Yellow Taxi Goes Vroom

Yellow Taxi Goes Vroom

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Wheel Controller Guide
By Aaron123
Unlock MAXIMUM FUN with the power of THE WHEEL and PEDALS!
YTGV does not support wheel controllers out of the box. If you attempt to map your device in the Options menu, you will be unable to bind the steering, rendering the game unplayable.

HOWEVER, you can use controller emulation software to fake a virtual Xbox 360 controller, allowing you to play this game like a crazy arcade super-speed platforming extravaganza. It even works with force feedback, making the wheel shake on turns and impacts, though I would be terrified to map this to a physical sim racing rig for whiplash/chiropractor costs.
You Will Need
  1. An Hour of Your Precious Time. Future you will say, "Thanks, frustrated past me!"
  2. Patience
  3. A USB steering wheel/pedals or other USB device you'd like to map (Wiimote? HOTAS? DDR pad?). This guide will be using the Logitech G920 steering wheel/pedals.
  4. Any relevant software for your USB wheel controller. In this case, we need Logitech GHUB installed and running.
  5. x360ce. This is free software to emulate a virtual Xbox 360 controller and can be found on Google.
There's a specific order of operations to get this working, or else you'll be repeating some steps. Quickly skim these before starting.

  1. Boot YTGV. It should be running in the background so that x360ce has an easier time pointing to the game .exe during configuration. You can just mute it and leave it running on the start screen for now.
  2. Boot Logitech G HUB. It should see your wheel controller.

  3. Configure Logitech G HUB wheel and pedal settings:
    Sensitivity 100
    Operating Range (Angle) 180
    Centering Spring Strength 0
    Centering Spring in Non Force Feedback Games [Check]

    Leave Logitech G Hub running while you're playing. Do not close this window.

  4. Boot x360ce.
  5. Make a new entry in x360ce for the game's .exe, which may be found at (for Windows): C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Yellow Taxi Goes Vroom\Yellow Taxi Goes Vroom.exe

  6. Use x360ce to hide your USB device from being displayed to the OS. You will need to click on [Options] and install [HID Guardian].

    Go to the 'Devices' tab, find your wheel, and click the checkbox on the right to hide it from the OS.

    If this is not done, the game application for YTGV will read as input your steering wheel natively (broken), which is why you're here in the first place. An easy way to verify this is to go to Controller 1 --> [Game Controllers...] button at bottom-left. It should be blank for now since we're about to set up a new X360 controller. If you still see your wheel controller in this window, that means HID Guardian isn't hiding your controller properly, and you'll need to double-check it's installed.

  7. Click [Controller 1] tab -> [Add]

  8. Configure x360ce to emulate a virtual Xbox 360 controller. Specifically, you'll want to go through each dropdown menu for each mapping. Pay attention to the X Axis binding; it will ask you to turn your steering wheel clockwise as a right input.

  9. Configure rumble/force feedback. Click [Force Feedback] tab.

    I recommend modifying these to preference before you get started. You can drag the Test slider to figure out the strength. The Period(ms) value is like a frequency on a wave, so you want to keep these around the 30-40 range or your desk might start looking like Jurassic Park. You also want to make sure the Left Motor has the Direction set to either Positive or Negative, and that the Left Motor ms value is different from that of the Right Motor, so you get a contrast during gameplay.

  10. Click [Save All]. DO NOT FORGET THIS STEP!

  11. Click [Game Controllers...]. We will verify the mapping is as expected in a moment.

  12. You should see a new entry in this window for 'Controller (XBOX 360 For Windows)', and your original wheel controller should not appear here. Click [Properties].

  13. Turn the wheel and verify the X Axis is indeed changing. Try your button bindings. If anything doesn't work, you'll need to go back and re-map it in either x360ce, or Logitech G Hub. I've had to unplug and replug my USB a few times for the G Hub settings to 'stick', kind of a pain.

  14. Open YTGV, which has been running this whole time patiently. Try it out. Your gas pedal/brake pedal and d-pad should work as expected for navigating most menus.

  15. Play the game. You will suck. Play the first few levels and you'll get the hang of it. The first time trial is really great for getting your bearings, as is the big city. In particular I suggest getting used to keeping both feet using gas and brakes all the time for the tight pivots. You'll also need to get used to the rhythms of *early game mechanic spoiler here* using paddle shifters to flip, THEN smash down the gas pedal RIGHT AFTER your car stops flashing to REALLY FLOOR IT!


    Yes, I really got that using this setup.

    You can do it! I believe in you!
Q: I did everything and the game still doesn't see my stupid virtual Xbox 360 controller!
A: Quit YTGV. Go to x360ce and [Save All].Quit x360ce. Boot up x360ce again. Boot YTGV and retry. Steam Input being enabled should be fine in the Shift+Tab menu.

Q: The steering doesn't stick to 180 like I set!
A: Go to x360ce --> Devices --> Un-hide your wheel --> go to G Hub --> Set it to 180 if it isn't already, verify the wheel softly 'snaps' at left and right positions --> x360ce --> Re-hide your wheel --> Test in-game.

Q: The steering is too tough! I even set the spring to 0 in Logitech G Hub!
A: Go into x360ce --> Controller 1 --> Force Feedback --> Disable, then re-Enable.

Q: HELP! I booted Logitech G Hub but it says 'Loading resources...' for my wheel and doesn't do anything when I click on it!
A: Don't freak out. Don't reinstall Windows. This happens either when using HidHide to hide your controller, OR I have had it happen randomly ONCE in my time owning this controller. I was able to resolve this by uninstalling/reinstalling G HUB itself, which took a minute but did resolve it.

Q: Rumble doesn't work! Help!
A: Go into x360ce --> Controller 1 --> Force Feedback --> Enable.

Q: Rumble feels weird! Help!
A: Double-check these settings

You may also need to adjust the sine wave length ms value, as your controller motors may differ.

Q: Handling feels weird! Help!
A: You may need to adjust either your Logitech GHUB's steering wheel settings for angle, but an additional fix is to add 'Anti-Deadzone' onto the left thumbstick in x360ce. By increasing this ~15% or so, you'll get more play in the center of the steering wheel if you need more precise center steering.

Have fun!
Aaron123  [author] May 11 @ 7:49am 
@Frey Excellent! Glad to hear it worked out!

Have fun! :p4g_smiling:
Frey May 11 @ 3:57am 
Works great with my Arcade Stick! Even got the camera set up like N64 style C-Buttons
Frey May 11 @ 12:51am 
I might dig out my arcade stick and try setting this up
Aaron123  [author] Apr 16 @ 4:34am 
@geebee I'm currently about 5 worlds in. I assure you it is very fun once you get it up and running. Just zooming around Grandma's island and mashing pedals for boosts is a ton of fun.

The main thing is dialing in the wheel to map to the left stick. Even using 180 for the angle (90 degree left = left turn) can be pretty snappy and tough for going left to right on a dime. A lot of times I have to keep both feet on gas/brake so I can pivot on the spot.

This can probably be alleviated by changing the sensitivity curve for the left thumbstick, but I haven't messed with that yet. I would say it's probably handier to have something like ~70 degrees = a full left/right turn rather than snapping directly left or right 90 degrees.
geebee Apr 15 @ 6:02pm 
How far in the game did you get playing with a wheel controller? Seems like a painful experience that only a speedrunner may enjoy.