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"Saving" a run or retry Ante?
I have heard that holding R will give you the ability to retry an ante without starting over, is this true?

Also any other way to retry an ante without starting over and without mods?
Dont care about leaderboards and stuff, just would like to try again if I fail on a good run without starting over, and yes I know its a Roguelike.

But can you backup your save file. deactivate cloud saving and try again? Does this work?
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Showing 1-2 of 2 comments
malogoss Jul 9 @ 10:31am 
Holding R does NOT restart the ante.

It restarts the whole run, from ante 1, with the same deck and same stake but with a different seed.
Goblin Jul 9 @ 10:52am 
There's a "zen mode" mod that allows you to redo an ante when you lose, it may have reworked the hold R behavior and you stumbled upon someone discussing that. But yeah normally it just starts a new run, like Malogoss said.
I assume savescumming with backups of the save file would work, though I haven't tried it and it seems like a lot of effort to do it routinely enough to really be helpful.

That zen mode mod, in case you're interested:
Uses the Steamodded modloader ( ). No idea if it works in the current version of the game though, has it been 5 months since the big update came out? Balance patches are less likely to break stuff.
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