Slay the Spire
Questions for a project
Hi there! I was wondering if you had some time to answer some questions for a project of mine. I will be using your answers to create some objectives. I intend on creating a deck-building game, sort of like "Slay the spire" but mixed with the poker mechanics like balatro. Thank you for your time

1. Can you tell me a bit about your gaming background? What types of games do you usually play?
2. What features or mechanics do you find most engaging in strategy and card games?
3. What do you find most appealing about strategy and card games?
4. What are your initial thoughts on a game that combines poker mechanics with roguelike deck-building elements, like “Slay the Spire”?
5. How important is the balance between luck and strategy in games for you? Can you describe your ideal balance?
6. What are your initial thoughts on procedurally generated levels?
7. What kind of progression systems do you find satisfying in games? For example, unlocking new cards, gaining new card modifiers, or levelling up?
8. What aspects of a game like this would make you want to play it multiple times?
9. Are there any features or elements you dislike in strategy and card games? If so, what are they and why?
10. Are there any additional features you would enjoy in deck-building games?
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Showing 1-15 of 25 comments
Ivydoom Jul 4 @ 4:24pm 
If you are doing research for making your own game maybe do your due diligence and research the forums yourself. The answers are out there.
With all due respect and love I say this (but feel free to jester me anyways)

If not, please I'm interested in your project and when you tell me more I will answer your questions.

Take care!
Khor Jul 4 @ 8:14pm 
Poor Green, i guess killing children is off-limits? smh

That`s basically the cornerstone of most high-end Rpgs
not to mention the basics of every orphan-crushing-machine-powered system
Spawnling Jul 5 @ 11:02am 
I think you should make it the way you enjoy it the most.

Balatro was successful because the dev did something he wanted to and not by surveying the market. Surveys will only echo what already exists.

One advice I can give for roguelike deck builders in general: Don't make tiny decks superior to anything else.

A lot of good and fun roguelike deckbuilders I played had the problem that having a 10 card deck was always superior to having more cards.
Not picking additional cards was always better than adding a card. Even if the card is really good, your deck gets worse by adding it.
The consistency of drawing a certain card every other turn was always much better than adding an 11th card to the deck.
Slay the Spire does not have this problem, that's why I like it and think it's one of the best.
Originally posted by Khor:
Poor Green
Yeah, his last few posts sounded like he had a bad/tough week. Hope he's well.

If you read this, best wishes. :fhappy:
mldb88 Jul 5 @ 3:01pm 
Originally posted by Spawnling:
Originally posted by Khor:
Poor Green
Yeah, his last few posts sounded like he had a bad/tough week. Hope he's well.

If you read this, best wishes. :fhappy:

Yea, missed the post that even got him nuked. Not often the mods take action on these boards either…
LHGreen Jul 6 @ 1:11am 
Originally posted by Spawnling:
Yeah, his last few posts sounded like he had a bad/tough week. Hope he's well.

If you read this, best wishes. :fhappy:

Thanks. But I mean, I'm pretty much always having a bad/tough week. Nothing new there.

Originally posted by mldb88:
Yea, missed the post that even got him nuked. Not often the mods take action on these boards either…

Yeah, the mods were being stupid. They were flat-out wrong, by their own rules, but two or more of them checked the post and agreed that the removal of the post was correct. Still pissed about it, but at least they did me the courtesy of reviewing it and giving me a second opinion, so whatever. Anyway, here's the post with the "objectionable" material edited out:

Originally posted by ShadowUK:
I intend on creating a deck-building game, sort of like "Slay the spire" but mixed with the poker mechanics like balatro.

Soooo, you're just making Balatro?

Originally posted by ShadowUK:
I was wondering if you had some time to answer some questions...

1. Can you tell me a bit about your gaming background? What types of games do you usually play?
2. What features or mechanics do you find most engaging in strategy and card games?
3. What do you find most appealing about strategy and card games?
4. What are your initial thoughts on a game that combines poker mechanics with roguelike deck-building elements, like “Slay the Spire”?
5. How important is the balance between luck and strategy in games for you? Can you describe your ideal balance?
6. What are your initial thoughts on procedurally generated levels?
7. What kind of progression systems do you find satisfying in games? For example, unlocking new cards, gaining new card modifiers, or levelling up?
8. What aspects of a game like this would make you want to play it multiple times?
9. Are there any features or elements you dislike in strategy and card games? If so, what are they and why?
10. Are there any additional features you would enjoy in deck-building games?

Well, let's see...

1. I usually only play games that involvecensored content from Fallout (IYKYK)as a theme.
2. Content that was also cut/censored from Fallout 2.
3. Strategizing and card-playing.
4. Eh, if Balatro could do it well, I don't see why not.:conwayshrug:
5. Very, with a much greater emphasis on strategy than luck.
7. Unlocking the ability tocensored content from Fallout 1in new and interesting ways.
8. Censored content from Fallout 2, again. Maybe Bioshock and Pathologic count, too?.
9. I hate it when they have a lot of strategic breadth, but not much strategic depth. Slay the Spire, by contrast, has a limited pool of cards/relics/potions, but a lot of clever interactions between them and brilliant things you can do with them. Many games fail at that part of it.
10. Did I mentioncensored content from Fallout 2?

(I'm reposting this mostly because I really hope somebody gets what I did with number 6)

Originally posted by Khor:
That`s basically the cornerstone of most high-end Rpgs

Lol, which RPGs exactly? Other than the ones I mentioned, that is.
Last edited by LHGreen; Jul 6 @ 1:26am
Ivydoom Jul 6 @ 5:40pm 
Originally posted by LHGreen:

Originally posted by mldb88:
Yea, missed the post that even got him nuked. Not often the mods take action on these boards either…

Yeah, the mods were being stupid. They were flat-out wrong, by their own rules, but two or more of them checked the post and agreed that the removal of the post was correct. Still pissed about it, but at least they did me the courtesy of reviewing it and giving me a second opinion, so whatever. Anyway, here's the post with the "objectionable" material edited out:

Full disclosure: I reported it.
As someone not 'in the know' it was quite shocking to read your post.
Doesn't mean I intended to get you banned and I can respect you got to defend yourself and lift your ban. Welcome back.

I have come to the conclusion I do not fit in with this community so I will keep enjoying this game while steering clear of the discussions.

With love, take care.
Khor Jul 6 @ 8:51pm 
Originally posted by LHGreen:

Originally posted by Khor:
That`s basically the cornerstone of most high-end Rpgs

Lol, which RPGs exactly? Other than the ones I mentioned, that is.
By memory, quite a lot :conwayshrug:

Here`s a random list i found on the internet
Originally posted by Khor:
Here`s a random list i found on the internet
Disco Elysium can't count. You get a frakkin' game over. ♥♥♥♥♥♥ kid.
Also too many monsters. That''s less of a... visceral experience.
LHGreen Jul 6 @ 10:39pm 
Originally posted by Ivydoom:
Full disclosure: I reported it.


I mean, honestly, I kinda suspected, but still....:steamdeadpan:

Originally posted by Ivydoom:
As someone not 'in the know' it was quite shocking to read your post.

It was...


...a joke.:lunar2020stoicox:

Also, it was clearly about video games a person might play, not real life.

Originally posted by Ivydoom:
I can respect you got to defend yourself and lift your ban.

...I didn't. It was a temporary, 24 hour ban that expired.:lunar2019deadpanpig:

Anyway, no permanent harm done, so whatever, it's fine.:conwayshrug:

Originally posted by Ivydoom:
I have come to the conclusion I do not fit in with this community so I will keep enjoying this game while steering clear of the discussions.

Well, it helps to have an actual SENSE of humor. That's not the insult it may sound like, because I mean it in the way that a person can understand the concept of humor, but not be able to sense when something is a joke. Sometimes people just have trouble with it, but sometimes it can be caused by certain conditions, and I don't want to attack you or anyone else for it or make you feel alienated by the community if that is indeed the case.

But I'm not so sure about "not fitting in". I mean, this situation is actually pretty funny, and has provided some good opportunities for humor. You seem to have stumbled into fitting in pretty well by sheer accident. We could use a "straight man", and you're pretty good at it.

Just, please exercise a little more leniency in deciding whether to report a post.:lunar2020sweatrat:

Originally posted by Khor:
By memory, quite a lot :conwayshrug:

Here`s a random list i found on the internet

I found that exact list earlier, too. Only a few RPGs on there, though. And not many that allow you to do it just at random, outside of Fallout. It's usually a big dramatic thing.

Also, I kinda hate that Tyranny allows you to get around the kill while still succeeding the mission, instead of having to choose. It sort of defeats the whole point of the game.

Originally posted by Toxic Giant:
Disco Elysium can't count. You get a frakkin' game over. ♥♥♥♥♥♥ kid.
Also too many monsters. That''s less of a... visceral experience.

Yeah, and I don't think RE4 counts, either. She's may legally be a minor (and in the country in which it takes place, she might actually not be), but she's not actually a "child", strictly speaking. and it doesn't really count if you can let it happen, but can't do it yourself.
Last edited by LHGreen; Jul 6 @ 10:54pm
Khor Jul 6 @ 11:26pm 
eeh maybe just not properly RPG
i was thinking Frostpunk, Rimworld, Deus ex, Crusader knights
and lots of the old-school RPGs :conwayshrug:
Originally posted by Ivydoom:
Full disclosure: I reported it.
As someone not 'in the know' it was quite shocking to read your post.
Doesn't mean I intended to get you banned and I can respect you got to defend yourself and lift your ban. Welcome back.

I have come to the conclusion I do not fit in with this community so I will keep enjoying this game while steering clear of the discussions.

With love, take care.
Don't think you don't fit in, especially if the affected person thinks you'd fit in.
Broadly anyone fits in even if they feel the need to discuss for 1000+ posts about how 0 is a number less than 4.

In general I'd say don't report people before asking them what the actual heck they are talking about, or ignore it and wait until someone else explains the joke/reference in time.
Ivydoom Jul 7 @ 8:01am 
Originally posted by LHGreen:
Originally posted by Ivydoom:
Full disclosure: I reported it.


I mean, honestly, I kinda suspected, but still....:steamdeadpan:

Originally posted by Ivydoom:
As someone not 'in the know' it was quite shocking to read your post.

It was...


...a joke.:lunar2020stoicox:

Also, it was clearly about video games a person might play, not real life.

Originally posted by Ivydoom:
I can respect you got to defend yourself and lift your ban.

...I didn't. It was a temporary, 24 hour ban that expired.:lunar2019deadpanpig:

Anyway, no permanent harm done, so whatever, it's fine.:conwayshrug:

Originally posted by Ivydoom:
I have come to the conclusion I do not fit in with this community so I will keep enjoying this game while steering clear of the discussions.

Well, it helps to have an actual SENSE of humor. That's not the insult it may sound like, because I mean it in the way that a person can understand the concept of humor, but not be able to sense when something is a joke. Sometimes people just have trouble with it, but sometimes it can be caused by certain conditions, and I don't want to attack you or anyone else for it or make you feel alienated by the community if that is indeed the case.

But I'm not so sure about "not fitting in". I mean, this situation is actually pretty funny, and has provided some good opportunities for humor. You seem to have stumbled into fitting in pretty well by sheer accident. We could use a "straight man", and you're pretty good at it.

Just, please exercise a little more leniency in deciding whether to report a post.:lunar2020sweatrat:
I can see it was suspected, and I just wanted to be honest about it.

To me it was not obviously a joke. But then I just started posting again here a week ago so I missed a lot! And I am all for killing off characters once they outlive their usefulness, but then I di make sure to make it clear I speak of characters in a game. It's my bad I wasn't able to recognise your joke. I don't know you (and others here) well enough yet!

From your post I gathered you had an opportunity to defend and get your ban lifted. I wasn't told what specific action had been taken, only that action had been taken.

Humor is subjective, and while I can get dark at times, some humor is lost on me and yours in that speciffic post just shocked me a lot. I am on the autism spectrum and often jokes are lost on me, which in itselff can actually cause for very funny situations, I'm at peace with that and have a healthy sense of self-mockery.
Dealing with humans without seeing the body language for me can get pretty hard at times and well we now saw a consequence of that.
Yours is really the only post I ever reported, I have been called names and been sh4t on but I'm a huge supporter of free speech and I don't take reporting lightly.
Thanks for taking the time to talk this out.
Moving a bit back on topic of rogue likes and some thoughts of mine:
-StS uses an interesting card design. Every card is better than the basic Strike/Defend, which makes picking them early worthwile. You'll also rarely get see a basic card (Match and Keep event). -> Adding cards makes sense.

-Starting decksize of 10 (12) prevents you from being in a starting position where you'll always draw your added card every other turn, so adding more cards, to draw enough good cards (better than the basic ones) every turn, makes sense.

-Useless mechanics. Fights in Tight Spaces uses a Combo mechanic to play specific cards with combo points instead of energy. I can beat the game pretty consistently on the 2nd highest difficulty (before the dlc the highest) without ever picking one these cards.
(Edit: Drawing Combo cards early means they are dead draws and dead draws can end your run quickly. Additionally stages have bonus objectives, like finishing it in less than 6-8 turns rewards +1 permanent energy. So a dead draw can cost you a lot, which makes it imho a bad mechanic.)
On the contrast there's no reason not to use mechanics in StS (except Reprogram).
Last edited by Spawnling; Jul 7 @ 10:45am
Zu Jul 7 @ 4:02pm 
Originally posted by Ivydoom:
my bad I wasn't able to recognise your joke. I don't know you (and others here) well enough yet!
To be fair, even if you did recognize it was meant to be gallows humor, it's still reasonable to question what prompted it (e.g. if some recent game whose content is comparable to the original release of Fallout warrants topical satire) and why it was the guiding thread for half a post whose other half was seemingly genuine.
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