Indiana Jones and the Great Circle

Indiana Jones and the Great Circle

Imagine ...
To hype or hate a game that hasn't even been released yet, and to be more afraid of the woke movement than of the third world war :-/

Reading these threads makes me sick, at least there are some who can keep a cool head. It seems that this is becoming more and more difficult for some people these days ...

What you see in the trailer looks promising but that's about it. I'll keep my feet still until there's a first real gameplay video.

Snakes. ...
< >
Showing 1-6 of 6 comments
AirAmerika Jun 19 @ 9:29pm 
Amen, brother...!!! Well put..!!
You said it...We will see.
I hope Indy fights some cannibalistic tribe or magical voodoo stuff hehe...I love Temple Of Doom so I wished this game was more like that...I have hope this game will do good! I love me some Indiana Jones!
Last edited by J_DarkJedi_B; Jun 20 @ 12:51pm
Originally posted by J_DarkJedi_B:
You said it...We will see.
I hope Indy fights some cannibalistic tribe or magical voodoo stuff hehe...I love Temple Of Doom so I wished this game was more like that...I have hope this game will do good! I love me some Indiana Jones!

Some Voodoo stuff would be cool indeed, i liked that in Mafia3 a lot ;-)
I feel like there are some very insecure people out there that they obsess over supposed 'wokeness.' If they don't want to change their pronouns in a game, don't change them. DUH. Why care how other people are playing THEIR game. I think you're right, I'll wait to see what the game is like and what kind of REAL reviews there are, and not just ones where people are whinging about things that aren't really about the gameplay or actual storyline of the game.
DogMeat Jun 30 @ 2:59pm 
You realize we're more likely than ever to be drawn in and beaten in WWIII due to wokeness?

I don't know if you've been paying attention to what's been happening in government and the military. I wish it was just a cultural annoyance that had no other reach.

As for the game, they're working with a company that would neuter the style of an Indiana Jones game... and even Indy as a character. The COMPANY making this has a track record.

People aren't just assuming this will be bad... all the ingredients are here to ruin it. It being good and respectful of the source material will be a feat.
Wess 13 hours ago 
Originally posted by He/was/not/in/our/perimeter/xD:
To hype or hate a game that hasn't even been released yet, and to be more afraid of the woke movement than of the third world war :-/

Reading these threads makes me sick, at least there are some who can keep a cool head. It seems that this is becoming more and more difficult for some people these days ...

What you see in the trailer looks promising but that's about it. I'll keep my feet still until there's a first real gameplay video.

Snakes. ...

I just don't back a racist company , that's all. Personal decision i guess. Have fun tho!
< >
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