The August Before

The August Before

Great demo! a few bugs i found
First of all i want to say i love this game, I can tell that your vibe inspiration is life is strange which I love since its my favourite game series. The colours are so pretty and i really like the vintage-y feel the graphics and art style have. I think the game play is fun, kind of reminds me of unpacking, just more interactive since you can walk around.

I didn't find many bugs, but ill let you know about the few that I can think of that bugged me (ha get it, bugged).
1. The scissors through the desk (I know others have mentioned this before me)
2. I was searching for the code (before i realised it was on the wall) and went through the suitcase, and when I clicked on the little pink pouch thing on the left side of the suitcase, it disappeared and when I looked around I found it stuck in the wall next to the door. Was very unexpected to find it there.
3. At the end when I closed the suitcase, all the items that were in the open lid part of the suitcase stayed standing up when the lid of the suitcase closed.
4. This one isn't a bug, but I found it kind of hard to get some of the items off the bed, had to walk around and maneuver my character a lot to be able to reach a couple items.

None of these things prevented me from completing the demo, however, they were still bugs so i wanted to mention them.

I'm so excited to play the full release, I loved the demo and I'm excited to see what else you have planned for this game. Thank you!
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агент моссада  [developer] Jun 13 @ 5:17am 
Hey! SillyLittleGames speaking:) Thank you so much for your feedback!! we are so so happy you liked it. And we really appreciate you mentioning bugs you've encountered and we will try to fix it as quickly as we can! It really helps us to make our game even more awesome.

If you would like to follow the development process, you can hop in our Discord server. Would be fun to find you there!
I'll second #4. I accidentally moved the pink box into the corner of the room on the bed and had to restart to see what was in it. I couldn't reach it otherwise.

All in all, it was a sweet little game. I wish I were young enough to just be leaving home for college.
Last edited by BedgeHead; Jun 16 @ 6:10pm
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