Si Jan 6 @ 1:14pm
The rigged games are getting even worse
Literally every game, without exception - without exception

Opponent playing shenaut

Turn 1 Sunspot, turn 3 cyclops. Every game. Every single game.

Me? no sunspot until turn 6, cyclops doesn't ever show up. Had to check he was even in the deck.

Opponent playing that ms marvel lockdown deck

Turn 1 nebula
turn 2 zabu

Every game. Every single game.

Me playing a single deck? all my 1 and 2 cost cards are hidden at the back, cant play anything until turn 3 no matter how many low cost cards I have.

I suppose "it's just luck" right, even though we're talking hours and hours of playing and it's extremely consistent. Perfect draws, perfect tempo.

Also had 1 who played Caiera on death's domain on turn 3, as I played storm there to shut it off and I had priority. Didn't even recognize it as a bot until I saw that....unless someone wants to tell me this person intended to kill their Caiera for no good reason and no benefit? :)

Whats the point in playing if you're just matched against bots who play the exact same deck as you but are scripted to have perfect draws and tempo? I really don't get it.
Originally posted by Watercooled RTX4090:
Marvel Snap is by far the most shameless cardskin roulette scam i have ever seen..
Literally nothing is random your wins are not earned by skill and your loses are always hard scripted events. The match making is worse than SBMM+EOMM in modern warfare 3. Everything is rigged. No wonder Ben Brode got fired from Blizzard after he killed hearthstone. I cant believe how this dude thinks people would enjoy this scripted bot fest.
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Showing 1-15 of 311 comments
chaosek Jan 6 @ 1:37pm 
I've played on death's domain before when I estimated that someone was going to play Storm, Magic or Prof X there and they had priority. So that is not that strange. As for luck of the draw, it just happens. I had streaks in which I always pulled the good cards and streaks in which I wondered if a particular card was even in my deck.
Si Jan 6 @ 1:40pm 
Originally posted by chaosek:
I've played on death's domain before when I estimated that someone was going to play Storm, Magic or Prof X there and they had priority. So that is not that strange. As for luck of the draw, it just happens. I had streaks in which I always pulled the good cards and streaks in which I wondered if a particular card was even in my deck.
What was the estimate?

I think I had only played a 1 drop on a completely different lane. So that makes them think right lane, which had only just been revealed that turn was a definitive Storm play? to the point they were willing to risk their Caiera on it?

Sorry I don't buy it.

We know the bots have ESP this has been confirmed. It's the scripted draws which p****s me off and its time the devs spoke about it.
Last edited by Si; Jan 6 @ 1:40pm
Well, the bot would know what you played before playing its card, so yes, it would play Caiera into Death's Domain on the turn you played Storm there. No risk involved.
Don't think there's a bot that plays Caiera or Shenaut. Sounds like you're just getting skill issued.
Last edited by DiscoShark; Jan 6 @ 3:58pm
Starwhite Jan 6 @ 11:24pm 
It's the same for all card games. The games always heavily favor the player on top of the screen, so it baffles me why so many are playing on the bottom instead and losing.
Hey Ci - I also started to notice a definite pattern on ladder as well as Sunspot ALWAYS drops on 1 and lo and behold shenaut comes out.
Destroy bots are the same scripted slop as well. with deadpool/yondu and armor/destroyer. I say we record to actual gameplay and take it to the discord in the 'team answers' channel. I don't think anyone comes here to check feedback.
Si Jan 7 @ 5:52am 
Originally posted by DiscoShark:
Don't think there's a bot that plays Caiera or Shenaut. Sounds like you're just getting skill issued.
Its funny how the trolls always want to show off.

Whether someone is the very best player in the game, or the very worst player, neither should be able to affect card draws and both should have equal chance to draw X card by Y turn.

Tell me how skill affects card draws? Sounds like you don't undwrstand the game if you cant.
Si Jan 7 @ 5:59am 
Originally posted by webmetalreese:
Hey Ci - I also started to notice a definite pattern on ladder as well as Sunspot ALWAYS drops on 1 and lo and behold shenaut comes out.
Destroy bots are the same scripted slop as well. with deadpool/yondu and armor/destroyer. I say we record to actual gameplay and take it to the discord in the 'team answers' channel. I don't think anyone comes here to check feedback.
I see this Black Knight deck too. Always Black knight on turn 1, followed by Blade or Lady Sif who discards Infinaut.

I tried it and lost many games in a row because I could never play a card until turn 3. Not one single time was Blade in a position to ever discard a card I wanted him to discard, and black knight either came late or not at all.

This wasnt the largest sample size but I have never liked Blade anyway as he is never in a position to discard a good card, except on a late turn where its clunky to play him due to energy.

Somehow though Hela decks have always played Blade turn 1 and discarded Infinaut. What are the odds an overwhelming number of players all had Blade in their starting hand and drew Infinaut first?

Its like all those destroy decks who all draw forge into deadpool into hulk buster in a row. Meanwhile Im not drawing a single destroy card until turn 5 and in some cases 6.

Mathematically it just doesnt add up. My draws are random I can accept that but the opponents just feel so....scripted.

While trying this Black knight deck I also came up against a single destroy deck....2 of the locations just happened to be destroy. Only destroy locations I daw in this entire run just happened to be when a destroy deck was playing.

"Its just luck" yeah yeah but when this happens every single day it's something else.
If you want a large sample size, just watch some streamers on Twitch who always complain about this as well with 100+ games every day. But there shouldn't be any bots playing against top 100 players so it might still be just conformation bias.

I guess the bots would be far too easy to farm if they didn't cheat, but at least for noobs there are bots that cheat to lose as well. Most common example of a losing bot is just stacking cards into 1 lane no matter what they are. Once you learn to spot and scam the bots they become just cannon fodder on the way to infinite.
Originally posted by Starwhite:
If you want a large sample size, just watch some streamers on Twitch who always complain about this as well with 100+ games every day. But there shouldn't be any bots playing against top 100 players so it might still be just conformation bias.

I guess the bots would be far too easy to farm if they didn't cheat, but at least for noobs there are bots that cheat to lose as well. Most common example of a losing bot is just stacking cards into 1 lane no matter what they are. Once you learn to spot and scam the bots they become just cannon fodder on the way to infinite.

For (maybe) the issue that they hit infinite rank the first day of the season, I never see the players they play in my games, not ever. This week I literally marked a ||||| type of sheet of how many actual players responded with emotes and/or "SNAP?" and out of (I think 15 matches) I got 2. For me that means that 13 of those were bots and at least 8 were honest to goodness I knew what they were playing after turn one reveal.
Si Jan 7 @ 6:44am 
Originally posted by Starwhite:
If you want a large sample size, just watch some streamers on Twitch who always complain about this as well with 100+ games every day. But there shouldn't be any bots playing against top 100 players so it might still be just conformation bias.

I guess the bots would be far too easy to farm if they didn't cheat, but at least for noobs there are bots that cheat to lose as well. Most common example of a losing bot is just stacking cards into 1 lane no matter what they are. Once you learn to spot and scam the bots they become just cannon fodder on the way to infinite.
Yeah I have seen those random bots, or "dumb bots" as I call them. Theyy seem to stop after you reach rank 80.

I have a large enough sample size and I just question the amount of "players" who have perfect draw/tempo.

I find when looking at card combos, not even big combos, just something as little as an early combo, "2 in 20" seems quite a common finding for a nunber of card combos.

The later a card is played the higher the chances of the combo should be, since you will have drawn more cards by turn 6 than turn 1.

So whats with the overwhelming number of players who are landing combos from turn 1?

Let me put it this way...

Remember the Mr Negative weekend missions some momths back?

Out of ~25 games I had Mr Negative on turn 3 only twice.

Then once I had done the mission I started counting the number of times my opponents had him out on turn 3 when I was matched against it. Out of ~20 games they only missed twice. Then I turned the game off because I knew something was BS.

It feels like the difficulty is being artificially inflated.
Si Jan 7 @ 6:55am 
Originally posted by webmetalreese:
Originally posted by Starwhite:
If you want a large sample size, just watch some streamers on Twitch who always complain about this as well with 100+ games every day. But there shouldn't be any bots playing against top 100 players so it might still be just conformation bias.

I guess the bots would be far too easy to farm if they didn't cheat, but at least for noobs there are bots that cheat to lose as well. Most common example of a losing bot is just stacking cards into 1 lane no matter what they are. Once you learn to spot and scam the bots they become just cannon fodder on the way to infinite.

For (maybe) the issue that they hit infinite rank the first day of the season, I never see the players they play in my games, not ever. This week I literally marked a ||||| type of sheet of how many actual players responded with emotes and/or "SNAP?" and out of (I think 15 matches) I got 2. For me that means that 13 of those were bots and at least 8 were honest to goodness I knew what they were playing after turn one reveal.
Its not that easy to tell with emotes. Bots supposedly can emote I've heard, but the devs want them to be indistinguishable from real humans so it makes sense.

Also many humans auto mute so might never even see the emote.

I would play something like inshenaut. Count how many times you have sunspot out early, cyclops early, and more importantly how many times you can float to boost sh spot and then play "inshenaut" (or 20 power Hulk is an acceptable substitute)

Then count how many times your opponents land it. I bet its way more ;)

^which makes no sense. Combos are supposed to be less common. Say someone lands a combo 3 in 10 games, if you were to observe a random game of theirs, you would have a 70% chance of seeing the game where they dont land a combo. Now lets say you watch 10 people play a game and some are lucky and lanf it 4/10 times, some are unlucky and land it 2/10 times. Its the sams, you're much, much more likepy to see the games where they fail to land the combo.

Shy why then do the vast majority of opponents land fhe combos perfectly easy? Snap would have you believe you should be landing the combos in 80% or even 90% of games, yet when you try it you will ptobably find you hit it like 2 in 20 games.

Something does not add up. Its not confirmation bias nor salt, its mathematics. I really find these probabilities implausible.

I personally think the number of bots is higher than people realize (which some players have researched and claim is exactly the case) and I think the bots have a different kind of drawing mechanism than humans.

It makes sense. we know bots can play different. Theres a post on reddit which proves it, a bot played Magneto to a location where you could not play 4,5,6 cost cards. The human played Quake though and had priority. The bot essentially saw that at the end of the turn, the 4,5,6 cost restriction would be removed from that location, but played Magneto there before Quake had even revealed.

Also the game literally starts out with scripted matches for your first handful of games. So the code to script the games to a specific outcome is already there.

Someone once said they feel the game is designed to force a 50% winrate. Feels like that, as you face opponents who draw so perfect its often counter them or lose.
Last edited by Si; Jan 7 @ 6:56am
Originally posted by Si:
Originally posted by webmetalreese:

For (maybe) the issue that they hit infinite rank the first day of the season, I never see the players they play in my games, not ever. This week I literally marked a ||||| type of sheet of how many actual players responded with emotes and/or "SNAP?" and out of (I think 15 matches) I got 2. For me that means that 13 of those were bots and at least 8 were honest to goodness I knew what they were playing after turn one reveal.
Its not that easy to tell with emotes. Bots supposedly can emote I've heard, but the devs want them to be indistinguishable from real humans so it makes sense.

Also many humans auto mute so might never even see the emote.

Someone once said they feel the game is designed to force a 50% winrate. Feels like that, as you face opponents who draw so perfect its often counter them or lose.

Yes, they can emote back to you so I've heard but I have never auto muted anyone and if someone pops up a fist bump, sure as salt I'm pumping one back. The only reason I mention this specifically is because I actually even in my all day on play matches during breaks and such that I started to really wonder why TF am I running a Thanos deck and some matches not even see a stone and yet..Sunspot 3 matches in a row with a float or armor on turn 2 cyclops on 3. This is the exact match you were talking about, correct?

I track my matches on and i can literally showcase how many times I've had this exact match, same with destroy. I simply dont feel like counting them as it's silly to think these are even smart bots, its a script.
Si Jan 7 @ 8:58am 
Originally posted by webmetalreese:
Originally posted by Si:
Its not that easy to tell with emotes. Bots supposedly can emote I've heard, but the devs want them to be indistinguishable from real humans so it makes sense.

Also many humans auto mute so might never even see the emote.

Someone once said they feel the game is designed to force a 50% winrate. Feels like that, as you face opponents who draw so perfect its often counter them or lose.

Yes, they can emote back to you so I've heard but I have never auto muted anyone and if someone pops up a fist bump, sure as salt I'm pumping one back. The only reason I mention this specifically is because I actually even in my all day on play matches during breaks and such that I started to really wonder why TF am I running a Thanos deck and some matches not even see a stone and yet..Sunspot 3 matches in a row with a float or armor on turn 2 cyclops on 3. This is the exact match you were talking about, correct?

I track my matches on and i can literally showcase how many times I've had this exact match, same with destroy. I simply dont feel like counting them as it's silly to think these are even smart bots, its a script.
Yeah and all you ever see from players is frustration how they don't draw the cards they want. Everyone claims to never draw Modok/Hela for example, yet I never seen anyone miss this combo. So who are all these 'lucky" players we are facing in game? If outside of the game most people claim they never draw consistently?

The only difference between rank 70 and rank 90 on the ladder is the draws. At 70 its easy, bots aside, because you draw some good and bad games as do your opponents. In the 90s theres a huge difficulty spike because as you say in your post, they keep drawing on curve with no issues.

It makes no sense. No matter the skill level of a player, they can not or should not be able to control the draw of their cards.

So why upon hitting a new tier on the ladder does draw consistency and luck increase? That could only happen artificially, either by cheating or scripting. I don't believe it's cheating so that only leaves scripting.

For what its worth last month I got locked into a dumb bot session even in the 90's. I boosted from 80 to infinite in like 1 session because of that. No idea why I was facing the "stacking everything in one lane" bots in the 90s. It was so strange, theres a lot more going on behind the matchmaking than just pitting player vs player.
Last edited by Si; Jan 7 @ 9:02am
Si Jan 7 @ 12:15pm 
So todays hot location Sakaar. Guess I'll have to stop playing for 24 hours.

This game really sucks. Every time I start to roll with a good deck a hot location comes along to ruin it. Just lost 2 ranks straight up.

Since the start of the Loki season I've "won" this location 3 times. Literally 3 times (and one was tonight).

It often gives my opponent a better card, enough to seriously swing the game, while I get 1 drops or my tech cards completely wasted.

I'm sure it's just luck though :steamhappy: 3 times in 4-5 months.
Last edited by Si; Jan 7 @ 12:16pm
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