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Shini  [developer] Aug 2, 2016 @ 2:29am
Keyboard & Mouse Full controls List
Had to list here as the amount is too much to fit into 1 picture.

Title Menu
  • Backspace: Exit the game.
  • Left-Click: Proceed to main menu.

Main Menu
  • WSAD: Control up/down/left/right.
  • Left-Click: Confirm/OK.
  • Right-Click: Cancel/Return to Title Menu.

Character Selection Menu
  • WSAD: Control up/down/left/right.
  • Left-Click: Confirm Character/Color selection.
  • Right-Click: Confirm selection.
  • Enter: Confirm and proceed to Stage Selection.
  • Backspace: Return to Title Menu.

Stage Selection Menu
  • WSAD: Control up/down/left/right.
  • I : Regulations.
  • Left-Click: Confirm.
  • Right-Click: Return to Character Selection.

Regulations Menu
  • WSAD: Control up/down/left/right.
  • Left-Click: Confirm.
  • Right-Click: Cancel.
  • K: Switch to the left next tab.
  • CTRL: Switch to the right next tab.

Battle Controls
  • WSAD: Character movements.
  • B: Blast Drive / Modern Cancel
  • Spacebar: Jump/Aerial Dash/ Air or Land Recovery
  • Spacebar during jumping: Aerial Dash
  • Left-Click: Normal attack.
  • Left-Click + Any directional input: Smash attack.
  • Right-Click: Special Attack.
  • Left-click + Right click: Overdrive Attack.
  • 1-6: Use item/skill slot.
  • T: Cyclone Blast (only while during being attacked)
  • C: Command Servants - Advance
  • Z: Command Servants - Standby
  • X: Command Servants - Retreat
  • Backspace: Taunt
  • Backspace + Any directional input: Respect
  • Ctrl: Lock-on
  • Shift: Lock camera

ORGAN Controls
  • G: Open ORGAN menu
  • Right-click: Close ORGAN menu / Cancel
  • Left-click: Select/Confirm
  • A/M: Switch to left tab.
  • D/N: Switch to right tab.

  • R: Summon servant.
  • -> Left-click on map: Select destination.
  • -> Ctrl+Left-Click: Select individual servant.
  • -> Left-click on item/skill: Purchase

  • N/M: Zoom in/Zoom out.
  • Hover across intended item/skill, left click: Sell
  • Hover across intended servant, press I: delete servant
  • Hold Shift + mouse movement: Shift ORGAN map angle.
  • T: Reset ORGAN camera alterations.
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Showing 1-13 of 13 comments
Red Aug 2, 2016 @ 4:54am 
And now, the French translation (hope you don't mind) :)

Attention : Assurez-vous de passer votre clavier en mode QWERTY ou de reconfigurer les touches au préalable si vous avez un clavier AZERTY.

Ecran Titre
  • Retour arrière (backspace): Quitter le jeu.
  • Clic gauche: Accéder au menu principal.

Menu Principal
  • WSAD: Contrôler haut/bas/gauche/droite.
  • Clic gauche: Confirmer/OK.
  • Clic droit: Annuler/Retourner à l'Ecran Titre.

Menu de Sélection du Personnage
  • WSAD: Contrôler haut/bas/gauche/droite.
  • Clic gauche: Confirmer la sélection du Personnage/de la Couleur.
  • Clic droit: Confirmer la sélection.
  • Entrée: Confirmer et accéder à la Sélection du Stage (ou Niveau, comme vous voulez).
  • Retour arrière (backspace): Retourner à l'Ecran Titre.

Menu de Sélection du Stage (ou Niveau)
  • WSAD: Contrôler haut/bas/gauche/droite.
  • I : Règlement.
  • Clic gauche: Confirmer.
  • Clic droit: Retourner à la Sélection du Personnage.

Menu du Règlement
  • WSAD: Contrôler haut/bas/gauche/droite.
  • Clic gauche: Confirmer.
  • Clic droit: Annuler.
  • K: Basculer vers l'onglet suivant à gauche.
  • CTRL: Basculer vers l'onglet suivant à droite.

Contrôles en Combat
  • WSAD: Mouvements du personnage.
  • B: Blast Drive / Modern Cancel
  • Barre d'espace: Saut / Dash Aérien / Récupération en l'air ou au sol
  • Barre d'espace durant un saut: Dash Aérien.
  • Clic gauche: Attaque normale.
  • Clic gauche + n'importe quelle direction: Attaque smash. "fracassante" si je devais donner une traduction
  • Clic droit: Attaque spéciale.
  • Clic gauche + Clic droit: Attaque Overdrive. "surcharge"
  • 1-6: Utiliser un emplacement d'objet/de compétence.
  • T: Cyclone Blast (seulement quand en train de subir des attaques) "Explosion Cyclone"
  • C: Commander les Serviteurs - Avancer
  • Z: Commander les Serviteurs - Rester en attente
  • X: Commander les Serviteurs - Se retirer
  • Retour arrière (backspace): Provocation
  • Retour arrière (backspace) + n'importe quelle direction: Respect
  • Ctrl: Verrouillage (sur un ennemi)
  • Maj: Verrouiller la caméra

Contrôles de l'ORGAN
  • G: Ouvrir le menu ORGAN
  • Clic droit: Fermer le menu ORGAN / Annuler
  • Clic gauche: Sélectionner/Confirmer
  • A/M: Basculer vers l'onglet de gauche.
  • D/N: Basculer vers l'onglet de droite.

  • R: Invoquer un serviteur.
  • -> Clic gauche sur la carte (map): Sélectionner la destination.
  • -> Ctrl+Clic gauche: Sélectionner un seul serviteur.
  • -> Clic gauche sur un objet/une compétence: Acheter

  • N/M: Zoomer/Dézoomer.
  • Survoler un objet/une compétence, clic gauche: Vendre
  • Survoler un serviteur, appuyer sur I: supprimer le serviteur
  • Maintenir Maj + mouvement de souris: Changer l'angle de la carte (map) de l'ORGAN.
  • T: Réinitialiser l'angle de la caméra de l'ORGAN. à vérifier, si c'est ça c'est plus simple que "réinitialiser les changements faits à la caméra de l'ORGAN"
Last edited by Red; Aug 2, 2016 @ 8:24am
Red Aug 2, 2016 @ 4:56am 
Just a question though, isn't "Backspace: Return to Title Menu" in the "Character Selection Menu" section supposed to be "Return to Main Menu", or does it really return to the title screen?

Edit : Some other questions (for the translation, and also explainatory purposes)... "Regulations" is for the battle's settings/rules, isn't it? (I have temporarily translated it into "Game Rules")
Also, I haven't launched the game since a while (and never played it on a keyboard), but "lock-on" refers to locking the camera onto an enemy if I'm not mistaken, thus I'm wondering about what Shift does... Doesn't it reset the camera?
Last edited by Red; Aug 2, 2016 @ 5:33am
Shini  [developer] Aug 2, 2016 @ 7:58am 
Shift is locking the camera without making you locking on to an enemy. Most people wont really have use of it but some REALLY advanced players do take advantage of it, since your character does lock-on moves instead of regular ones while in it.

Regulations is the settings for the online player match room.
Red Aug 2, 2016 @ 8:19am 
Originally posted by Shini:
Shift is locking the camera without making you locking on to an enemy. Most people wont really have use of it but some REALLY advanced players do take advantage of it, since your character does lock-on moves instead of regular ones while in it.

Regulations is the settings for the online player match room.
Thank you a lot! I'll adjust the translation then :)
Futeki Aug 2, 2016 @ 11:02pm 
Excellent & well done mighty warriors!
Cyrodeus May 21, 2021 @ 8:25pm 
How does modern canceling on keyboard work. Maybe it's just me but I can't get it to work.
Cyrodeus May 21, 2021 @ 8:33pm 
nvm I got it.
ratso May 21, 2021 @ 8:36pm 
Originally posted by Cyrodeus:
nvm I got it.
Thanks for sharing your findings
Cyrodeus May 21, 2021 @ 8:40pm 
It's B.
Red May 22, 2021 @ 4:23am 
Originally posted by ratso:
Originally posted by Cyrodeus:
nvm I got it.
Thanks for sharing your findings
There's a "manual" showing the default controls on the store page if you're the visual type, and you can rebind keyboard controls if necessary by following the instructions in one of the last patch notes.
Savaki Nov 14, 2021 @ 2:39am 
I tried "Left-click + Right click: Overdrive Attack", but it doesn't work.
What's wrong?
How to short dash btw?
Sekay191 Jun 13, 2023 @ 5:46pm 
I use Xbox series X gamepad and work only wireless
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