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pm Jun 10 @ 2:49pm
does this ever get going im like 30 hours in and pretty much nothing happens in terms of an overall story
theres no real hook like the start of the first game
here you just go around doing nothing
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Showing 1-15 of 15 comments
This is not a game you play for its story - it's very bog standard outside of one sequence, and then regresses even further.
pm Jun 11 @ 3:11am 
Originally posted by Second Duke Revier:
This is not a game you play for its story - it's very bog standard outside of one sequence, and then regresses even further.
even further
im curious about how it could do such thing it was already pretty nothing until the end of chapter 1
Originally posted by Second Duke Revier:
This is not a game you play for its story - it's very bog standard outside of one sequence, and then regresses even further.

I heard nothing but praise for the story of Star Ocean 2, what's up with that
Probably people being nostalgic, or holding video game storytelling to a lower standard than usual. Happens quite often in my experience.
Last edited by Second Duke Revier; Jun 11 @ 6:51pm
JunK Jun 11 @ 8:03pm 
30 hours in doesn't say much as to where you're at
people need to keep in mind this game is nearly 25+ years old. the story for its time was great. i still think it is good, but obviously times have changed and we expect more now-a-days
Etragorn Jun 12 @ 1:06pm 
Originally posted by JunK:
30 hours in doesn't say much as to where you're at
people need to keep in mind this game is nearly 25+ years old. the story for its time was great. i still think it is good, but obviously times have changed and we expect more now-a-days

I agree with this. Also, don't be surprised if a few small elements of the story don't add up quite right. The story in the original game wasn't 100% cohesive, and I think the remake team did their absolute best to try and fix it as best they could without actually altering the original story, which would likely be necessary to fix the cohesion issues.

There is actually a funny part that can be triggered in the late game at a certain point where the characters actually discuss the cohesion issue and basically conclude their discussion by saying "Let's not think about it too hard" which I believe is actually a *wink* to the player to do the same, showing that the team was aware of the issue, but there were limits to what they could do to fix it.

As far as the story, it really starts to pick up the pace once you are past the Hoffman Ruins. From that point forward it is quite gripping and dynamic. If you haven't reached that point yet, just keep pushing forward.
Last edited by Etragorn; Jun 12 @ 1:12pm
pm Jun 12 @ 1:22pm 
Originally posted by JunK:
30 hours in doesn't say much as to where you're at
people need to keep in mind this game is nearly 25+ years old. the story for its time was great. i still think it is good, but obviously times have changed and we expect more now-a-days
i keep seeing this in defense of the lackluster story theres games from these times or older with far superior stories just because its old doesnt mean the stories were bad i dont think this game story could have been great even for its time at least how far i am i could be wrong it could become super amazing in this second half but so far its not looking like it
is not about the writing quality either its about interesting meaningful stuff actually happening
but also im not gonna just not give points to this game it has fun interaction with the characters with the little events and in the main story too
but for me theres just not a hook with the story like with the first game with right from the get go you get some objective that really got me invested here theres nothing
Originally posted by JunK:
30 hours in doesn't say much as to where you're at
people need to keep in mind this game is nearly 25+ years old. the story for its time was great. i still think it is good, but obviously times have changed and we expect more now-a-days
I always find this sort of defense weird. How exactly was it good "for its time" when timeless classics like the Four Great Chinese Novels or the Iliad have existed for far longer than it? It's not like it had the technological limitations of the NES or even the SNES, where they had to truncate dialogue and couldn't resort to various cinematic tricks due to space issues. The best defense I can imagine is that they were writing for an interactive experience, which, generally speaking, is harder to do than writing a static, linear story, and probably the main reason why video games, by and large, have still not realized their storytelling potential, despite many attempts.
Last edited by Second Duke Revier; Jun 12 @ 4:43pm
Originally posted by Second Duke Revier:
Originally posted by JunK:
30 hours in doesn't say much as to where you're at
people need to keep in mind this game is nearly 25+ years old. the story for its time was great. i still think it is good, but obviously times have changed and we expect more now-a-days
I always find this sort of defense weird. How exactly was it good "for its time" when timeless classics like the Four Great Chinese Novels or the Iliad have existed for far longer than it? It's not like it had the technological limitations of the NES or even the SNES, where they had to truncate dialogue and couldn't resort to various cinematic tricks due to space issues. The best defense I can imagine is that they were writing for an interactive experience, which, generally speaking, is harder to do than writing a static, linear story, and probably the main reason why video games, by and large, have still not realized their storytelling potential, despite many attempts.

Originally posted by princessmilk:
i keep seeing this in defense of the lackluster story theres games from these times or older with far superior stories just because its old doesnt mean the stories were bad i dont think this game story could have been great even for its time at least how far i am i could be wrong it could become super amazing in this second half but so far its not looking like it
is not about the writing quality either its about interesting meaningful stuff actually happening
but also im not gonna just not give points to this game it has fun interaction with the characters with the little events and in the main story too
but for me theres just not a hook with the story like with the first game with right from the get go you get some objective that really got me invested here theres nothing

Yeah but if you're like 8 years old in a rental store and your parents can't afford to just buy you every game you want then it's pretty good. You're looking at this old game from the lens of an adult, you gotta remember that absolutely no one who was an adult played this originally. 8 year olds are a lot less discriminating and tend to fill in a lot of gaps subconsciously with their imagination, it's why we get that nostalgia factor for games in the first place! :D
Last edited by DUCKIN AROUND; Jun 19 @ 3:13am
Poyzo Jun 20 @ 11:04am 
The game was released in the 90's and the demographic was children. It was good enough back then.
pm Jun 20 @ 4:52pm 
Originally posted by Poyzo:
The game was released in the 90's and the demographic was children. It was good enough back then.
i disagree with this kind of thinking
theres games with way more interesting stories
but i realize i was too rough with it
the story just disappointed me since all i kept seeing was people saying how stellar it was
but its a really good game i can apreciate it way more now
pretty good remake too
Originally posted by princessmilk:
Originally posted by Poyzo:
The game was released in the 90's and the demographic was children. It was good enough back then.
i disagree with this kind of thinking
theres games with way more interesting stories
but i realize i was too rough with it
the story just disappointed me since all i kept seeing was people saying how stellar it was
but its a really good game i can apreciate it way more now
pretty good remake too

It was more fun when you guys were crapping on the game. Go back to that! Tell me more about how completely unworthy the story is! Where is the guy that was saying we " holding video game storytelling to a lower standard than usual. Happens quite often in my experience"??? THAT WAS GOLD: Basically telling anyone that likes the story that they're objectively wrong!! That was soooo cool! Come back and crap on the game more!!!!
pm Jun 28 @ 11:04am 
Originally posted by TheWashableBomb:
Originally posted by princessmilk:
i disagree with this kind of thinking
theres games with way more interesting stories
but i realize i was too rough with it
the story just disappointed me since all i kept seeing was people saying how stellar it was
but its a really good game i can apreciate it way more now
pretty good remake too

It was more fun when you guys were crapping on the game. Go back to that! Tell me more about how completely unworthy the story is! Where is the guy that was saying we " holding video game storytelling to a lower standard than usual. Happens quite often in my experience"??? THAT WAS GOLD: Basically telling anyone that likes the story that they're objectively wrong!! That was soooo cool! Come back and crap on the game more!!!!
you can hate it all you want
the story is bad the villians are meaningless
this was my first star ocean i beat since then i went back and beat 1 and then 5
and now im playing through 6
it seems to be the case for the series
the villians are nothing
the stories arent much
but i found my own appreciation for the series now
its not a bout the story (because it sucks) its not about the villians (because they suck)
its about the characters and their interactions with each other
and its about the gameplay
Originally posted by TheWashableBomb:
It was more fun when you guys were crapping on the game. Go back to that! Tell me more about how completely unworthy the story is! Where is the guy that was saying we " holding video game storytelling to a lower standard than usual. Happens quite often in my experience"??? THAT WAS GOLD: Basically telling anyone that likes the story that they're objectively wrong!! That was soooo cool! Come back and crap on the game more!!!!

I'm still here, y'know. >_>

But no, I didn't mean to say people were wrong for liking this story, merely explaining what that poster's experience with people praising the story likely came from. If I came off as condescending, I apologize, but far too often it does happen that people overlook a lot of things due to nostalgia, and generally hold video game storytelling to a lower standard than other mediums. Of course, it's not necessarily true that the people in that poster's experience were doing these things, but it is a distinct possibility that is valid to point out, imo.
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