Planet Zoo

Planet Zoo

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why dont the devs made it compatible with steamdeck?
if they can made jurrassic world evolution 2 steamdeck compatible, why dont the devs make this as well? sincerely asking
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That could be more difficult than one thinks.
Lee Jul 9 @ 6:07pm 
Have you exactly look at the store page? It says it is playable. There is a button to the right for more information.
Originally posted by Lee:
Have you exactly look at the store page? It says it is playable. There is a button to the right for more information.

yea i did, thats why i bought the game, but the controls are not as convenient as the one that is in jurrassic world, so im just curious why didnt they make it that way. Super looking into playing this btw, so hope they will like make it better for steamdeck users
Lee Jul 9 @ 11:00pm 
Frontier is working on the console version right now.
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