Stick It to the Stickman

Stick It to the Stickman

my secret character ideas/for dev
if you get the ability it gives 3 options
1 one + arm
1a arm gets bigger and morn dps
1b arm because giant
2 one + wing
2a two wings incas 25% speed faster
2b 50% faster
3 one + spike
3a two spikes
3b raise spikes from the ground
4 one + grow in size

dev if you see this type a comment

how you unlock the character jump out a window 100 times
if you ask why put jump 100 because evolution

type by a 10 year
Last edited by donreek1; May 7 @ 2:03pm
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toxic waste management/chemist
1. throws a vial of acid
2. creates chlorinated gas
2A. uses dry ice to freeze enemies
3. drinks vial- arms mutate during attack
3A. grows wings- for Ariel attack
4. pours barrel out- creates dissolving puddle

not a secret character
hyphenza  [developer] May 7 @ 2:50am 
We appreciate the suggestions - thank you!
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