Stick It to the Stickman

Stick It to the Stickman

New Character Idea: Avatar (I just Copy and Pasted my idea from a earlier discussion)
Name: Avatar

Description: Mastered all the elements and now wants to take over a building!?!?!

Move 1: Wind, Tier 1, Stuns and Pulls all enemies that is in the direction the player is facing to the player. Tier 2, Stuns and pushes all enemies that the player is facing away from the player. Tier 3, Sends enemies into the sky at a fast pace and stunning them
1 damage 2 damage 2 damage plus impact/fall damage
T1 Wind Pull ---> T2 Wind Push ---> T3 Wind Launch
Unlocks after getting torpedo

Move 2: Fire, Tier 1, Sends 2 small fireballs that disappear after hitting an enemy. Tier 2, sends a big fireball that can hit 3 enemies before disappearing (Works somewhat like the Hadouken). Tier 3, Sends a big fireball that lasts 5 hits after it disappears, it explodes.
1 damage each 2 damage 2 damage Explode damage 2
T1 Fire Burst ---> T2 Fire Ball ---> T3 Explosive Fire Ball
Unlocks after getting your fired

Move 3: Water, Tier 1, Increases movement speed by 2X for 10 seconds and gives next 3 moves 1 extra damage. Tier 2, Increases movement speed by 2.5X for 10 seconds and gives the next 3 moves 3 extra damage. Tier 3, Increases movement speed by 2.5 for 15 seconds and gives the next 4 moves 5 extra damage.

T1 Refreshing water ---> T2 Sparkling water ---> T3 Soda
Unlocks after getting redbull

Move 4: Earth, Tier 1, Removes 2 incoming damage for the next 2 seconds if the damage is over 2 and heals 1 HP. Tier 2, Removes 2 incoming damage for the next 4 seconds if the damage is over 2 and heals 2 HP. Tier 3, Removes 2 incoming damage for the next 5 seconds if the damage is over 2 and heals 3 HP.

T1 Rock Hard Skin ---> T2 Skin of Concrete ---> T3 Made of Metal
Unlocks after getting earthquake

This would be fun to have in the game and even if they don't add I hope someone makes it a mod.