Yellow Taxi Goes Vroom

Yellow Taxi Goes Vroom

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How to get the highest gear in Morio's Mind
By Sodden
not sure if this is the intended way of reaching this gear, but after an hour of trying this is the way that I found so.
From Spawn
you'll want to take a left and follow along with the images until you reach the X

Once you've reached the X,
you'll want to make your way up the mini lab building thing floating in the air, by doing sideflips. You don't have to do sideflips, but as long as you get to where I am in the image below, you'll be fine.
The Real Tricky Part
So, once you've reached the position in which the image above displays, you'll want to wait for Morio to shoot his lasers, once the lasers are gone, you'll need to rush your way into a position that's something like the image below, and do a super dash or whatever it's called, and if you got lucky, you'll go really high up in which you'll need to keep accelerating and do another dash/super dash once the cooldown is finished (depending how high you go you might only need to do a normal dash). After all that you should reach the house, hopefully.
Short form when you get into position (not really short but yknow)
- Wait for laser to go away
- Quickly get into postion facing the beam
- Do a super dash into the beam
- (If lucky) end up really high
- when really high hold acceleration
- do a dash/super dash once the cooldown is over
- and bam, gear collected (after many attempts I would assume, unless y'all are god gamers)
You have to do this part really quickly or else you'll get hit by Morio and get sent back to your checkpoint, which is super annoying.
Keep in mind that the position in which the screenshot is showing me at, could maybe not make it, I just quickly took a screenshot because I'd die to Morio if I took my time.
Also I don't know the angle to reach the gear 100% of the time, just pray. I managed to reach the gear a second time after just 2 attempts, which I would consider lucky as hell. You just gotta be patient with it, I attempted this too many times before pulling it off, and I wasn't even sure I could since I couldn't find any videos or guides on how to reach the damn thing.
I just kept trying over and over and over again, until I finally made it, and it was over, Morio's Mind complete.
I didn't get a full clip of me going from spawn to the gear, It's just the tricky part of the guide.

Ikagura Apr 22 @ 8:05am 
Well, I have done it thanks to the turbo boost on that lasagna
Sodden  [author] Apr 21 @ 2:03pm 
i need to try the lasagna trick again, idk if i suck, but i swear i'd get nowhere near the house using the lasagna, unless i was using the wrong one
Ikagura Apr 19 @ 3:45pm 
I think the lasagna trick is more convenient.
Lazy McGee Apr 15 @ 7:47pm 
Thanks for the guide, I actually just used the floating lasagna near the floating platforms and did a super jump. Still I appreciate the guide as i had no clue that gear was up there!