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Need help with glowflies (SOLVED)
I know I'm supposed to lure them away with a bright purple light ( I guess they will eat all the carrots in the way) . My force cube is not bright enough. No idea how I can do this. I can color things purple with the paint machine, but I have nothing that would glow.
Things I've done: Solved 3 balls puzzle, colored a sponge purple creating a portable beam anchor, got strong on juice ( although the one guy keeps telling me to see the green suit guy. Green suit guy is already impressed by my muscles). Tried superheating force cubes, metal balls and sponges in volcanoes, to no avail. Guy wants his diamond pickaxe. I can break pixel blocks. Unlocked warp pipe with red keycard.
I tried using the tether beams to lure them away too, attaching them to the inside and outside of the garden woods, or attaching it to the purple sponge.

Hints would be appreciated, thanks.
Last edited by Cuzzx; Jun 26 @ 1:21am
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Cuzzx Jun 26 @ 12:45am 
I figured it out. I could lure them away with the beams after restarting the game. I think it might have been a bug that prevented me from doing so the first time.
Last edited by Cuzzx; Jun 26 @ 1:20am
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