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Refund or not?
Where you guys at? With all the issues plaguing this game right now Im leaning towards refunding at this point and just wait until the next iteration in hopes that one works properly, or wait for this one to be dirt cheap.
Ranked not working is, hopefully anyways, something that will be solved soon, but all the controller, audio and video issues I keep seeing are whats really pushing me towards refunding.
Figure Ill give it one last chance and see how well it works for me, but with some of the reports Ive seen coming in that their screen or audio settings got messed after trying to play the game even that seems dubious.
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Showing 1-15 of 108 comments
drogoz Jan 25 @ 4:37am 
Follow your heart
I keep the wait under 2 hours and waiting for a fix, they said they started working on it so I am chilling.
Madao Jan 25 @ 5:06am 
if you felt so far that outside of the current issues this game isn't really for you, just refund. And if you feel the itch to play buy it on sale.
I cannot stay with blur.... so I refunding
Darkeus Jan 25 @ 5:27am 
There was just a small patch so not sure what that fixed

yeah they started doing one, not everything is fixed yet tho.
Time to give it that last spin then, see how it goes

Edit: Well right off he bat, opening cinematic doesnt work, but Imma blame that one on me being on linux, no video, audio or controller issues otherwise.
Last edited by Dunkelheit; Jan 25 @ 6:01am
Madao Jan 25 @ 6:07am 
Originally posted by Dunkelheit:
Time to give it that last spin then, see how it goes

Edit: Well right off he bat, opening cinematic doesnt work, but Imma blame that one on me being on linux, no video, audio or controller issues otherwise.
i got it on steamdeck too, they have to do something for the movie, it's really the only thing not working the same as windows. Melty Blood TL was steamdeck verified so they will fix it eventually
I doubt the issues will persist, hardly worth a refund imo, but thats me
Kaitsu Jan 25 @ 6:27am 
Looks like they fixed the main bugs including the weird inputs not working.
I dl'ed the patch and now I'm having that old glitch where if you go into training mode the game just mashes downback 4 buttons and resets over and over. If they don't fix in a week I'm refunding.
drogoz Jan 25 @ 6:37am 
Originally posted by Kissless_:
I dl'ed the patch and now I'm having that old glitch where if you go into training mode the game just mashes downback 4 buttons and resets over and over. If they don't fix in a week I'm refunding.
Thats an old uniclr port bug xD. Iirc restarting your pc fixes it.
Havent tried ranked yet, but Im sure that will be fixed soon enough if it hasnt already(hopefully they get rid of the region locking too), controller, audio, video and training all work fine.
The future of the game seems rather tenuous with such a botched launch, but the game works for me, so Im keeping it.
Originally posted by Dunkelheit:
Havent tried ranked yet, but Im sure that will be fixed soon enough if it hasnt already(hopefully they get rid of the region locking too), controller, audio, video and training all work fine.
The future of the game seems rather tenuous with such a botched launch, but the game works for me, so Im keeping it.


they are working on region locking too rn
Originally posted by Oturan972:
I keep the wait under 2 hours and waiting for a fix, they said they started working on it so I am chilling.
my friend, they let CLR die with no patches, they talk about Rollback in clr, and still no patches, the game died at lauch, so I dont have much faith in UNI2, I buy it because i love UNI, but is obvius they dont care.
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