Gravitar: Recharged

Gravitar: Recharged

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Bavanity Dec 23, 2022 @ 2:57am
Please add dpad support for all games.
Can't even browse the menu with d pad except for one title, let alone play the game.
Asteroids would be great with d pad, much more arcade like.. why force analog stick control? This is but one example.
I don't understand decisions like this in 2022 where options are not given to the player.
I am undecided whether to refund the recently purchased ones or not.
Also, is v sync actually forced even though I turn it off? For example, if my screen is set at 60 hz, anything above 60FPS option will not work; even with v sync off. But if I set my screen to 165 hz, then the 120 HZ option works ok. This tells me there may be forced v -sync?

Thanks, they are ALL great games, Black Widow is still my fave but I have that one over at Epyx. I would just like to see those minor disturbances fixed to really elevate the experience (at least for me). Missile command I can understand analog control, for example, but asteroids no, just give us the option!
I might try the steam forced option and see if I can fix it like I did Aggellos (another game from another dev) and see how I go. Maybe that could be a workaround.