Slay the Spire
For those who out there struggles climbing the ascension ladder
Keep going!. give every run your best shot, who knows you might have found a different playstyle you like, dont give up, some most of run will have a turning point for you, you got to have perseverance. Its ok if you just want to give up a run if its become rlly unbearable, do it if you rlly need to save your sanity, go ahead and take a break, get some sleep, play other video games you like. i know i do it for the majority of my playtime of this game is actually just go to sleep when times get rough, there is no shaming in that!. i eventually manage to get almost characters to A20, and beat it (Minus the Watcher im currently on A14 as her, im taking a long break from STS to play other games im currently addicted to, and im lazy to do % maths to playing as her). It took me like 1 month and a half to do that!, im sure i can be faster than that, and im sure there is someone out there have done it faster than me, but im just happy i had realized what a wonderful experience i've been missed on for those couple of years, and im proud of myself how much i've grown as a player.
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Showing 1-15 of 42 comments
fheadx May 27 @ 3:01pm 
I'm a newb to the spire but not strategy games. I spent oh, 10 years with rts. There you abuse faction and unit bonuses. In games like spire the "bonuses" aren't immediately obvious how to exploit. Learning to use a bonus involves pushing it as far as possible and discovering its limits and nuances, to its failure point. You'll find it's best and worst cases for use, and how to synergize it with other systems.

Same with here but on steroids. It's almost all bonuses. Early on you're not losing, your experimenting is just failing a lot. And by the end you'll be abusing everything that can be abused.
Yea, same to me i dont play strategy video games much, and the only card game i ever play was Legends of Runeterra, but that was way long time ago, and it has no resemblance at all to STS, but what do i learn from playing games over the years is how do you leverage the advantage you currently have to ensure your victory, do i try to look for stronger stuffs to scaling up its like you having a reassurance? or do you feel confident you are strong enough so you just speeding up rushing the bosses? i learn that on my eclipse mode climbing in RoR 2, different games, but the point is the same, you need time, experiences and sense of the game. both of the games can be tough, so you need toughen up yourselves!.
mldb88 May 27 @ 3:58pm 
Originally posted by fheadx:
I'm a newb to the spire but not strategy games. I spent oh, 10 years with rts. There you abuse faction and unit bonuses. In games like spire the "bonuses" aren't immediately obvious how to exploit. Learning to use a bonus involves pushing it as far as possible and discovering its limits and nuances, to its failure point. You'll find it's best and worst cases for use, and how to synergize it with other systems.

Same with here but on steroids. It's almost all bonuses. Early on you're not losing, your experimenting is just failing a lot. And by the end you'll be abusing everything that can be abused.

The interesting thing about StS is there's very few "bad" cards, just cards that are more or less situational than others. Also with the way combats are designed and there being enemies that counter multiple strategies, it's generally best to go for a slightly more broad approach rather than putting all your eggs in one basket so to speak (for example if a lot of your deck relies of Shivs with silent, throwing in a few heavy damage cards or ways to really make each card count like a Finisher or Choke will help make Time Eater's card limit less oppressive to deal with).
But if you ask me what card to make the heart, the final boss of the spire to defeat, but dont mind a spoiler, here are some cards for each characters that give you an edge in that battle:

1.IronClad: Flame barrier, his classic trinity exhaust power cards.
2.Silent: Caltrops (pretty situational, and just meh card but not too bad for the heart fight) poison cards, catalyst, and piercing wail.
3.Defect: Static shock power card i forgot its exact name, combo with thunder strike, his frost orbs generator cards with blizzard is pretty comfy
4.Watcher: mental fortress, mantra cards, some good defense while you set up her big plan, and just bonk it with absurd amount of triplicated dmg.
fheadx Jun 7 @ 5:40pm 
Just beat A3 Ironclad. In the climb so far the winning runs were very different decks. But one thing common has been the size of the deck. Very thin early until I find cards that don't just bloat the deck. Under 20 at the first boss and very picky until the end when more cards fit the deck, finishing with near 30. Also, certain relics and cards are helpful in using a larger deck. I'm learning that exhaust is useful for that.
Originally posted by fheadx:
Just beat A3 Ironclad. In the climb so far the winning runs were very different decks. But one thing common has been the size of the deck. Very thin early until I find cards that don't just bloat the deck. Under 20 at the first boss and very picky until the end when more cards fit the deck, finishing with near 30. Also, certain relics and cards are helpful in using a larger deck. I'm learning that exhaust is useful for that.
The hard thing is being picky with cards and still getting enough damage to kill elites.
Sometimes you have to either pick a card or skip an elite and weight which one hurts more in the long run.
Originally posted by fheadx:
Just beat A3 Ironclad. In the climb so far the winning runs were very different decks.

You are learning an important lesson right here.

Different decks can be successful, so don't focus too much on a 'build' ahead of time. Instead focus on taking what you think will help compliment your deck at the time.

Taking rewards that will help you in the moment will trump going for a pre-determined build every single time. Be dynamic in your approach vs being static (builds).
Last edited by trial_by_fire; Jun 7 @ 5:52pm
fheadx Jun 7 @ 6:35pm 
Originally posted by Spawnling:
Originally posted by fheadx:
Just beat A3 Ironclad. In the climb so far the winning runs were very different decks. But one thing common has been the size of the deck. Very thin early until I find cards that don't just bloat the deck. Under 20 at the first boss and very picky until the end when more cards fit the deck, finishing with near 30. Also, certain relics and cards are helpful in using a larger deck. I'm learning that exhaust is useful for that.
The hard thing is being picky with cards and still getting enough damage to kill elites.
Sometimes you have to either pick a card or skip an elite and weight which one hurts more in the long run.

I bypassed the first elite because I wasn't ready, hit a campfire instead for an upgrade. Then picked up a couple of nice cards that made the next elite a comfy fight. And the deck got slowly better from there on.
fheadx Jun 7 @ 6:41pm 
Originally posted by trial_by_fire:
Originally posted by fheadx:
Just beat A3 Ironclad. In the climb so far the winning runs were very different decks.

You are learning an important lesson right here.

Different decks can be successful, so don't focus too much on a 'build' ahead of time. Instead focus on taking what you think will help compliment your deck at the time.

Taking rewards that will help you in the moment will trump going for a pre-determined build every single time. Be dynamic in your approach vs being static (builds).

I've been looking for certain cards and combos. Still learning those and finding different ways to get things done. I consider things like energy budget and moving the deck thru my hand when picking. If I get those I'll be more liberal in adding to the mix. It's an interesting game.
fheadx Jun 8 @ 11:29am 
Beat A4 first attempt, feels nice. Winning these takes me 2-3 hours, for the thinking thru of all the decisions. Talking things out with myself helps a lot. Next, I see that less hp is recovered after boss fights. Uh oh!
Just unlocked A5 w/Silent
fheadx Jun 9 @ 7:37am 
Great fun, huh, old dude?

A5 down now, 2nd try. Before those tries I went thru half a run before I realized it was A0. That was unfortunate, as I was building my first exhaust heavy deck. A thing I'm noticing is how the deck composition dictates the playing of the fights. Even tho decks might have similarities, they can feel very different in action. As well, my familiarity is growing and my decision making is improving due to that.
LHGreen Jun 9 @ 10:01am 
Originally posted by fheadx:
Great fun, huh, old dude?

A5 down now, 2nd try. Before those tries I went thru half a run before I realized it was A0. That was unfortunate, as I was building my first exhaust heavy deck. A thing I'm noticing is how the deck composition dictates the playing of the fights. Even tho decks might have similarities, they can feel very different in action. As well, my familiarity is growing and my decision making is improving due to that.

Wait until you get to the point where you start with a permanent curse in your deck.:distrusttricky:
Originally posted by LHGreen:
Wait until you get to the point where you start with a permanent curse in your deck.:distrusttricky:
I like to think of a10 as the base difficulty of the game. Anything before is easy mode.
Not that the game is easy for everyone, but a10 is where you start with your full deck.
Khor Jun 9 @ 11:08am 
Frankly, "forced brick" is another old and very questionable design.
It`s not like the game has huge hyperconsistency problems :conwayshrug:
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