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taj14  [developer] Oct 5, 2021 @ 6:55am
Suggestions and Feedback
If you have a suggestion or some feedback, please post it down below!

Please note: this is not a place to report bugs. Just suggestions and ideas that you might have that you feel will improve the game.
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Showing 1-15 of 67 comments
Alexander Nov 19, 2021 @ 7:28am 
The screen shake is too much!
In the trailer videos the screen shake is ruining the experience for me. It's full screen and very jarring. Based on the video alone I would choose not to buy this game just for the screen shake. Was the screen shake added in post production to make the game seem more 'action packed' or is it a game feature? Can it be turned off or at least have a setting where it's toned down a little. It completely ruins the beautiful aesthetic of the game when everything is wobbling around during the action.
swightly Oct 4, 2022 @ 2:16am 
I would like if you could bind your units actions to 1,2,3,4 or other keys to quickly take action. Also I thought the boredom down arrow on the units was how many level ups my unit has until I read up more on the boredom mechanic. I think you should redesign it by coloring it to red to make it look like a downside instead of something beneficial.
抹茶他兔 Oct 6, 2022 @ 12:51am 
Dark Oct 6, 2022 @ 6:01pm 
Your demo was so good that your game is going right to the top of my wishlist above Starfield and Hogwarts Legacy.
-Interesting authentic medieval theme.
-Creative use of art.
-The music.
-Beauty of the UI
-Fun turn based combat.

I hope this is a big success since I'm hoping you make the game long. Like have lots of campaigns or something or little stories like with expansions.
There is so much you can do with this theme.
Last edited by Dark; Oct 6, 2022 @ 6:32pm
MattJeburt Oct 10, 2022 @ 10:32am 
Really nice work! It is so lovely designed and painted ... i liked the demo a lot and i am looking forward to more different characters!
Sabertooth Oct 11, 2022 @ 11:26am 
Just a beautiful game looking forward to the release ;-)
Yaza Games  [developer] Oct 11, 2022 @ 2:38pm 
@Everyone - thank you so, so much for the feedback. Even though we may not respond to every single post here, we carefully read each and every one of your opinions - we want to deliver the best Inkulinati experience possible, and receiving such constructive feedback makes that a lot easier for our team.

We are also open to discussions on our Discord, both related to the current state of the game and your suggestions/ideas for improvements. Feel free to join (the link is on our Steam Page). Cheers!
Ulcerlisk Dec 24, 2022 @ 10:44am 
Originally posted by Alexander:
The screen shake is too much!
Seconded, please offer a slider to reduce or disable it. :)

More importantly, can we have some resolution settings? I'd like to play in a windowed 16:9, but I'm forced into 32:9 on my ultrawide cause the window can't be resized, and many of the game's elements are cut off or scaled based on width rather than height.

Thank you!
emerald_dream Jan 31, 2023 @ 4:03am 
Interestingly, there's a board game 'Illumination' which was also inspired by the drollerie motif. Looking forward to trying this one out!
Inkmila  [developer] Jan 31, 2023 @ 7:15am 
Originally posted by emerald_dream:
Interestingly, there's a board game 'Illumination' which was also inspired by the drollerie motif. Looking forward to trying this one out!

Ah yes, so we've heard. Have you played it?
Also, do not hesitate to leave us any kind of feedback once you give Inkulinati a go! :)
Eyeman Jan 31, 2023 @ 10:26am 
Please consider changing the name to Inkluminati, at least for Italian region ;)
RadiatingBlade Jan 31, 2023 @ 4:57pm 
Add an undo turn option for single player.
emerald_dream Jan 31, 2023 @ 6:00pm 
Originally posted by Inkmila:
Originally posted by emerald_dream:
Interestingly, there's a board game 'Illumination' which was also inspired by the drollerie motif. Looking forward to trying this one out!

Ah yes, so we've heard. Have you played it?
Also, do not hesitate to leave us any kind of feedback once you give Inkulinati a go! :)
Yep, I own the board game. It's completely different, but shares the theme. That's why I got interested by Inkulinati in the first place.

I see some comments on the game name and how it may sound in Italian. There was also a similar issue with another board game 'Bitoku' (a Japanese word). But in French it sounds somewhat like 'Kokinazz' would sound for English speakers. The publisher didn't change anything, by the way.

As for the feedback, cannot say much except that I love it so far! 🤩
(Would be nice to be able to move around the screen using one of the mouse buttons instead of the arrow keys, though.)
Last edited by emerald_dream; Feb 1, 2023 @ 1:13am
RadiatingBlade Feb 1, 2023 @ 7:54am 
Add option to keep camera zoomed out by default.
Lord Gek Feb 2, 2023 @ 3:32am 
I have an odd request (it might already be an option), but can the game be played without the "Golf Swing" mechanic? Basically when I attack or the enemy attacks me, a random number is instantly generated (weighted identical to the Golf Swing Meter so if that has more 2s than 4s, a 2 result is that much more likely). I know as is I could just close my eyes and click at random, but somehow that isn't the same and I can only assume the AI knows how to get better results on its swings (i.e. a slight weight, as if a skilled player, to get the better than average results from the swing meter).

As I see it, this would be something like a setup option to enable/disable the Golf Swing Meter in the current run. I could even see leaving it on sometimes when I play, I guess I'd just like the option to kill it when I'd really rather not bother with it.
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Showing 1-15 of 67 comments
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