The Vale

The Vale

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Roge Aug 19, 2021 @ 9:12pm
Can deaf people play this?
I intend to gift this game to a friend but I'd like to know first if there is any accessibility stuff, since he is deaf.
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scutersquirrel Aug 20, 2021 @ 4:49pm 
Probably not- this is an audio based game meant to be blind accessible and relies on hearing cues in the environment. The limited graphics are decorative and don't tell you anything about how to complete game objectives etc. so if they are fully deaf they won't be able to play.
Nosferatupac Aug 21, 2021 @ 10:07am 
Originally posted by OTNekrage:
Originally posted by scutersquirrel:
Probably not- this is an audio based game meant to be blind accessible and relies on hearing cues in the environment. The limited graphics are decorative and don't tell you anything about how to complete game objectives etc. so if they are fully deaf they won't be able to play.

Well that's actually not true thankfully. Every menu option and all controls are fully detailed via audio queues. You could absolutely play this if you are completely blind.

Blindness is where you are seeing impaired, and Deafness is being hearing impaired. OP wants to know if their deaf friend can play the game.

OP depending on the degree of deafness your friend has they may be able to play the game. If they are able to discern the audio cues coming from the front, left, right, and behind, then they may be able to play this, but if they are completely deaf, or deaf in one ear it will be pretty hard since the game relies entirely on audio cues.
[OT]Nekrage Aug 21, 2021 @ 10:44am 
Ohh man. I immediately assumed the thread asked if a blind person could play the game. I need to sleep more.
Turtler Aug 21, 2021 @ 7:20pm 
Originally posted by Roge:
I intend to gift this game to a friend but I'd like to know first if there is any accessibility stuff, since he is deaf.

Just from my experience playing through the demo I can't really imagine what it would be like for a deaf person to play. For starters essentially everything- and I DO MEAN EVERYTHING- is conveyed by audio without subtitles, meaning there is almost nothing in terms of visual cues (the graphics aren't QUITE purely decorative as one of the replies said but they're mostly there for you to gauge general mood and the rough contours of the map you're on, not what else is on it).

Worse, you'd be unable to hear any real plot or gameplay if you were thoroughly deaf. Which means (assuming you had someone read out the instructions to you) you'd basically be flailing madly and almost randomly in the literal dark rather than really playing.

I can believe that some hearing impaired people could play this game and thoroughly enjoy it, but the truly deaf will not be able to.
Roge Aug 21, 2021 @ 8:37pm 
I will take that in consideration. Thanks for the replies, everyone.
The Old Man Aug 23, 2021 @ 4:40pm 
It's probably one of the only games that can't be played by a deaf person.
MATEJZAO Aug 24, 2021 @ 9:38am 
Deaf person can not play this game because everything is strongly tied to hearing things in game (movement, dialogues, combat, inventory, story).
Inspiral Aug 31, 2021 @ 4:57am 
Playing the game relies entirely on following audio cues so it's totally inappropriate for a deaf person.
fercho2213 Jun 19, 2023 @ 8:30pm 
Boaboa Jun 20, 2023 @ 6:05am 
where would we be without you fercho
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