Slay the Spire
Does the Game Get Better?
Hey, so I just did my first run, and I beat it with the sword guy, hit the heart and all that; does the game change or get better, or is it basically going to be the same ♥♥♥♥ the entire time?
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Showing 1-10 of 10 comments
Banzai Jul 4 @ 1:40pm 
Good job if you managed to win your first run. I assume you have some experience with this kind of game if you managed that.

As for what awaits you, theres four characters (each of which plays very differently) and theres lots of cards to unlock for each of them. Each character has a fair few viable decks (but you will need to lean into whatever stuff you get in a run). Theres ascension which gives you progressively harder runs to the heart and of course the "true ending" which I wont spoil for you but does involve rather more than just defeating the third boss.

Obviously the game doesnt fundamentally change - you will still be progressing upwards to the spire while building your deck on the way and fighting card battles, completing events doing the occasional minigame and shopping. Theres a ton of variety in the decks you will play and thats where the fun is for most people.
mldb88 Jul 4 @ 1:49pm 
There are some changes, though the core structure of the game stays the same. For a bit more detail:

-Playing enough runs with each character unlocks more cards and relics that can appear in runs
-Clearing your first run with a character unlocks Ascensions, which are cumulative modifiers that make the game more challenging (a total of 20 to run through for each character)
-Clearing the game with Ironclad, Silent and Defect unlock a way to [redacted]
-Clearing [redacted] unlocks some fun and well deserved cosmetic bonuses for that character's cards

There are also other modes like daily challenges and custom runs you can do if you want to shake things up a bit as well, but the core formula of the game is going to stay relatively the same (same 3 acts, chance one of the same 3 bosses at the end of each, etc etc).
LHGreen Jul 4 @ 1:59pm 
Last edited by LHGreen; Jul 4 @ 5:02pm
It will stay just the same. Have enough luck to get the right cards or get punished... ^^
Last edited by Rorschach; Jul 4 @ 3:56pm
LHGreen Jul 4 @ 4:35pm 
Originally posted by Rorschach:
It will stay just the same. Have enough luck to get the right cards or get punished... ^^

You only get punished for being too stupid to recognize the "right" cards when you see 'em.
Last edited by LHGreen; Jul 4 @ 4:36pm
Banzai Jul 4 @ 8:20pm 
Originally posted by LHGreen:
Originally posted by Rorschach:
It will stay just the same. Have enough luck to get the right cards or get punished... ^^

You only get punished for being too stupid to recognize the "right" cards when you see 'em.
To be fair, as a new player thats tricky. The OP managed to win their first run so kudos to them. The intricacy's of some of the card interactions only become apparent after you have experienced them (I am reminded of discovering X spells triggering on your full mana when played for free via stuff like mayhem) and even the basic interactions take a while to learn. Wouldnt say its a question of being stupid.
Romaki Jul 5 @ 12:18pm 
I don't know, are you interested in roguelike deckbuilders? If not, why did you even bother?
Like genuinely, why do you want us to tell you how to feel about the game. If you think it's too easy try playing it a second time. But at the end of the game this is a deckbuilder game.
I say that because people play the game and then get mad at the game for being what it is.
Ivydoom Jul 5 @ 1:55pm 
'hit the heart and all that'
On your next run, get the shards: 1 from chest, 1 from campfire, 1 from burning elite. Then beat 3rd boss and you will unlock true endgame.
Then do it again on ascension.
With all 4 characters.
It's different every run as you will be offered different relics, cards, enemies, paths and all that.
One run is hardly enough to give you an idea of the variety of the game. It's also very much a single player game which is reflected by the community.
Finishing your first run is just the beginning. There are 20 levels of hard mode modifiers to unlock, a true ending to find, and four characters to do it all.

And when you've had your fill of the base game, there's tons of mods to play around with.
LHGreen Jul 6 @ 1:40am 
Originally posted by Banzai:
Wouldnt say its a question of being stupid.

Normally, no, it's not. That's true. But it is for people who insist that it's about getting lucky enough to find the right cards or just losing, with no other options and nothing in between. You know, the ones who show up just to whine and have no interest in learning otherwise.
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