Islands of Insight

Islands of Insight

re: achievementts
Thank you so much for the offline mode. I'll still play online mostly but I know I have a fallback. Thanks again.

Do you think you could add a large number of steam achievements? Maybe some at a time, you could add more achievements in each update. I would love steam stat tracking and tons of achievements for this wonderful game.

Thanks again
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Showing 1-12 of 12 comments
quat Jul 10 @ 9:45pm 
Ok genuine question. Why are there "achievement people" and why are they like this. Seriously. Every game i play on steam that doesn't have achievements has people begging the devs to add 10,000 achievements
Originally posted by quat:
Ok genuine question. Why are there "achievement people" and why are they like this. Seriously. Every game i play on steam that doesn't have achievements has people begging the devs to add 10,000 achievements
It's not really like that.

They probably want to show off with how they finished the game or collected Mirabilis. There don't have to be 500 achievements, look at "The Witness"... that game has potential for tens of achievements, yet it has only two - main game completion and Challenge completion.
Rushin Jul 12 @ 9:49am 
Originally posted by quat:
Ok genuine question. Why are there "achievement people" and why are they like this.
Some people like achievements. Others don't. If you don't care about them that's perfectly fine - most people don't anyway. But why do you care about people who like them? Just let them have it if it's no matter to you?

Me personally ever since I was very young I was hooked into finding every secret, playing on the highest difficulty, and finding out about obscure glitches or speedrunning tricks in many games that I played. It was especially relevant back when I could only get my hands on a new game maybe twice a year (if that) - there was just not much to do but replay what you got. Decades later I'm still enjoying doing this though and having 100% achievements in a game gives me this nice lil sense of fulfilling everything the game has to offer. That's it.

The majority of people aren't like that and they approach most games far more casually - just beating it once on normal difficulty and maybe finding some of secrets. Completing every single achievement is out of question. And that's perfectly fine. It's just usually not quite how I like to play games.

Originally posted by quat:
Seriously. Every game i play on steam that doesn't have achievements has people begging the devs to add 10,000 achievements
Please don't put words in their mouths and don't overexaggerate. People don't want "10,000" achievements, I wouldn't touch those nasty achievement-spam games with a stick myself.

Just a normal list of 20-70 achievements would be nice. Again, why does it bother you in any way if you don't care about them to begin with? Why not let achievement completionists have their fun also? People just have different values.
Matt Jul 13 @ 1:50pm 
Honestly I don't think "a large number" of achievements would be good for this game because that would mean a bunch of "solve x puzzle type y times" or "complete x quest" achievements, which is already demanded and well tracked in-game. That said, a few would be nice, like "solve your first [puzzle type] puzzle" or "find your way into the pyramid in Verdant Glen". If achievements are added, they should be interesting or help guide the player to new experiences, not just added for the sake of drawing out gameplay hours.
Originally posted by Matt:
Honestly I don't think "a large number" of achievements would be good for this game because that would mean a bunch of "solve x puzzle type y times" or "complete x quest" achievements, which is already demanded and well tracked in-game. That said, a few would be nice, like "solve your first [puzzle type] puzzle" or "find your way into the pyramid in Verdant Glen". If achievements are added, they should be interesting or help guide the player to new experiences, not just added for the sake of drawing out gameplay hours.

I personally view achievements as provided extra challenges or goals for players to go for if they feel like they are lost and not sure what to accomplish.

Here are some ideas of goals for these people:

- Awoken - Finish the intro
- (Five achievements for progressing by touching the great pearls in every land to keep track of progress)
- Smaller chunks - Enter a new Alcove
- Finish - Reach the end
- Traveller - Beat every alcove (the main objectives)
- Collector I/II/III - Collect 50/100/200 Mirabilis
- Complete collection - Solve one of each puzzle
- Quest person I/II/III - Finish 5/10/20 quests
- Master - Finish the inverted pyramid
- Nothing is a mystery for me - Find every mystery
- Puzzler I/II/III - Solve a total of 500/1000/2000 puzzles
- Completionist - Finish any alcove with 100% completion
- Story lover - Find all lore in all the lands
- Monolith master - Find all Monolith fragments in all the lands
- Trials master - Complete all the trials in all the lands
- Diversity - Master all puzzle types to level 20
Misc items
- Long flight - Stay in the air for over two minutes
- Quick - Solve a sightseer within 20 seconds from picking it up
- Perfect angle - Solve two armilary rings at once
- The void - Fall into the abyss
+1 for achievement !
Cregan Jul 21 @ 11:47am 
Originally posted by Rushin:
Originally posted by quat:
Ok genuine question. Why are there "achievement people" and why are they like this.
Some people like achievements. Others don't. If you don't care about them that's perfectly fine - most people don't anyway. But why do you care about people who like them? Just let them have it if it's no matter to you?

Me personally ever since I was very young I was hooked into finding every secret, playing on the highest difficulty, and finding out about obscure glitches or speedrunning tricks in many games that I played. It was especially relevant back when I could only get my hands on a new game maybe twice a year (if that) - there was just not much to do but replay what you got. Decades later I'm still enjoying doing this though and having 100% achievements in a game gives me this nice lil sense of fulfilling everything the game has to offer. That's it.

The majority of people aren't like that and they approach most games far more casually - just beating it once on normal difficulty and maybe finding some of secrets. Completing every single achievement is out of question. And that's perfectly fine. It's just usually not quite how I like to play games.

Originally posted by quat:
Seriously. Every game i play on steam that doesn't have achievements has people begging the devs to add 10,000 achievements
Please don't put words in their mouths and don't overexaggerate. People don't want "10,000" achievements, I wouldn't touch those nasty achievement-spam games with a stick myself.

Just a normal list of 20-70 achievements would be nice. Again, why does it bother you in any way if you don't care about them to begin with? Why not let achievement completionists have their fun also? People just have different values.

Huh, I never really thought about where my achievement-drive came from, but I think you couldn't be more right!
PeroPero Jul 26 @ 12:49pm 
Need achievements!
+1 This game definitely needs achievements. I am a completionist but the only reason i dont feel like 100% every enclave or collect every mirabilis is the lack of reward/satisfaction. And achievements would fulfill that!
Ripper Jul 27 @ 7:22am 
Very poor design decision to leave out Achievements at launch. The offline mode update would have been the perfect time to introduce Achievements. Nope, this is the reason why the game failed.
Originally posted by Hampifant:
+1 This game definitely needs achievements. I am a completionist but the only reason i dont feel like 100% every enclave or collect every mirabilis is the lack of reward/satisfaction. And achievements would fulfill that!

Yeah, and now think ahead a bit and realize that they would probably add an achievement for 100% completion of an area. So ALL open world puzzles as well. That's just not fun with no tracking option or any indication whatsoever which ones you've already completed...
Originally posted by Cregan:
So ALL open world puzzles as well. That's just not fun with no tracking option or any indication whatsoever which ones you've already completed...
Not sure if you know even half of it...
- Puzzles solved on a previous cycle will pretend to be new again when they reappear.
- The game will lie to you displaying the progress bar for the zone, even if it didn't advance.
- A lot of puzzles just randomly don't spawn. Just because there are 40 daily matchboxes there may be 35 or 38.
- Puzzle spawn differently on every server - one may have 35, another 38, unlikely 40.
- Puzzles can happily overspawn as well. Finding 7 out of 0 flow orbs in lucent or 69 out of 59 archways in shady is perfectly normal.
- Even if you have 5/5 daily flow orbs for example, doesn't mean there aren't a few more in the area that will contribute to total count but not daily count.
- Daily counters may randomly increase within the same day, sometimes several times a day. We've seen autumn flow orbs go from 6/6 to 6/7 to 6/8, same cycle.
- Some puzzles NEVER SPAWN. Not even the most dedicated, fanatic, hardcore-grinding players have 50/50 pentads in verdant for instance.
- There are several dozen puzzles that have last been solved in like March and have not been seen by any player in the community ever since.
- You may legitimately have to wait for literal months for something to spawn.
- About 60 sentinel stones across all zones are broken and permanently don't spawn.
- 1 of 150 sightseers in Serene never spawns, most likely due to the addition of See Serpents quest which permanently blocks it from spawning.
- Movement puzzles have the most trouble spawning (beside sentinels). To my knowledge nobody in the community has the trail length reward in any of the 5 Movement categories - and you only need to solve like 80-90% puzzles for it, not 100%.
- Getting 100% in any zone+puzzletype is very rare, about a third of them is possible. Generally puzzle boxes (logic/music/memory/pattern grids) and wall-mounted puzzles (fractal/match3/mosaic/phasic) actually properly spawn, though their locations are randomized on every server. Everything else is gg.
- If you solve a puzzle that didn't despawn when a daily cycle happened with you still on the server, your daily and total counter may roll back after restarting the game.

It's broken in ways you couldn't even make up if you tried. None of this has been fixed since the release of the game and it's extremely unlikely that it ever will be.

Most of these problems aren't noticeable until you invest hundreds of hours into the game. You're setting yourself up for some serious disappointment if you're naive enough to want to solve every puzzle in the game.

Source: 800 hours, a ton of datamining, and 96-98% of all daily puzzles solved. Most of it is thanks to custom puzzle-tracking software and very aggressive server hopping (basically checking every server 1-3 times a day every day for several months now). DO NOT RECOMMEND THIS lol.
Last edited by Rushin; 1 hour ago
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