

Greate job!
Thank you so much for a fun, exciting and interesting game. Wishlisted
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Well since everyone said all positive words on the forum and I dont know how to say it differently I will leave my congrats here :D

Really fun little game, good job... I guess the game will be short and I know is a chilling game but I hope is expanded a bit. Probably not the aim of the game but it would be nice to see a bigger boat with more upgrades to clean zones.

EDIT: While playing noticed we dont have any UI, and I missed at least something that tells me how much throttle I have applied. Other than that, the game is fine.
Last edited by Mr.SeriousCatt; Jun 9 @ 6:32am
Just adding to the sentiment. Good game. I enjoyed it. Can't wait for it to be finished and come out. Wishlisted and followed.
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