Aside Cass Nova for this season is the only good/decent card.
Because the card can mitigate the ash decks, aside that the card development is very piss poor. Why keep releasing useless cards, especially at series 5? Maybe they retain people because of the deadpool/wolverine aesthics from the battlepass? The only other reason I see them retaining the base is either nerfs and or buffs to pre-existing cards. But as of now the game is very bland.
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Showing 1-7 of 7 comments
copycat seems pretty good, and ajax might see some play too although his use is a lot more narrow
deatheos Jul 11 @ 5:17pm 
Ajax is going to be a irreplaceable staple for certain decks and copycat is going to be this seasons nocturne IMO.
Dr.Gloom Jul 11 @ 5:37pm 
Originally posted by groovador:
copycat seems pretty good, and ajax might see some play too although his use is a lot more narrow
I am not sure if her effect is triggered if she starts in your opening hand. But I think it is not. The card text clearly states if you draw this. This means one in four games she is vanilla 3/5.

Originally posted by deatheos:
Ajax is going to be a irreplaceable staple for certain decks and copycat is going to be this seasons nocturne IMO.
Ajax dies to Luke Cage. 5/5 statline sucks, and your opponent needs to flood the board for him to be decent. Nocturne is way better than Copycat because of one thing, she can move. I might be wrong about these cards but they seem weak.
Dr.Cube Jul 11 @ 9:51pm 
Ajax is going to be great. Thats the card im looking most forward to. All you need to do is run a gift deck to flood the opponent out. Turn 6 you can do a 46 power swing if you have ajax out and Mystique into Hazmat. Even more if you Iron lad Ajax on turn 4.
Zlehtnoba Jul 11 @ 11:44pm 
Originally posted by Dr.Cube:
Ajax is going to be great. Thats the card im looking most forward to. All you need to do is run a gift deck to flood the opponent out. Turn 6 you can do a 46 power swing if you have ajax out and Mystique into Hazmat. Even more if you Iron lad Ajax on turn 4.

Yes but do you need Ajax for that? You probably win just fine without him too.

Originally posted by Dr.Gloom:
Originally posted by groovador:
copycat seems pretty good, and ajax might see some play too although his use is a lot more narrow
I am not sure if her effect is triggered if she starts in your opening hand. But I think it is not. The card text clearly states if you draw this. This means one in four games she is vanilla 3/5.

Originally posted by deatheos:
Ajax dies to Luke Cage. 5/5 statline sucks, and your opponent needs to flood the board for him to be decent. Nocturne is way better than Copycat because of one thing, she can move. I might be wrong about these cards but they seem weak.

He will be 5/7.
Dr.Gloom Jul 12 @ 6:23am 
Originally posted by Zlehtnoba:
He will be 5/7.
Last minute buff. They realised 5/5 sucks big time. 5/7 is playable, but I am not sold on the effect until I see how it plays. Combo with Cassandra might be good.
As long as Shuri decks don't come back, copycat seems to be a very playable card.
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