

Nice little demo
Nice and cozy little time. I liked the art style and actually being able to see all the little critters and sealife as more of the area gets cleaned up, nice little touch. on the whole, a pretty chill, simple and short time, very enjoyable. I also understood the controls right away, I actually like how they have momentum and weight to them, like an actual vessel would, really nice touch.

Only a few points I'd like to address:
-I don't really see the point of the speed upgrade personally. I think working at a slower pace makes it easier to handle and navigate so more speed felt entirely useless to me, especially based on the narrowness of a lot of the areas. maybe if there are more areas that are super wide open I could understand it and hopefully there are in the full release so it makes sense.
-I'm not sure of the point of the creatures you pick up other than to clean them? Don't get me wrong, it's fine and all, I'm just not sure if I'm missing something here or what.
-I like the way the demo gives you some time to introduce a mechanic and then use it a little bit before introducing a new one. Though I'm very curious as to how many more you have in store for the final game, I'd love to see any other uses for what we already have or any entirely new mechanics there are in store.

Wishlisted and intrigued