What the Fog

What the Fog

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worst characters to chose
out of all the survivors you chose the ugly nerd, the token original black character and the Asian gamer? like where is david punching things to death, or Mikky R using magic to damage. or even nea spray painting things to death. you chose the worst 3 characters LOL
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Showing 1-15 of 38 comments
ZZR May 17 @ 6:37am 
They're the most popular characters. Check the polls from last year.
all because theyre popular doesnt make them fun to play as. imagine only playing a character cause shes black, or a nerd, or a white boy lol.
mel celeste May 17 @ 6:57am 
let me guess, you're a sable main?
ZZR May 17 @ 7:00am 
A lot of people, myself included DID only play Claudette because she was the only other black character besides Wraith back when the game came out.
dude i am aware, ive been playing since beta, and no. im a vittorio main.
GimmeAnEgg May 17 @ 10:11am 
They should of added at least the OG 4. Where's Meg and Jake? Also why give the healing ability to Feng? Should of been Claudette's. :steamfacepalm:
And yeah not having David punching everything is a mistake, he's a boxer.
imo May 17 @ 11:13am 
Dwight is handsome, he is not an ugly nerd lmao
Originally posted by Dwight Fairfield:
Dwight is handsome, he is not an ugly nerd lmao
Toasty∞ May 17 @ 3:32pm 
hey devs can we get this guy banned from the main game?
Originally posted by Toasty∞:
hey devs can we get this guy banned from the main game?
you have no right to be talking with a profile like that.
Perhaps they will release more characters later, I'd have liked Nea as she was the first character I played as.
Originally posted by Nessie:
Perhaps they will release more characters later, I'd have liked Nea as she was the first character I played as.
They said they have no plans for extra content or dlc.
fatedancer May 17 @ 7:02pm 
that's like.... your opinion
Originally posted by fatedancer:
that's like.... your opinion
The correct opinion.
Originally posted by ZZR:
A lot of people, myself included DID only play Claudette because she was the only other black character besides Wraith back when the game came out.
you do realize doctor is black
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