Planet Zoo

Planet Zoo

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We Need A Quality of Life Update
I don't know about you guys but I think it's time for a nice quality of life update. We have bought and played so many DLC and I think Frontier should give us some things to make building easier and more fun. I have some things I would like to see..Just things that either bother me while building or just think they really need/should to be in the game.

1. Make the Terrain Brush larger. The largest size of terrain brush (20) is still too small..It needs to be 3x as big.

2. Better Search. If I search for something specific like say a Seal Habitat, I expect to get only the Seal habitats I have saved but I get a heck of a lot more than that. I get other habitats for different animals, scenery etc.

3. Animals should be categorized by their name. IE. Zebra should be under "Z" not "P" for Plains Zebra..It makes it really hard to find an animal that way.

4. Path Railings. We should be able to control what side of the path the railing goes on if we want. Sometimes I only want the railing on one side of the path..We cannot do that. Also how about a few different railing options for all the different paths. I know each path has it's own railing but it only has 1 version. How about 2 or 3 versions to choose from.

5. Saving Blueprints. When saving a blueprint there should be a "Continent" tag and a "Custom" tag so we can make custom tags for it.

6. Habitat Saving. When saving a new habitat there should be a search for the species tag. See #3. Also, why is there no "Shelter" tag?

7. Habitat Barriers. When trying to place a Habitat blueprint the barriers are too sensitive to the path around them. You have to place the blueprint then draw the path around it. Normally this is ok but sometimes there's already a path and you want to place the habitat right up to that path and it's not possible.

Again, These are simply some of the quality of life updates I would like to see implemented into the game. There are many more but I'll leave it at these 7 for now.

We probably will never get stuff like this unless a Planet Zoo 2 comes out but ya never know.

What would you like to see added to the game?
Last edited by Candyman125; Jul 7 @ 2:21pm
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Showing 1-15 of 24 comments
Think that's bad? The search thing, I mean. I need a better system cos I get shops/stalls and scenery items I made that have those animals as scenery items! When I go to add enrichment items by species, by clicking on animal, then filter by species.
Last edited by audiolady; Jul 7 @ 3:16pm
Search is not bad, at least it can find what you want almost before you type in an entire name. But I agree that they should perhaps be listed under the generic term. As per your zebra example. There's only one type of zebra in the game, so far. On the other hand, there are now two types of camel. Frontier forward planning?
Not sure what the default large size is for the terrain tool using the slider, but the key ] increases it greatly - is that not greater then 20? ( [ reduces)
Railings on one side of paths? Maybe you are expected to do it using construction parts?
I have noticed that there, for example, are shelters in the blueprints that don't show up in the habitat options. That's common. things that should be listed in the normal tabs, but are only in blueprints. And they are not things I have made or downloaded.
Naz Jul 8 @ 10:54am 
Originally posted by Candyman125:
1. Make the Terrain Brush larger. The largest size of terrain brush (20) is still too small..It needs to be 3x as big.

Yeah, what is this- terrain for ANTS?
Last edited by Naz; Jul 8 @ 10:55am
Varick Jul 8 @ 12:59pm 
I agree some quality of life updates would be nice; my own favorite would be a one way path. In the meantime, there are ways to place the blueprints along paths and we can do game given path railings on one side (with a post every now and then but that can be covered), etc. All depends on the situation but this may not be what you mean?
Last edited by Varick; Jul 8 @ 1:01pm
chasbar Jul 8 @ 2:11pm 
Concerning the terrain brush size, are you aware that the slider does not give you the biggest size. If you set it to 20 and then use "]" to increase the size, you will see that it gets probably 2 1/2 to 3 times larger.
Originally posted by chasbar:
Concerning the terrain brush size, are you aware that the slider does not give you the biggest size. If you set it to 20 and then use "]" to increase the size, you will see that it gets probably 2 1/2 to 3 times larger.
I was not aware of that. Thank you. I will try it.
Originally posted by Varick:
I agree some quality of life updates would be nice; my own favorite would be a one way path. In the meantime, there are ways to place the blueprints along paths and we can do game given path railings on one side (with a post every now and then but that can be covered), etc. All depends on the situation but this may not be what you mean?
Thanks for this info. I was unaware of this. This is what I mean but do you know how to do it?
Last edited by Candyman125; Jul 8 @ 4:58pm
Vakr Jul 8 @ 3:14pm 
I would like to be able to paint swaths of grasses and other ground cover foliage, rather than placing one clump at a time, and rocks, trees and bushes too.
I think my replies must be invisible. :-)
Originally posted by Just Kevin:
Search is not bad, at least it can find what you want almost before you type in an entire name. But I agree that they should perhaps be listed under the generic term. As per your zebra example. There's only one type of zebra in the game, so far. On the other hand, there are now two types of camel. Frontier forward planning?
Not sure what the default large size is for the terrain tool using the slider, but the key ] increases it greatly - is that not greater then 20? ( [ reduces)
Railings on one side of paths? Maybe you are expected to do it using construction parts?
I have noticed that there, for example, are shelters in the blueprints that don't show up in the habitat options. That's common. things that should be listed in the normal tabs, but are only in blueprints. And they are not things I have made or downloaded.

Thanks, I used the Zebra as just an example. Every animal in the game has some sort of "Prefix" in front of it. They should just be called, Zebra, Monkey, Tortoise, etc so you can find them easier. That's all I meant by that.

I will definitely try the ] to make the terrain brush larger. I was not aware that this existed.

Thanks for the reply
Originally posted by Just Kevin:
I think my replies must be invisible. :-)

LOL..No Sorry I was at work when I replied to the others and I had to stop. Thanks for your reply. I appreciate the tips.
Originally posted by Vakr:
I would like to be able to paint swaths of grasses and other ground cover foliage, rather than placing one clump at a time, and rocks, trees and bushes too.

YES...This would be a great addition to the game. I usually make some kind of forest or ground cover scene and save it as a blueprint so I can easily place that down when I need it.
Originally posted by chasbar:
Concerning the terrain brush size, are you aware that the slider does not give you the biggest size. If you set it to 20 and then use "]" to increase the size, you will see that it gets probably 2 1/2 to 3 times larger.

Yes, I do know that now..Thanks
Originally posted by audiolady:
Think that's bad? The search thing, I mean. I need a better system cos I get shops/stalls and scenery items I made that have those animals as scenery items! When I go to add enrichment items by species, by clicking on animal, then filter by species.

Yes, I know what you mean.
Varick Jul 8 @ 5:30pm 
Originally posted by Candyman125:
Originally posted by Varick:
I agree some quality of life updates would be nice; my own favorite would be a one way path. In the meantime, there are ways to place the blueprints along paths and we can do game given path railings on one side (with a post every now and then but that can be covered), etc. All depends on the situation but this may not be what you mean?
Thanks for this info. I was unaware of this. This is what I mean but do you know how to do it?

After you have your path down with railings, use a ten meter or shorter path length and
slide it out from the side you want bare, after you get it down to one pole tap left mouse and then right mouse and you will get the bare spot. Still have a railing pole but a tree, etc. can cover the pole. Basically, you are making an intersection without the path. Benches, etc. can be placed for guests.
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