Dracula - Apocalypse illogical
Dracula says it gets the power of the card it discards, why does it matter that Apocalypse gets put back after the discard with +4 power? At the time of the discard Apocalypse had X power, not X+4. I have lost around 10 games on just this illogical behavior alone and it is frustrating as hell...
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it was always supposed to work like that.
we've all lost games due to interactions we weren't expecting, that happens. but those moments are meant to teach you a lesson so the next times you go against it, you can expect it and adapt your plays.

if you lost 10 games to that, you might not be learning
stormst Jul 7 @ 1:21pm 
But why is it supposed to work like that? Because they can't word it better? Or because they messed it up and just don't want to / know how to fix it?

And what would be the lesson? That discard decks are too strong so why not make them even stronger? :D
groovador Jul 7 @ 1:46pm 
Originally posted by stormst:
But why is it supposed to work like that?
so, dracula has 2 phases
1- he discards a random card
2- after the card is fully discared, he'll check that cards power and gain it. apoc's effect causes him to gain power "immediately" as he is discarded, so it works somewhat like this:

1st: dracula starts to discard (let's say he hit apoc)
2nd: apoc, as soon as he's discarded, returns to your hand with +4 power
3rd: now that the discard process is finished, dracula checks for apoc's power and will see that he got +4

you're not wrong for not expectig it to work like that, but that's the interaction and it's working as intended

Originally posted by stormst:
And what would be the lesson?
the lesson is that apocalypse discard decks have a predictable power output on the last turn, so long as you were paying attention to what they've discarded. that makes it easier for you to know how much power you need to deploy on each location, or retreat if you can't beat it.
stormst Jul 7 @ 1:59pm 
This is not logical to me, either Dracula checks the power at the time it discards, then X for Apo and whateverr power it gets from other card's power, or it checks after the discard is fully done, then X+4 for Apo, but 0 for other cards, as those are not there at the time.

On the second part, it is not totally predictable, as I can't know how many tomes Apo will be discarded on the last turn, before Dracula gets to it.
aight keep on struggling
Originally posted by stormst:
This is not logical to me, either Dracula checks the power at the time it discards, then X for Apo and whateverr power it gets from other card's power, or it checks after the discard is fully done, then X+4 for Apo, but 0 for other cards, as those are not there at the time.

On the second part, it is not totally predictable, as I can't know how many tomes Apo will be discarded on the last turn, before Dracula gets to it.

Its working exactly as worded not sure whats illogical about the wording, welcome to Marvel Snap where reading comprehension and learning card interactions is paramount. Keep going and have fun Dracula/traditional discard is in a pretty bad spot right now dont fret to much about that arch type.
Clockeye Jul 7 @ 10:03pm 
if your having trouble with that one, wait till you see the others lol. they are worded far more retarded than that.
Originally posted by stormst:
This is not logical to me, either Dracula checks the power at the time it discards, then X for Apo and whateverr power it gets from other card's power, or it checks after the discard is fully done, then X+4 for Apo, but 0 for other cards, as those are not there at the time.

On the second part, it is not totally predictable, as I can't know how many tomes Apo will be discarded on the last turn, before Dracula gets to it.

In Magic, where we have a rulebook, this is called last known info. When Dracula checks for the power of the card he discarded, if the card is in hand it reads the power there. If the card is no longer there, then it checks for the power the card had when it was last in hand.

Rules override logic all the time. They are meant to be intuitive, but sometimes a weird interaction happens. Unfortunately, we don't have a rulebook here, so sometimes it's hard to understand exactly why things work as they do.
Clockeye Jul 8 @ 2:32pm 
Originally posted by Zlehtnoba:
Originally posted by stormst:
This is not logical to me, either Dracula checks the power at the time it discards, then X for Apo and whateverr power it gets from other card's power, or it checks after the discard is fully done, then X+4 for Apo, but 0 for other cards, as those are not there at the time.

On the second part, it is not totally predictable, as I can't know how many tomes Apo will be discarded on the last turn, before Dracula gets to it.

In Magic, where we have a rulebook, this is called last known info. When Dracula checks for the power of the card he discarded, if the card is in hand it reads the power there. If the card is no longer there, then it checks for the power the card had when it was last in hand.

Rules override logic all the time. They are meant to be intuitive, but sometimes a weird interaction happens. Unfortunately, we don't have a rulebook here, so sometimes it's hard to understand exactly why things work as they do.
it's called "bs favoritism" be it "cheating" or "whatereverthe♥♥♥♥"

how so? explain this to me:

you know that location that specifically states "first player to drop exactly 2 cards, gets a draw"

turn 1:

opponent drops 1 card in - nothing
i drop nothing - nothing

turn 2:

opponent drops nothing - nothing
i drop 2 cards - nothing

turn 3:

opponent drops his second card - wins the reward draw
i drop a third card in - nothing

the bs is plain to see

that very same location has been wishy-washy as to how I can win the reward draw.
I tried dumping 2 in one turn and tried dumping 1 card each turn. and yet my opponent gets the reward. Please explain in fine detail how it's not complete bs. I'm all ears.
Iszn Jul 8 @ 10:08pm 
Originally posted by Clockeye:
Originally posted by Zlehtnoba:

In Magic, where we have a rulebook, this is called last known info. When Dracula checks for the power of the card he discarded, if the card is in hand it reads the power there. If the card is no longer there, then it checks for the power the card had when it was last in hand.

Rules override logic all the time. They are meant to be intuitive, but sometimes a weird interaction happens. Unfortunately, we don't have a rulebook here, so sometimes it's hard to understand exactly why things work as they do.
it's called "bs favoritism" be it "cheating" or "whatereverthe♥♥♥♥"

how so? explain this to me:

you know that location that specifically states "first player to drop exactly 2 cards, gets a draw"

turn 1:

opponent drops 1 card in - nothing
i drop nothing - nothing

turn 2:

opponent drops nothing - nothing
i drop 2 cards - nothing

turn 3:

opponent drops his second card - wins the reward draw
i drop a third card in - nothing

the bs is plain to see

that very same location has been wishy-washy as to how I can win the reward draw.
I tried dumping 2 in one turn and tried dumping 1 card each turn. and yet my opponent gets the reward. Please explain in fine detail how it's not complete bs. I'm all ears.
Are you talking bout The Abbey? cuz it works completely fine for me, whether you put 2 cards on same turn or a 1 card for next two turns, it works exactly as it is intended
I do agree that the game is rigged to some extent though
Last edited by Iszn; Jul 8 @ 10:08pm
Originally posted by Clockeye:
that very same location has been wishy-washy as to how I can win the reward draw.
I tried dumping 2 in one turn and tried dumping 1 card each turn. and yet my opponent gets the reward. Please explain in fine detail how it's not complete bs. I'm all ears.

Well, I'm tempted to say your post is complete ... , since this location works perfectly for me every time. One thing you should note is that both players can get the reward if they fulfill the condition on the same turn. For anything more, I'd need a screenshot to see why you did not get the reward.
Clockeye Jul 18 @ 4:17pm 
Originally posted by Zlehtnoba:
Originally posted by Clockeye:
that very same location has been wishy-washy as to how I can win the reward draw.
I tried dumping 2 in one turn and tried dumping 1 card each turn. and yet my opponent gets the reward. Please explain in fine detail how it's not complete bs. I'm all ears.

Well, I'm tempted to say your post is complete ... , since this location works perfectly for me every time. One thing you should note is that both players can get the reward if they fulfill the condition on the same turn. For anything more, I'd need a screenshot to see why you did not get the reward.
happened again today.

it was location 1
turn 1: i drop 1 on location 1, oppo 1 on location 3
turn 2: I drop 1 on location 3, oppo 0
turn 3: nothing, oppo nothing
turn 4: I drop 2 on location 1 (3 on location), oppo drops 1 (2 on location)

on turn three I won priority for turn 4. And still didn't win, oppo won the location reward.
If i didn't have priority, fine. My cards flip last so I lose, ok. But no, I did have priority.
If we both won the reward, fine. We both met the criteria, so we both get the reward (much like other locations, i.e. fill location for +3 max energy).

Game is fixed, sure not EVERY match is gonna be BS intended. But that doesn't mean there is no "cheating" to benefit one player or the other.
Originally posted by stormst:
This is not logical to me, either Dracula checks the power at the time it discards, then X for Apo and whateverr power it gets from other card's power, or it checks after the discard is fully done, then X+4 for Apo, but 0 for other cards, as those are not there at the time.

On the second part, it is not totally predictable, as I can't know how many tomes Apo will be discarded on the last turn, before Dracula gets to it.

its a stacking action

Drac discards
Apo - gets discarded
Apo- effect triggers
drac - check power

these types of stacking are common in most card games. Like spell stacking in mtg or declaring combat and blockers. If you cant slam power the last turn in that lane then dont play there or retreat. or tech against drac if you can with red guardian or lady deathstrike
Last edited by False Prophet; Jul 18 @ 4:25pm
Originally posted by Clockeye:
Originally posted by Zlehtnoba:

Well, I'm tempted to say your post is complete ... , since this location works perfectly for me every time. One thing you should note is that both players can get the reward if they fulfill the condition on the same turn. For anything more, I'd need a screenshot to see why you did not get the reward.
happened again today.

it was location 1
turn 1: i drop 1 on location 1, oppo 1 on location 3
turn 2: I drop 1 on location 3, oppo 0
turn 3: nothing, oppo nothing
turn 4: I drop 2 on location 1 (3 on location), oppo drops 1 (2 on location)

on turn three I won priority for turn 4. And still didn't win, oppo won the location reward.
If i didn't have priority, fine. My cards flip last so I lose, ok. But no, I did have priority.
If we both won the reward, fine. We both met the criteria, so we both get the reward (much like other locations, i.e. fill location for +3 max energy).

Game is fixed, sure not EVERY match is gonna be BS intended. But that doesn't mean there is no "cheating" to benefit one player or the other.

It does not depend on priority, both players can get the reward on the same turn. However, you must have exactly two cards on location. In your example, you had three. It's not two or more, it's exactly two.
Clockeye Jul 19 @ 2:07pm 
Originally posted by Zlehtnoba:
Originally posted by Clockeye:
happened again today.

it was location 1
turn 1: i drop 1 on location 1, oppo 1 on location 3
turn 2: I drop 1 on location 3, oppo 0
turn 3: nothing, oppo nothing
turn 4: I drop 2 on location 1 (3 on location), oppo drops 1 (2 on location)

on turn three I won priority for turn 4. And still didn't win, oppo won the location reward.
If i didn't have priority, fine. My cards flip last so I lose, ok. But no, I did have priority.
If we both won the reward, fine. We both met the criteria, so we both get the reward (much like other locations, i.e. fill location for +3 max energy).

Game is fixed, sure not EVERY match is gonna be BS intended. But that doesn't mean there is no "cheating" to benefit one player or the other.

It does not depend on priority, both players can get the reward on the same turn. However, you must have exactly two cards on location. In your example, you had three. It's not two or more, it's exactly two.
thank you for reiterating my point. Where in all that explains why oppo got the reward and I didn't?
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