» Reviews » KeePass Password Manager Review

KeePass Password Manager Review

KeePass (current version 2.50) – is an open-source password manager first introduced to users in 2003. The platform stands out for its power and exceptional security. If you are searching for a competent tool to protect your passwords, this is a great option with multiple encryption algorithms, as well as key derivation functionalities. Unlike other companies in the niche, this service doesn’t provide a complete security suite. And yet, since KeePass is an open-source platform, there is always room to expand the installation with community plugins. KeePass works with Mac (macOS Sierra or higher), Windows (Windows 7/Vista or higher), and Linux servers.

However, those users who are in the market for an easy-to-use system may find KeePass not comprehensible. Before getting into the details about the password manager to see if it meets your requirements or not, let’s go over the main pros and cons of the service.

  • Free password manager
  • All entry data in one place
  • Desktop and portable version
It’s free;
Multiple community plugins;
It’s an open-source platform;
Highly secure password generator;
Key file support;
End-to-end encryption;
Strong community support;
Export to CSV, HTML, TXT, and XML files;
No installation required;
Multi-language support;
Secure and intuitive clipboard handling.
Hard to use;
Doesn’t offer browser extensions;
The entry support is limited to the community;
Unattractive user interface.

Ease of Use

KeePass can’t boast of being one of the easiest password managers to use. In fact, users with no experience may find it hard to deal with this platform. However, the setup guide involves only several steps which are all just a matter of adhering to the setup Wizards. Having the program successfully installed, you get access to all sorts of management functions related to passwords on your PC right from the main console window. This includes creating new passwords, arranging them into various groups, modifying or deleting them, etc. Furthermore, you will find a notes section for each password if you need a secure place to keep sensitive information (doesn’t imply any data on the website passwords). The entries can also come with an expiry date.

KeePass Password Generation Options

Generally, reliable password managing systems generate strong passwords as needed. KeePass is not an exception. With KeePass, you can always tailor the passwords that it generates for websites with specific password requirements.

KeePass Features

The basic aim of a password manager like KeePass is to increase online security and protect the personal data of the user against unauthorized access. However, thanks to multiple features the service has, it can fulfill other functions, as well. Let’s review the basic features you can expect to get when dealing with KeePass:

  • Open-Source: By becoming a KeePass user, you are provided with full access to the source code, i.e. you can look at the source code and compile it. Furthermore, users can check and see if the security tools are switched on and work properly. In case they want any other encryption algorithm.
  • Multi-User Support: The program supports simultaneous access and changes to a shared password file from different computers. This is achieved by the use of a shared network drive. Anyway, KeePass doesn’t provide provisioning of access either per-entry or group.
  • KeePass Import and Export

  • Import and Export: KeePass saves the password list via a .kdbx file. However, if you wish, you can always export it to XML, HTML, CSV, and TXT. The program allows users to use the output in other apps and re-import it through a plugin. Apparently, the CSV output is compatible with multiple other password safes such as commercial closed-source Password Agent or Keeper. Furthermore, you can use Microsoft Excel or other spreadsheet apps to import the CVS. To expand the support of the file format at KeePass, you can opt for a respective plugin.
  • Two-Factor Authentication Support: The 2FA support is optional at KeePass via key files. When you set up the .kbdx database, you create a key file. Having it switched on, the password becomes useless without the key file, though it is still required.
  • Portability: Another great feature of KeePass is its extremely handy portability. Apparently, it can be carried on a USB stick to run on Windows, Mac, and Linux servers even without installation. And yet, if you prefer to have the shortcuts of the password manager on the desktop of your computer or your Windows start menu, know that installer packages are available, too. If you opt for this version, be aware that KeePass won’t store anything on your PC system. You won’t find any new registry keys or initialization files in the Windows directory. When you decide to delete KeePass from your system, you can do this either by uninstalling or deleting the directory, leaving absolutely no trace of the manager on your system.
  • Plugins: The password manager has a great plugin architecture. It offers a huge range of different plugins including import/export tools, automation, integration, database backup, and so forth. Learn more about plugins later.
  • Multi-Language Support: Few password managers in the market can boast of supporting multiple languages. KeePass, meanwhile, supports as many as 45 ones.
  • Browser Integration: KeePass doesn’t offer browser integration at its core. And yet, you can add that feature using the necessary browser plugins and add-ons.

KeePass Plugins

There is a special area on the KeePass platform where you will find all the available plugins. All of them are provided by the manager’s community. You can come across small additions, such as the favicon downloader, for instance, and larger ones that alter the functioning of the software. Also find numerous plugins addressed to syncing with Google Drive and other cloud storage platforms.

KeePass Plugins

Overall, it’s not difficult to install any suggested plugin if you have some experience in the field. Otherwise, the piecemeal functionality of KeePass plugins will appear rather difficult to get through. Moreover, typical of cases with community modifications, you may face compatibility issues after having downloaded numerous plugins at the same time.

Nevertheless, it’s pointless and unfair to argue with the breadth of functionality that KeePass has. If you are interested in certain plugins but find it hard to both download and troubleshoot them, the experience can be customized to your liking. And yet, if you have no experience, you may be obliged to apply to a professional.

Security and Privacy

KeePass has been proven secure by several renowned titles. There is absolutely no way your credentials or data can be compromised if they are secured with KeePass. Apparently, KeePass is one of the most reliable password managers in the industry nowadays, especially when we look at free open-source services.

The high level of security is achieved by the following features:

  • End-to-end encryption: The password client-side gets stored encrypted on your desktop. To decrypt them, you have to use the password you set. To improve the security even further, you are welcome to use a new file or any other form of multi-factor authentication.
  • Thorough database encryption: Using KeePass means having not only your password fields encrypted but many other details such as notes and usernames, as well.
  • Twofish and AES support: This compounds a very high level of security.
  • Cryptographically secure SHA-256 encryption.
  • Memory protection: KeePass ensures complete memory protection while it’s running. Thanks to this feature, passwords get reliable encryption, the dumping memory of your PC disk won’t serve as a backdoor and let anyone reveal your passwords.

KeePass Pricing

KeePass is an entirely free password manager. Irrespective of the version you use, it will never charge you anything. If you want to show your appreciation, you can always donate any sum of money to the support community. However, this is thoroughly voluntary, and no one can compel you to do that.

On the official website of KeePass, you will find a well-structured difference between the two available KeePass versions – the lighter 1.x and the 2.x (you may find it addressed as “pro”). The number of accessible features is the basic difference between these two versions.

Help Center

KeePass Help Center

Dealing with KeePass, you shouldn’t expect any corporate-level customer support via Live Chat. This is an open-source platform and only the community can assist you. However, you can also get answers to questions bothering you through the FAQ section or the Help Center. These are sources to find solutions in self troubleshooting. Here you will find out how to perform any available manual process yourself with no priority support.


Question: How do I transfer KeePass database to another computer?

Answer: To transfer the database, you only need to move your .kdbx file to another computer making sure you also copy the valid version of the key file. You may use the flash drive or USB connector to transfer the database.

Question: Where is KeePass database stored?

Answer: The program uses global and local directories to keep the user’s database. The global directory is actually the KeePass application directory while local is the user’s private configuration folder.

Question: How do I backup my KeePass database?

Answer: You need to locate the initial database file in your CPU program files and make a .kdbx copy of it. The program also has an autosave function that may be enabled or disabled in the Advanced settings.

Question: Does KeePass sync across devices?

Answer: The easiest way is to add the .kdbx file to the cloud storage and synchronize the database between several devices. There is no integrated auto-sync feature.

Question: Is KeePass safe?

Answer: Yes, it is. The program uses multiple ways to keep the data safe and files encrypted. The program compresses your files into a small key file as well as prevents hackers from dictionary and guessing attacks.

Final Words

Because of the open-source nature of KeePass, it is rather difficult to draw a conclusion on its effectiveness and usefulness. In terms of security, the password manager definitely has advantages. The lack of a centralized database and the inclusion of end-to-end encryption only enhance the level of security it provides. This is a standout plus point along with the availability to get it for free, a broad array of plugins, strong default encryption, and a comprehensive FAQ section.

On the other hand, less technically inclined users will find it hard to use KeePass. Compared to commercial password managers, KeePass appears unpolished while the user interface is highly unattractive, to say the least.

On the whole, KeePass password manager does quite a sterling job in what it is built for. It’s free, and you lose nothing if it turns out not for you.