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no sound why why why
Tried this weird openanal or whatever the hell .dll trick but it doesn't work, the w32 + w64. IT DOESN'T WORK AND IDK WHY MY GAME WAS WORKING GREAT YESTERDAY I NEED SOUND BOYS IT JUST VANISHED
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Tried this weird open anal?
I'm not sure what you mean, but if you went messing with game files, and then something broke, I'd suspect the culprit is the having mucked about with said files.
So uh, maybe try doing a file integrity check, and see if anything gets repaired?

Otherwise, I'm lost as to how to help, yo.
Basic troubleshooting instructs us to examine all actions taken between the last known good working instance, and the moment the problem became apparent.
Before that, though, because of the ease and speed of it, it's probably worth doing a couple other things.

It's implied that sound works elsewhere for you, but just in case you don't have that information, check that it does. Not trying to insinuate that you're stupid, I'm just an outsider and I know only what you've told us directly.

If you haven't already, it's worth checking out your system's volume settings. Make sure the game didn't somehow end up muted.

Make sure there aren't any pending updates for your system. I've had stuff break in strange ways for no apparent reason, only to have it solved by installing an OS update that was (seemingly) unrelated to my issue.

Uh, and, lastly, it's dumb, but if you're expecting audio through regular speakers, make sure a pair of headphones isn't plugged in.

If you don't figure anything out from those five things, you'll either need the aid of someone more experienced than I, or you'll have to give us more, and more specific information. Namely, telling us precisely what ".dll trick" you tried, what it was intended to do, and what steps it or you took to attempt to implement it. Giving details on what "w32" and "w64" mean in context would also likely be valuable.

Sorry you're having troubles.

[Edited because I'm dumb and just forgot to type half a sentence. X^P ]
Last edited by Paul Ryevere; Jul 8 @ 11:43am
BaconX Jul 8 @ 6:57pm 
Originally posted by Paul Ryevere:
Tried this weird open anal?

Giggity giggity goo
Originally posted by Rip Van Winkle:
Tried this weird openanal

:laughing_yeti: I'm sure that's supposed to be "OpenAL".
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