Lunar Lander Beyond

Lunar Lander Beyond

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Will this get a modern controller direction control?
We have analog sticks to indicate direction, and there's not a lot of reason to force the turn-left/-right only inputs of old arcade cabinets. I didn't see any options to switch to a "rotate toward stick direction" model, like more modern thruster games use (eg, Nova Drift). Is that coming in the full game, or are players stuck with more left/right only archaism?
Last edited by Tyrian Mollusk; Jan 24 @ 12:18pm
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SmugPorky  [developer] Mar 13 @ 8:40am 
No spoilers, but different Landers in the full game might have different control schemes ;)
Last edited by SmugPorky; Mar 13 @ 8:40am
No spoilers, but that would be a silly way to handle player input.
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