cesarfelix1998 Jun 22 @ 11:33pm
Collectible Guide [SPOILERS]
Feel free to comment if something's wrong or if I should add anything. Big thanks to uzura3026 for helping me find some of the heart pieces.


Volvit - During the chapter "The Transylvania Twist", talk to Morgan outside the downtown coffee shop. She'll ask you to retrieve 3 pages of her book scattered throught downtown, this being one of them.
Protect Child - In the book inside the treehouse on Becky's neighbourhood.
Demon Oath - You'll get this after the assembly during the chapter "Got Your Goat".

Note: I've only added the ones that aren't obtained by killing a specific enemy.
Blud - You'll get this while progressing the main story during the chapter "School Daze".
Dragur - Talk to Kristofferson during the chapter "Kristofferson's Camp".
Gnomes - During the chapter "The Transylvania Twist", talk to Morgan outside the downtown coffee shop. She'll ask you to retrieve 3 pages of her book scattered throught downtown, this being one of them.
Snipe - During the chapter "Night of the Nexus", talk to Elon, who is on the east side of Becky's neighbourhood. He'll give you a snipe quest. The fourth step of the quest involves going to Corey's garage and click the "Research Snipes" option on the computer. Do that and you'll be awarded this.
Troll - Talk to Elon in Carpentersville High's library during the chapter "School Daze".
Witch - Talk to Morgan in the cemetery during the chapter "Night of the Nexus".

Summon and Banish
All three pages are acquired during the chapter "The Transylvania Twist" just by progressing through the main story.

Apple Pie - Inside the shed in Becky's backyard.
Beef Fizz - Talk to Irma, the lunch lady, in Carpentersville High's cafeteria during the chapter "School Daze".
Cherry Bomb - In level 2 of the school (unlocked in the chapter "The Transylvania Twist"), inside Room 201 - Lab.
Communion Wafer Soup - In the east side of the cemetary, you'll have to pick the correct small house out of 4, in order to travel to an enclosed small space where one of the nails is buried. When you reach that space, there is also another digging spot there that will transport you to this recipe.
Corn Beef and Cabbage - I'm not sure you have to collect all 3 tapes or just the "Cassette Tape" specifically for this, but once you do either of those, go to a boombox (there's one in the downtown's music store and one in the treehouse in Becky's neighbourhood). You'll receive this recipe as a reward.
Egg Cream - Go to the downtown's Star Diner and talk with Hank. He'll ask you to go to the diner's basement to deal with the rat problem. Once you do that, talk to him again and he'll reward you this recipe. This mission will only be available starting with the chapter "Truant Blood". IDK if you can get it after that chapter.
Fruit Salad - During the chapter "Night of the Nexus", go to the school's cafeteria and talk to Irma, the lunch lady. She'll give you this recipe. You might be able to do this in the previous chapter ("Time for a Break") aswell, but I'm not sure.
Pickles - During the chapter "Got Your Goat", talk to Leonard on the south hallway of the school and help him hang 5 poster throught the school. After doing that, talk to him again and he'll reward you this recipe.
Raisins - During the chapter "The Transylvania Twist", talk to Morgan outside the downtown coffee shop. She'll ask you to retrieve 3 pages of her book scattered throught downtown, this being one of them.
Scrambled Eggs - In the chapter "Truant Blood", talk to Becky's dad outside their house. He'll give you some chores to do. The third one requires you to grab 5 rotting pumpkins from Becky's house. Do that and then go behind the hospital, where you'll meet Vince Vice and the goat from a previous chapter. The goat will be scared of you and run away. Give Vince Vice the rotting pumpkins and he'll give you this recipe.
Squirrel - In the book inside Kristofferson's house.
Stuffed Peppers - In the book inside Corey's garage.
Stuffing - During the chapter "Night of the Nexus", talk to Elon, who is on the east side of Becky's neighbourhood. He'll give you a snipe quest. The second step of the quest involves going to the downtown's music shop and talking to the owner. When you do that, he'll give you this recipe.

Downtown Carpentersville - On the bulletin board near the Town Hall.
Carpentersville High School (Outside and Level 1) - Terrell gives it to you when you first get there.
Carpentersville High School (The Basement) - In a cardboard box inside the first basement room.
Kristofferson's Camp - In a carboard box inside Kristofferson's house.
Carpentersville High School (Level 2) - Inside a crate in the corner that's right between the stairs and Room 201 - Lab.
Carpentersville Mall - Read one of the directories inside the mall.
Loomis Memorial Hospital (Level 1) - Inside a recycling bin in the upper left corner of the reception room.
Old Pine Cemetery - In a crate inside the small house on the southwest area of the cemetary.
Old Pine Funeral Home - During the chapter "Night of the Nexus", Morgan will give it to you.
Winsor's Mini-Mart - In the second room in the freezer, where you melt the big ice cubes. The map is on one of those cubes.
Perch Office - Right at the start of the area, you'll see the map to your left, with a red laser inbetween. Grab it with your grappling hook.

Heart Puzzle Pieces
1st - Carpentersville High - Go through the upper right corner of the school's frontyard to access a small area inbetween the school, Bulldog's Field and Old Pine Cemetery. You'll see a circle of mushrooms on the floor colored with the pattern. The crystals themselves are straight to the right, through some trees.
2nd - Carpentersville High - While exploring the school's basement in the "School Daze" chapter, you'll come across a chalkboard with the pattern written in it. The crystals are in the room just below. This room can later be acessed through a digging spot in the upper left corner of the school's frontyard.
3rd - Tinderglow's Lake - Around the bottom left corner of this area, go down through some trees to access the crystals. The pattern is at the bottom of the waterfall.
4th - Bulldog Field - Below the bleachers on the left side of the soccer field. The pattern is seen on the lines of the running track.
5th - Downtown Carpentersville - Inside the bank vault. You have to blow up the back wall outside to get in. The pattern is on the vault's door.
6th - Carpentersville High - While breaking into the second floor in the chapter "The Transylvania Twist", you can access the crystals by destroying the bottom of the second floor door in the auditorium area with a bomb. The pattern is an atomic diagram poster inside the laboratory on the same second floor. You can still access the crystals in the last chapter, but you can no longer go to the area with the clue.
7th - Becky's Neighbourhood - At the abandoned house, pull the tire in the garden to uncover a digging spot. It will take you inside the house where the crystals are. The pattern is shown in the curtains around that same room.
8th - Carpentersville Mall - On the backroom of the clothes shop. You have to move the cart and blow up the wall to access it. The pattern is an array of paint buckets in the hardware store.
9th - Right after you acquire the grappling hook in the chapter "Not Out Of The Woods", use it to cross the small river right above where Mark is and you'll find the crystals. The pattern is on a circle of fireflies below Chloe. AFAIK, you can't access this area after you've completed the chapter.
10th - Kristofferson's Camp - Inside the mine on the north side of the camp. The pattern is on the thumbtacks inside Kristofferson's house.
11th - Tinderglow's Lake - In the cave behind the waterfall. You'll need all 3 accessories (umbrella, shovel, grappling hook) to get it. The pattern is on the rocks that surround the digging spot on the way to the crystals.
12th - After the first battle with Dragur in the chapter "Grave Mistake", you'll enter a church where the first floor is in the shape of a cross. On the north side of this area, grab and drag the altar to uncover a secret room with the crystals. The pattern is the arrangement of the goblets in the same room. This area is not accessible once this chapter is completed.
13th - Old Pine Cemetery - In the dark room just below the Nexus Node in the funeral home, you can get to the crystals area by breaking the south wall with a bomb. The pattern is the stained glass above the Nexus Node.
14th - Winsor's MiniMart - In the area with the Nexus Node in the stockroom, go through the lower right door and break the wall with a bomb to access the crystal. The pattern is the sprinkles in the donut poster near the Pre-Snow Trinity Token.
15th - Loomis Memorial Hospital - During the chapter "Night of the Nexus", while going through the 4th floor of the hospital, you'll find a key. Go back to the 2nd floor and use the key to open the door on the west side, where the crystals are. The pattern is an array of capsules on the east side of the hallway of the 2nd floor.
Last edited by cesarfelix1998; Jun 25 @ 9:00am
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Showing 1-15 of 17 comments
Iguana Token - Right next to Tony when you first enter Carpentersville High.
Pizza Rat Token - Buy it from Mitch for 2$ during the chapter "School Daze". He is in Carpentersville High, on the east hallway. You'll later have to buy a second one from him again after trading the first one with Terrell.
Pterodactyl Token - During the chapter "School Daze", trade your Pizza Rat Token with Terrell and he'll give you this one. He is inside Carpentersville High's library.
Witch Duck Token - During the chapter "School Daze", you'll have to help Morgan, who is inside Carpentersville High School, on the east hallway. You'll have to collect five chalkboard erasers, all of which are inside the school. The first one is on the upper right corner of the cafeteria. The second is in a recycling bin next to the entrance to the A.V. Room. Third is in a crate inside the library. The fourth one, you'll have to talk to Ali in Room 119 - Math. She'll tell to talk to Professor Rockewell. Do that and then return to her to receive the eraser. And as for the final one, you'll have to buy it from Mitch for 5$. After getting all the erasers, return to Morgan and she'll give you the token.
Signore Bublé Token - In a crate inside the school's janitor room, located to the left of the basement's entrance.
Myrrh Token - Inside the lower right room in the school's basement. AFAIK, you can only get this token during the chapter "School Daze".
Stake Token - On the lower right area of Kristofferson's Camp, behind the fence.
Breeze in the Clouds - To the left of the deli around Downtown.
Garlic Token - Inside Winsor's Mini-Mart. If I'm not mistaken, this token does not show up until you first collect the Iguana Token.
Werewolf Token - During the chapter "Got Your Goat", buy a dog treat in Winsor's Mini-Mart and feed it to the dog in Becky's neighbourhood. You'll get this token as a reward.
Perinots Token - During the chapter "Got Your Goat", on the left side of the downtown area, talk to Moses Freeman and help him get 3 signatures from people around the area (Mr. Bayliss inside the book shop, Justin inside Taco Time, Becky's dad inside the coffee shop). Then return to Moses and he'll give you this token as a reward.
Ants Token - During the chapter "Got Your Goat", buy 5 watermelons from Winsor's Mini-Mart. After that, talk to Kevin, who's above the diner in the downtown area. Then go inside the diner and read Kevin's note to get this token.
myPhone Token - After the assembly during the chapter "Got Your Goat", the token will be on the upper left corner of the school's auditorium. You'll have to access that part of the room through the door on the east hallway of the school.
American Football Token - Inside a crate on the upper left corner of the soccer field in Bulldog's Field.
Doughnuts Token - Inside the cell in the downtown police station. You have to blow up the back wall outside to get in.
Banshee Token - At the entrance of the cave behind the waterfall in Tinderglow's Lake.
Pluto Token - In the 2nd floor of the school, inside the Planetarium. AFAIK, you can only get this token during the chapter "The Transylvania Twist".
Bulldog Token - In the school rooftop. You can get this token during the chapter "The Transylvania Twist". IDK if it will still be there in the final chapter.
Stegosaurus Token - In the chapter "Truant Blood", talk to Becky's dad outside their house. He'll give you some chores to do. The second one requires you to dig 3 holes in their small backyard garden. The token is in the third hole.
Unpacking Token - Inside a cardboard box in the study inside Becky's house. This token won't show up until the chapter "Truant Blood". IDK if it will still be there in the following chapters.
Ghost Token - At the abandoned house in Becky's neighbourhood, pull the tire in the garden to uncover a digging spot. It will take you inside the house where this token is.
Triceratops Token - In the digging spot on the far left side of Whistler's Park.
Chesapeake Crab Token - Go to the digging spot in the upper left corner of the school's frontyard. It will transport you to a room in the basement that you previously explored. The token is on the lower left side of said room.
Steak Token - Buy it from Mitch during the chapter "Truant Blood". You first need to talk to the cashier in the mall's glass jar store, then talk to Mitch right outside that store.
Pro-Dirt Token - During the chapter "Truant Blood", a main story mission will require you to go to the mall's basement and blow up the fountain's water pipe. The token is to the left of the water pipe. You can only get this token in this chapter.
Second Aid Token - In the hospital's first floor, to the right of the elevator.
Stacked Rocks Token - During the chapter "Not Out of the Woods", there's a section where you'll have to navigate under a bunch of trees with limited vision. The token is around there. AFAIK, you can only get it in this chapter.
Jersey Devil Token - During the chapter "Not Out of the Woods", after you get out of the cave, continue for a bit. You'll eventually come across an orange tent. The token is to the left of it. AFAIK, you can only get it in this chapter.
Silver Button Token - In the left window of the second floor in Becky's house, leave a coin. After doing some progress in the game, come back to the window and a token should be there eventually. If you leave the coin in the first chapter, the token will be there by the 7th chapter, "Grave Mistake".
Raincloud Token - Buy it from Mitch during the chapter "Grave Mistake". He'll be to the right of the cemetary entrance.
Gargoyle Token - After the first battle with Dragur in the chapter "Grave Mistake", you'll enter a church where the first floor is in the shape of a cross. The token is on the west side of this area, inside a crate. This area is not accessible once this chapter is completed.
Flappy Bat Token - Buy it from Mitch during the chapter "Time for a Break". He's downtown, right next to the police station.
Shiny Glitter Unicorn - During the chapter "Time for a Break", talk to Jeff, who is next to the dumpster below town hall. He'll give you a mission. Once you complete it, talk to him again and he'll reward you this token.
Ghost Song Token - During the chapter "Night of the Nexus", as your progressing through the Old Funeral Home, you'll parachute down into a section of dark rooms. This token is in the bottom right corner of the first dark room.
Frozen Waffles Token - In the mini-mart freezer. In the area before the one with Nexus Node, go through the lower right door (you'll have to bridge the gap with an ice cube). The token is there inside an ice cube.
Pre-Snow Trinity Token - In the area with the Nexus Node in the mini-mart freezer, go through the lower right door, walk through the hallway to the other door. The token is in that room.
Lawn Gnome Token - During the chapter "Night of the Nexus", talk to Tony, who is near the fountain in Becky's neighbourhood. He'll tell you to find Gregg, who is at the hospital's reception room. Once you talk to Gregg, you'll receive the token.
Vampire Token - In the second floor of the hospital, inside the room with the blue and red laser floor tiles.
Red Cap Token - During the chapter "Night of the Nexus", talk to Elon, who is on the east side of Becky's neighbourhood. He'll give you a snipe quest. Once you complete the quest, he'll give you this token.
Mole Token - When you're first going through the Perch Office outside security system, you'll reach a hallway full of lasers going left and right. The token is on the far upper right corner of that hallway.
Protodroid DeLTA Token - Once you go inside the Perch Office building, go to the boxing room on the right. The token is on the upper right.
Printer/Copier Token - Once you go inside the Perch Office building, go to the room above (you'll have to smash a computer to deactivate the door). The token is on the lower right.

Vertical Slice - You'll get this just by doing the main story, during the training in the chapter "Kristofferson's Camp".
Fists of Fury - During the chapter "Got Your Goat", talk to Cyrus outside Winsor's Mini-Mart. She'll tell you to get a ball inside a crate. Once you do it, talk to her again and she'll reward you with this rune.
Shield Bash - Go to the downtown's Star Diner and talk to Hank. He'll ask you to go to the diner's basement to deal with the rat problem. The rune will be there. This mission will only be available starting with the chapter "Truant Blood".
I Shovel Well - During the chapter "Truant Blood", go to the school's entrance and talk to Terrell for a new mission. Once you complete it, you'll be rewarded this rune. IDK if you can do this mission in any following chapters.
Beastie Special - In the chapter "Truant Blood", talk to Becky's dad outside their house. He'll give you some chores to do. Once you finish them, you can grab the gift card located in the study room inside Becky's house. After that, go to the mall's shoe store and give the card to the employee. He'll reward you this rune.

Primitive Playlist - Buy it from Mitch on the west hallway of the school, during the chapter "Got Your Goat".
Music from Leonard - During the chapter "Time for a Break", if you invite Leonard to hang out and meet him at the downtown's coffee shop, he'll give you this tape. If you don't invite him, IDK if you can still get the tape if you talk to him, or If he'll even be in the coffee shop at all in that case.
Cassette Tape - In the Perch Office's sewage system.
Last edited by cesarfelix1998; Jun 23 @ 7:23am
Mylad Jun 23 @ 1:59am 
Thanks, do you dont where the cassette player is for the quest ?
Originally posted by Mylad:
Thanks, do you dont where the cassette player is for the quest ?
One in the tree house in the neighborhood. One in the music shop downtown.

Op: you dropped this 👑
Last edited by Morthedubi; Jun 23 @ 2:09am
you are a godsend thank you so much!! do you have any idea how to get winnemucca to dodge city?
Mylad Jun 23 @ 2:15am 
Originally posted by Morthedubi:
Originally posted by Mylad:
Thanks, do you dont where the cassette player is for the quest ?
One in the tree house in the neighborhood. One in the music shop downtown.

Op: you dropped this 👑

Thanks, I feel dumb for not checking the music shop 😂
Originally posted by heymynameismel:
you are a godsend thank you so much!! do you have any idea how to get winnemucca to dodge city?
No, sorry. It's the only achievement I don't have. :(
Last edited by cesarfelix1998; Jun 23 @ 7:24am
Have you gotten all selfies? I don't even know who I might be missing... I made sure to take one with everyone I saw, but probably missed some key npc...
Originally posted by cesarfelix1998:
Originally posted by heymynameismel:
you are a godsend thank you so much!! do you have any idea how to get winnemucca to dodge city?
No, sorry. It's the only achievement I don't have. :(

I'm probably wrong, but I think the achievement has something to do with the bar because the achievement description sounds like a Cheers reference. The barkeep downtown asks for ID when you talk to her.
Originally posted by Morthedubi:
Have you gotten all selfies? I don't even know who I might be missing... I made sure to take one with everyone I saw, but probably missed some key npc...
Yes, but I didn't really keep track of that. User uzura3026 made this image which lists all of them.
Last edited by cesarfelix1998; Jun 23 @ 10:54am
♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ hell, I missed the 12th heart piece on my second playthrough.
I got all the recipes on this list and still doesn't seem to have all. It says I'm missing 1... any idea? anyone?
Originally posted by Morthedubi:
I got all the recipes on this list and still doesn't seem to have all. It says I'm missing 1... any idea? anyone?
I just checked and I completely forgot to write down the Fruit Salad recipe, sorry about that. You have to go the school's cafeteria in chapter 10 (might also work in chapter 9, I'm not sure) and talk to the lunch lady. She'll give it to you.
Morthedubi Jun 23 @ 11:21pm 
Originally posted by cesarfelix1998:
Originally posted by Morthedubi:
I got all the recipes on this list and still doesn't seem to have all. It says I'm missing 1... any idea? anyone?
I just checked and I completely forgot to write down the Fruit Salad recipe, sorry about that. You have to go the school's cafeteria in chapter 10 (might also work in chapter 9, I'm not sure) and talk to the lunch lady. She'll give it to you.
Thank you so much. Now I’m just missing all selfies and the winnemucca one. Another playthrough it is.
Jaspurr Jul 2 @ 3:12pm 
Please add this to the Guides Steam page. This is helpful info and doesn't deserve to be buried in the Discussions
Originally posted by Jaspurr:
Please add this to the Guides Steam page. This is helpful info and doesn't deserve to be buried in the Discussions

Done :)
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