The last of mighty Eternal month up is the big boy Celestial Arishem. A card I think many want to try just to infuse something different in the game. He was very big in the movie. Ha. This is the first time I have seen two accompanying cards in the spotlight demand reworks.

JUL 2nd-09th as this month flies.

Again I warn not to go beyond 1-KEY as I always advice you should be stacking you keys to a minimum of 3-4 or higher. It is wise to let things settle before rushing in. This tread is to have a civil discussion on the cards.

ARISHEM- I think the Eternals were hit and miss, and counted a lot on RNG, Thena clearly the winner. This also could have arguably been the Battle Pass card and the Direct X mechanic could be both awesome and problematic. To me I see clear similarities with Loki's mechanic. This card will also get help with what is coming. The argument of adding such a random influx of cards into your deck could hurt on curve, synergy, and a direct plan of locking down two lanes maybe the wrong way to look at this card. We can see why certain cards like Phastos and Sersi were created to take advantage if you have them to this card. Where you could flood a lane with conditional cards to have Sersi power you to a lane or Phastos reducing energy and increasing power with an early play. Cards like Quin-jet, Collector, even Thena can have some fun synergies and skies the limit on both ends. Board space will be crucial and your opposition will try and flood lanes to limit your effectiveness. Should be an interesting week to be sure. Arishem was probably the one thing on screen that was done in an outstanding manner, we will see if he has the same impact in Snap.
Base card by E. Mello.

Always subject to change, but if it stays as is.

BLACK SWAN - Sometimes you come up with ideas in development where you think. Hey let's give 1-costs a free turn and then realize due to board space, rng draw, and that you may not have the right 1-costs or protect them killed Black Swan's prevalence. Made to make Thanos better, she actually simply put, is not necessary and their messing up the gems that made Thanos a strong Meta deck construct to hard work, made her even less prevalent. She simply doesn't fit many other archetypes. She is right behind Hercules as she is dead on arrival at 265 rank, 48.9% win rate, and terrible cube share. I have no idea what they do to Black Swan. Even at a 3/6 will make little difference. Her mechanic is simply non existent to deck constructs. Plenty of other cards that accomplish her irrelevant ability on curve. She needs a complete rework. Francesco Tomaseli gives you a sick new variant.

HERCULES- Unless there is a change or buff coming to Hercules. Not the card you should target in the spotlight cache. I did a tread on how MOVE could improve overall, and he is dying for a change. He is near dead last in the Meta with a 49.7% win/rate and negative cube share. Ranked at 267. Here is the thing, if he is not even being utilized in his own archetype it tells you all you need to know. Its not his stat-line, its simply his bad ability. This card needs an Enema as the Joker once said. If you get him don't fret, he could get one. OTA: Called it, but I still don't like his ability, but at 3/4. He may see more play. A new variant by Jay Anaciento.

It is Arishem or bust. Unless buffs or reworks are coming you don't want to hit the other two cards here. If you don't have any, may find some short fun with Hercules and Swan, but you will just be as aggravated as everyone else with those two. You want Arishem on key 1. Always wise to take a wait and see approach to any spotlight. You guys do you.

Have a great week my comrades. Enjoy your Snapping. Happy Discussion. Cheers :dwarven:
Last edited by kingts; Jun 26 @ 2:12pm
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Showing 1-15 of 53 comments
Dr.Gloom Jun 26 @ 11:12am 
Must have imo. I really like this card. It might be a bust, but I think he will be strong. Being ahead of the curve is very powerful in MS. It is going to be fun to play at least. BS and Hercules. Oh boy. If it wasn't for Arishem this spotlight would be one of the worst I've seen in a while.
groovador Jun 26 @ 12:08pm 
ultimate meme card. a must have imo.
I have an idea to build the best deck in this game but I need some advice. And so the cards on which this deck will be based:
- Arishem
- Agatha
- Blob
deatheos Jun 26 @ 2:40pm 
I might be one of the few players who has zero interest in Arishem I despise chaotic type gameplay and the lack of deck control is a real turn off. That combined with a lackluster spotlight makes this a easy skip for me I could care less if hes a new type of archetype hes not my type lol.
D.A.S.H. Jun 26 @ 10:01pm 
No clue why so many are hyped for him, he will be terrible. There a big chance of having a bunch of higher cost cards in your opening hand and drawing even more high cost cards, meaning you might not even be able to play anything until turn 4, even with the extra energy. Or if you can play something earlier it can be useless to you. I'm definitely skipping him.
I enjoy Loki, so I'm certailny getting Arishem. SNAP can quickly become boring, and cards like Arishem inject variance into games, make me think, work with incomplete information. He may end up a meme, not powerful enough to compete, I don't care.

Hercules is getting a buff, going to 3/4 in the next OTA, so this may be something to consider when deciding whether to use keys.
Originally posted by kingts:
HERCULES- Unless there is a change or buff coming to Hercules.

This aged well. :dazed_yeti:
kingts Jun 27 @ 8:04am 
Originally posted by Lemurian1972:
Originally posted by kingts:
HERCULES- Unless there is a change or buff coming to Hercules.

This aged well. :dazed_yeti:
Yeah well I did mention the change. Still think Hercules' mechanic does not fit his character and Its his ability not his stat-line that I have an issue with. Besides I did this prior to the OTA leak, and I did adjust it to the change. Appreciate the sass brother. :dwarven:
kingts Jul 1 @ 9:23am 
As he is coming tomorrow, one way to look at this in your 1-key attempt if you are a new player and get him, or even mid game and you are missing a ton of cards. He will give you access to all of them. Like my youngest who is missing over 35 cards.
Good luck in your key pulls gang. :dwarven:
Looks like fun in a Loki deck.
kingts Jul 2 @ 2:29pm 
I did hit him on the second key. Yep, Loki, Quinjet seem fun. He will be fun to try for the week. Mid daughter got him after x2 keys as well, little one missed with her one attempt.

He will be difficult to sequence as strategy, but I try not to exceed 3 costs with him. Ssem to give me a better balanced attempt. Blob and Phastos, they love this card. :dwarven:
Si Jul 2 @ 2:42pm 
I think Arishem just makes the fixed draws even more blatant. Opponents just consistently getting the 1 card now out of hundreds which they need to pull back a location :jimmykid:

Its clogged? Oh here's venom

They got cost reduction? Oh here's mobius

Need more power in a lane? Oh here's Sersi

Playing Loki? Oh here let me spawn a full Loki deck for you.
Last edited by Si; Jul 2 @ 2:44pm
Better than I thought.
Backler Jul 2 @ 6:04pm 
Might be fun to play but it's incredibly boring to play against.
Originally posted by Si:
I think Arishem just makes the fixed draws even more blatant. Opponents just consistently getting the 1 card now out of hundreds which they need to pull back a location :jimmykid:

Its clogged? Oh here's venom

They got cost reduction? Oh here's mobius

Need more power in a lane? Oh here's Sersi

Playing Loki? Oh here let me spawn a full Loki deck for you.

Can I just ask? Why do you keep playing? All I ever see from you is whining and negativity in general? Any sane person would have dropped a game that caused them so much frustration immediately.

Genuinely curious. If I were you, personally I would just quit the game and never look back. Instead of playing, complaining, repeating ad nauseam.
Last edited by LunarisRuin; Jul 2 @ 7:27pm
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