Clair Obscur: Expedition 33

Clair Obscur: Expedition 33

This is what I wanted FF16 to be like.
Anyone else feel this way when they saw this game's video for the first time? Like that's what "the next step" for final fantasy should have been like a long time ago. Not basically making a so-so action game. The way they've made the turned based combat look so good and more interactive feels and looks so good. I know I'm not the only one who thinks final fantasy took a wrong turn by no longer making turn based games any more, right? The thing I always used to look forward to most between one FF to the next was what kind of new system they would incorporate. Like materia in FF7 and junction in FF8. Sigh, hopefully in the next one they'll get the hint and return to form.
That is all.
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Showing 1-6 of 6 comments
i tottaly agree with you, combat in ff 16 was not bad but to much of the same and only 1 char playeble and missing some summons and endgame content was barebones to say the least, story was fine tough.
Ratsplat Jun 19 @ 10:04am 
I haven't played a single player FF since 12. They're really losing an audience for abandoning the classic combat system for so long. Let's just hope Expedition 33 has good combat, and not-entirely linear world like 13 was.
Originally posted by Ratsplat:
I haven't played a single player FF since 12. They're really losing an audience for abandoning the classic combat system for so long. Let's just hope Expedition 33 has good combat, and not-entirely linear world like 13 was.

I actually liked 12's combat and thought it was an innovative take on combat but I didn't want every next FF to follow it. 13 was literally the worst. You literally just had auto-battle so the combat was boring other than switching paradigms. The story was a confusing mess and I the world was a linear walking simulator. While 13 still had "turn based" combat they completely lost the plot with it's fast paced "auto" bs. If I had to take a guess, I'd say they took how badly 13 and it's 2 sequels (or whatever they were cause I never played them) did as "people don't like turn based combat any more". Nah we just want good turn based combat.
this is not what your wanted... this is how ffxvi should be
Originally posted by Flare 衝撃波:
i tottaly agree with you, combat in ff 16 was not bad but to much of the same and only 1 char playeble and missing some summons and endgame content was barebones to say the least, story was fine tough.

this kind of game only fits with short story and minimal map exploratiin.. implement this combat gameplay in long cutscene, story, lore, big map but not so huge just make this game looks repetitive..

best examples, godhand, onimusha and dmc
Last edited by Exialyser; Jul 6 @ 7:51pm
Ff16 was great for a cinematic game but the combat was too one note, you just cycled a rotation of cooldowns like its ff14 and press dodgge to be invincible. Then the sidequests were generic mmo types with little gamepmay and lots of boring characters that say too much while saying nothing just to pad the time. Sidequests should only exist if they have a story to tell and integrated i to the gameplay. Also without a real party that actually does something and brings something to the table it becomes tedious. Its like you play gears of war but have no allies during both fights and story sequences. It was still enjoyable but also very forgettable because of the extremely poor pacing. I also agree this is where i thought jrpgs were going to go, modern graphics, more interactive but still turn based like legend of dragoon and not overcomplicated cheaply built games like all the games coming out of asia. Seriously its like they only make those games to sell booster pack items and cartoon bikinis. They all have shallow gameplay and a millions systems that are tedious and pointless. This one however looks exactly like what i have been asking for for many years, havent been excited like this for a game in a long time, kinda like fantasy mass effect, but turn based rpg. Feels like there are some guys who worked on child of light here.
Last edited by Alveriel; 13 hours ago
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