Stick It to the Stickman

Stick It to the Stickman

What is your highest streak
My highest is 417
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Showing 1-7 of 7 comments
Mine is the ever-pitiful 120
i got OVER 200!!! (yep intended Dragon Ball refrence)
with sudoku and jogger i think it was
Srry new record 1238 taskdodgers fire extinguishers are insane for this
Originally posted by Ducktor Quack:
Srry new record 1238 taskdodgers fire extinguishers are insane for this
i almost got 1500 with fire extinguishers only but i ruined my combo of like 400-500 early game then by the end i had like 900-1000 i dont rlly remember
X-bone Jul 2 @ 5:41pm 
hah baby numbers... try getting an all extinguisher run and reach the total of 4734
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