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13.0 hrs on record
One of the finest games ever created. Period.

Everyone should play this game.

Truly, the worst thing is that you can only play it once.
Posted July 11. Last edited July 11.
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1.3 hrs on record
Short but sweet. If this looks remotely interesting to you, grab it and go in blind.

I'd say it's worth $15, but I enjoy these type of story-based games, even if they're a bit short.
Posted July 11.
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132.3 hrs on record
Great turn-based RPG! The Yakuza gameplay and setting is just the cherry on top.

Combat gets kinda tiresome near end-game, and grinding for lv99 is a bit much for the postgame dungeon, but otherwise I had a fun time. If you like turn-based RPGs at all, you should give this one (or Infinite Wealth, with its better combat) a shot.
Posted June 28.
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15.0 hrs on record
What a great game! It was hard to put it down once I got started.

Zelda but you're a lil spaceship. Also it's bullet hell.

I really liked that I could respec my points on the fly to suit the situation.
Posted June 15.
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3.2 hrs on record (2.2 hrs at review time)
Excellent excellent game.

If this looks even a little interesting to you, just buy it and go in blind.

Presentation and soundtrack are top-notch. It's also one of those games that subverts game tropes, and constantly pokes fun at the player for doing game-y things. Filled with lore, and has mechanics that keep you guessing.

Very much looking forward to clearing this dungeon crawl.
Posted June 8.
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8.3 hrs on record
One of my favorite party platform games. Too bad my friends suck at platformers. :-)

Grab it and have fun!
Posted May 13.
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7.7 hrs on record (0.2 hrs at review time)
FFXIV raiding without having to go through the tedium of FFXIV's quest line, which easily takes hundreds of hours.

If you like FFXIV, you should own this game.

If you are Yoshi-P, you should copy elements from this game.

OK, let's talk about this:

This game actually addresses a few issues I've had with MMO's since Everquest. When you think about doing a rotation in an MMO, it starts resembling whack-a-mole. Anyone who's played City of Heroes, WoW, FF, or most classic MMO's knows what I'm talking about. At that point, you're just watching 200 shiny buttons come up randomly so you can press them in a certain order from a certain set of rules, and the Skinner Box effect starts to get real depressing, and you unsubscribe.

Rabbit & Steel does away with this by limiting your abilities to only 4, like MOBA games. This means that the game is able to design these 4 abilities to be disparate enough to treat them as their own utilities. Most classes here will have a Primary Attack, Secondary Attack, Special Attack, and Defense Move. The Defense move generally gives you some sort of iframes/buff and erases bullets. Most classes operate under MMO logic rules, where one attack charges up another, leading into your special for big damage eventually.

Rabbit & Steel also incorporates roguelike elements very well into it's mechanics, where you feel encouraged to take risks and try weird builds, making a gamble that you'll become very overpowered by the end boss of the run. Random items modify your existing abilities in wild ways, requiring you to take creative strategies during battles to maximize your DPS. Some of these items synergize with each other even. Fantastic design all around. Because many of these elements are random, you're left with every run feeling very dynamic and not quite knowing how it's going to play out, leading to tension and fun when it pays out.

Also, the OST is on point for any Final Fantasy fan. They clearly knew the assignment.

If you liked MMO games ever and grew disenchanted with them, but loved them at their best when taking down Big Bads with Friends, play this game.

If you are Yoshi-P, thank you and please copy this game so the barrier to entry isn't crazy for newbies. People just want to battle with their friends.
Posted May 13. Last edited May 14.
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0.9 hrs on record
Early Access Review
Good game, but needs some polish.

There's definitely the bones of a great game here. It seems to suffer the most from scaling/tuning for difficulty.

Presentation is great. Graphics and sound get the job done. No complaints there.

Co-op took about 20 min to unlock with me and my buddy. The first co-op level's difficulty is WAAYYYYY harder than any of the preceding tutorial levels. This is honestly the opposite problem I have with most co-op games, where they take 20 levels to make anything difficult. This game is hard but a LITTLE too hard -- my buddy and I still haven't cleared the first level after multiple tries and putting points into our talent builds. Like we'll eventually get there, but this initial first impression is pretty frustrating in a group setting.

The level-up mechanic also needs some work. The window takes your whole screen, and the game doesn't pause, so you're just screwed any time you want to level up during battle.

Additionally, netcode/sync management needs another look. We had situations where the host would encounter lag spikes randomly. Some matches it was completely fine, some matches it was unplayable.

If this game looks interesting to you for single player, grab it. If you're looking for a multiplayer Survivors game, this is good, but maybe wait for a couple more updates for tuning and polish.
Posted May 1. Last edited May 1.
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99.3 hrs on record
Everybody should play this game at least once.

What a game! It's got style, presentation, and killer gameplay. Excellent intro to the Yakuza series. What a wild ride.

Even just walking around town aimlessly is an adventure.
Posted April 25.
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3.5 hrs on record
Short and sweet. Excellent game.
Posted April 14.
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