Lunar Lander Beyond

Lunar Lander Beyond

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Lighthope Apr 23 @ 10:38am
$30 for Lunar Lander Beyond? Good luck!
Wow, talk about overpriced! I'm not knocking the amount of work that went into it compared to the Recharged titles. But this is way expensive! Especially since the Recharged titles are ridiculous even at $10

Atari, be more reasonable with your pricing. $15 for Lunar Lander Beyond. And be thankful you're getting that much.
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Showing 1-15 of 16 comments
Yeah, is a crazy price.
Can't believe this wasn't the first post after seeing the price. If I was drinking when I saw it I would have choked.
PEET Apr 24 @ 10:10pm 
Played the demo and its very good.
Its a shame that its so over priced that nobody is going to play it. :(
I agree, Yikes. $30 for this is really swinging for the fences.
Minken Apr 26 @ 8:38am 
In my opinion: 28,99€ is a very greedy price.

Isn't it better to sell several copies for a reasonable price instead of selling very few copies for an overprice? Well, not according to Atari.

One developer has made one post on the Steam forums:
Originally posted by SmugPorky:
Lunar Lander Beyond has a full campaign mode that spans across several different planets that you visit as the story progresses, and there's tons of characters, dialogue with full voice acting, multiple ships and abilities to unlock too!

Other than that post, it's all quiet. They might be waiting for the $$$ to come in?
Well, at least my bucks won't get in the hands of the developers' pay check in the near future.

I agree with OP: 28,99€ for Lunar Lander Beyond? Good luck!
ReddOwl Apr 26 @ 10:44am 
Well...I will wait for some Humble Bundle or anything, this price is crazy
Minken May 1 @ 10:40am 
Not even a handfull of reviews yet - LOL!
What did they expect with that price?!

Gray Zone Warfare was released today. Almost 13k reviews already!
Last edited by Minken; May 1 @ 10:48am
Chelle May 2 @ 2:41am 
Yep , $43.95 here in Australia, nah I'll pass Atari.

I'll give it five - ten weeks before it's $ 10.00 and even then I'll likely pass.
Pardon the pun here but I don't know what 'planet' they're on.
There is a cost of living crisis and for that money there are numerous retro and 'modern' retro games available.

There seems to be a huge disparity to what is today 'value' and what is frankly ludicrous.
I'm sixty years of age and I can afford to buy it but on principal I shall not.
Whilst I know games take time and effort to produce if this game was realistically at least half of that cost it may stand a chance.

I don't know who their market executive is, but they need replacing.

Last edited by Chelle; May 2 @ 2:51am
Add a cockpit, controls and VR....It might be worth the 30.00 USD. Maybe
Last edited by outfctrl; May 6 @ 3:23pm
Originally posted by outfctrl:
Add a cockpit, controls and VR....It might be worth the 30.00 USD. Maybe

That would totally be an interesting design. Though most people don't have VR, so maybe lose that. Everything else, though....!
Originally posted by Minken:
Not even a handfull of reviews yet - LOL!
What did they expect with that price?!

Here's my review. It's PS5 but how different can it be?
Originally posted by AlienMenace:
I agree, Yikes. $30 for this is really swinging for the fences.

This game has 3-4x the content of any of the Recharged games. Well worth the asking price. Some cool new mechanics at work here. Great game.
Tempest May 13 @ 3:26pm 
I've yet to purchase any of the new Atari games, with the exception of Atari 50. My reasoning is that all of them, including Tempest 4000, in my opinion just judging from the videos are not as fun as the originals.

Shadowspawn is this game better than the original?
I´d pay 4.99 for this tbh. I like the retro style but the cutscenes are totally uninteresting and skipable. And the loading screens? 10 secs loading between everything on a high end machine. Hmm.. not sure about this game, will keep it on my wishlist
The price is far to high, ill wait until it drops.
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