Unable to go in windowed mode
The game seems to stay in fullscreen mode even though I changed to windowed, it seems to not do anything to switch back and forth on the setting, although it worked a first time before going back to fullscreen after changing resolution, any solution ?
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Thank you for pointing out this issue, Bwon.
I'll make sure to relay it to the people at Graphite Lab - they'll have a look at it.
To help in this issue, could you please let me know what operating system you're running the game on?
Last edited by Flightless Baguette; Feb 27 @ 6:52am
Raitheoshow  [developer] Feb 28 @ 12:50pm 
Hey Bwon,

We've tested this on our side and can't seem to get this issue to reproduce. Can you tell us more about your platform and resolution?
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