReportsPick a from date chronologically before the to date. The end date of the date range should not be before the start date. Learn more about sales reports.
Analytics & ReportsPick some countries Select the sales countries that you want included in your report. You can select one or more countries, or select All. Learn more about sales reports.
Payment Center > Add a Payment ProfileYour credentials have expired. Please log out and log back in again. Click here to sign out Changes to payment profiles must be made within 15 minutes of signing in to the Partner Center. Sign out of your Google Account and sign in again. Learn more about payment profiles.
Payment Center > Add a Payment ProfileBusiness name is required A business name is required to set up a payment profile. Learn more about payment profiles.
Payment Center > Add a Payment ProfileContact name is required A contact name is required to set up a payment profile. Learn more about payment profiles.
Payment Center > Add a Payment ProfileBilling address is required A billing address is required to set up a payment profile. Learn more about payment profiles.
Payment Center > Add a Payment ProfileCity is required Provide the city of the billing address. Learn more about payment profiles.
Payment Center > Add a Payment ProfileZIP code is required A zip code is required to set up a payment profile. Learn more about payment profiles.
Payment Center > Add a Payment ProfilePhone is required A phone number is required to set up a payment profile. Learn more about payment profiles.
Payment Center > Add a Payment Profile414. That's an error. The requested URL /accounts/ServiceLogin... is too large to process. That's all we know. Ask the administrator of your domain (who assigned this email address to you) to enable the Google Payments service. Learn how to turn a service on for users.
Payment Center > Add a Payment ProfileInput is invalid, this could either be due to using a P.O. Box address or your login credentials have expired. {0} If you've entered a P.O. box, please use a different address. Otherwise, you signed in to the Partner Center over 15 minutes ago; sign out and sign in again.
Payment Center > Add a TerritoryInvalid countries Sales territories indicate the countries where your books can be sold. Provide a list of countries formatted according to our guidelines, using two-letter ISO codes (e.g., US for the United States), or enter WORLD for worldwide rights. Learn how to format a list of countries.
Account Settings > UsersThe email address you provided is not a valid Google account. Please verify the email address and try again. Partner Center users must have an existing Google Account. They can use their current email address to create an account. Learn more about additional users.
Sign-inWe are sorry, but you do not have access to this service. Please contact your domain administrator for access. Ask the administrator of your domain (who assigned this email address to you) to enable the Partner Program service. Learn how to turn a service on for users.
Spreadsheet errors (Book Catalog > Advanced options > View uploaded lists > Rows with Errors)Identifier is missing Each row in your CSV file must have a book identifier (such as an ISBN or GGKEY). If you've included an identifier, please check the formatting of your file. Learn more about spreadsheets.
Spreadsheet errors (Book Catalog > Advanced options > View uploaded lists > Rows with Errors)Identifier is a duplicate There are multiple rows in your CSV file with the same book identifier (e.g., ISBN, GGKEY). Please delete one. Learn more about spreadsheets.
Spreadsheet errors (Book Catalog > Advanced options > View uploaded lists > Rows with Errors)[...] is an invalid Preview Type Please provide a valid Preview Type. The default is 20%, but you can also allow higher percentages (in 10% increments). Include a % sign. Learn more about spreadsheets.
Spreadsheet errors (Book Catalog > Advanced options > View uploaded lists > Rows with Errors)[...] is an invalid Book Format Provide a valid Book Format from the following list: Digital, Hardback, Paperback, Unknown. Learn more about spreadsheets.
Spreadsheet errors (Book Catalog > Advanced options > View uploaded lists > Rows with Errors)[...] is an invalid Publication Date Provide the Publication Date in this format: YYYY-MM-DD Learn more about spreadsheets.
Spreadsheet errors (Book Catalog > Advanced options > View uploaded lists > Rows with Errors)[...] is an invalid Page Count Enter the Page Count as a number. Learn more about spreadsheets.
Spreadsheet errors (Book Catalog > Advanced options > View uploaded lists > Rows with Errors)Price value is missing Books which are enabled for sale should include a price. Learn more about spreadsheets.
Spreadsheet errors (Book Catalog > Advanced options > View uploaded lists > Rows with Errors)List of countries for price is missing Provide a list of countries for each price. If a single price can apply to all of your sales territories, enter WORLD. Learn more about spreadsheets.
Spreadsheet errors (Book Catalog > Advanced options > View uploaded lists > Rows with Errors)[...] is an invalid price Make sure the numeric price and the list of countries where the price applies are formatted correctly. Use the decimal mark (dot or comma) that is standard in your language. Learn more about spreadsheets.
Spreadsheet errors (Book Catalog > Advanced options > View uploaded lists > Rows with Errors)[...] is an invalid list of countries Check the formatting of the list of countries where the price applies. Learn more about spreadsheets.
Spreadsheet errors (Book Catalog > Advanced options > View uploaded lists > Rows with Errors)Unexpected error—please contact us Please contact us about this error.
Book Catalog > Needs ActionNo content is currently live You either haven't uploaded any content yet, or if you recently submitted content, it hasn't finished processing yet. Troubleshoot this error.
Book Catalog > Needs ActionPricing information is missing or not applicable Your pricing settings are invalid or incomplete in one of the following ways:
  • The book doesn't have valid prices on the Prices tab.
  • You have not added a payment profile in the Payment Center.
  • You have not added a sales territory in the Payment Center.
  • Your sales territory isn't linked to a payment profile.
  • Your sales territory has been deactivated.
Troubleshoot your pricing settings.
Book Catalog > Needs ActionViewability settings are too restrictive Your Google Play distribution settings don't allow the book to become available for sale. Make sure your sales countries are also listed as preview territories on the Settings tab, under Google Search preview settings. If you submitted a PDF file, please check the box labeled Include Scanned Pages. Troubleshoot your distribution settings.
Book Catalog > Needs ActionInternal processing error (001) Your content files may not follow our guidelines, either for filenames or minimum page count. See our file guidelines.
Book Catalog > Needs ActionNo ePub provided; please upload You've disabled scanned pages or restricted flowing text to only ePub files you provide, but you haven't uploaded a ePub file. Upload an ePub file, or if you only have a PDF file, check include Scanned Pages in the book's distribution settings. Learn more about distribution settings.
Book Catalog > Needs ActionQuality of the PDFs or scanned hardcopy is too poor; please provide new content The current content for scanned pages (either from a PDF file or from a scan of a print edition) isn't of sufficient quality. If possible, provide a high-quality PDF file. Alternatively, you can upload an ePub file. Learn more about PDF files.
Book Catalog > Needs ActionInternal processing error (002) Our system had difficulty processing your book. Please contact us about this error.
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