Yellow Taxi Goes Vroom

Yellow Taxi Goes Vroom

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Question about demo difficulty.
This is a weird one, I played the demo and was digging it but then I tried to bounce on the ducks over towards those tall islands in the first little tropical world (sorry not sure what its called). There's an area where there is one duck off the beach then a short island then another duck and a very tall island and then 3 more ducks with tall islands next to them, and there seems to be another area in tat direction. Anyway, I got frustrated because I couldn't get the timing right to bounce on the ducks to get to the next area. Its not that I cant bounce on the ducks at all, but just getting the timing right to go from duck to duck seemed impossible. My question is, is this supposed to be difficult? or do I just suck at it? are you supposed to come back and do that part later?

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Showing 1-3 of 3 comments
naturally Jun 22 @ 2:27pm 
the game isn't exactly super easy but i don't think it's unfairly hard either. it's just really specific in its controls. it's something you're supposed to get used to. basically i don't think it is supposed to be overly difficult, but it makes sense that even at the start some things would be a bit awkward.

there's a couple things in every level that are harder than others, so if it seems a bit difficult it's worth just moving on and keeping it in mind for later.
Last edited by naturally; Jun 22 @ 2:32pm
Originally posted by naturally:
the game isn't exactly super easy but i don't think it's unfairly hard either. it's just really specific in its controls. it's something you're supposed to get used to. basically i don't think it is supposed to be overly difficult, but it makes sense that even at the start some things would be a bit awkward.

there's a couple things in every level that are harder than others, so if it seems a bit difficult it's worth just moving on and keeping it in mind for later.
Thank you!
Matt.o  [developer] Jun 23 @ 2:08pm 
What we did with yellow taxi was making sure the worlds were pretty open, with various challenges, some easier and some more difficult.
The growing curve of the game is your knowledge of the moveset. You’ll often find areas that seem so far out of reach, and will make you wonder how to get there. And once you acquire the necessary knowledge and mastery and finally get in those places, that’s going to be so rewarding!!! I swear!!!
Last edited by Matt.o; Jun 23 @ 2:09pm
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