Parcel Corps

Parcel Corps

Lagging demo at 1080p
It plays fun, thats for sure. but the Ddemo doesn't run at 60 fps on 1080p, apparently the requirements are directx 12 and I have Nvidia Geforce GTX 1060, and there's no advanced graphic tuning settings. Am I missing something here?
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SecretModeLiam  [developer] Jun 17 @ 3:38am 

Can you try the following for me please?

On Steam, If you go to the game settings > Betas and set Beta Participation to "testing" let us know if that solves your issues.

This will force the game to open at 60Hz, because of the way that some of the physics is setup running at higher refresh rates might cause issues.

Another option you can try is to switch the game to use the Vulkan graphics API instead of Direct X. To do this, in the game's Settings > General > Launch Options type:


Let us know if either of these fixes your issues. Thanks!
smurphy Jun 18 @ 2:12pm 
Yeah some graphics options would have been good in the demo. I had to run at a lower non-native res to get a half decent framerate, which then didn't do the graphics any favours. And still it was quite choppy. Definitely hampered my enjoyment of what otherwise seems a really cool game.
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