Asteroids: Recharged

Asteroids: Recharged

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MAME-FAN Nov 5, 2022 @ 6:18pm
How do you remap controls?
I click on player 1 with my mouse button in the rebind section in settings, and nothing happens. I'm not using a gamepad, just mouse/keyboard.
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MB Geek Jan 7, 2023 @ 7:54am 
+1 here ... seems to be a funky issue with all of the recharged releases, some work and others don't. I was thrilled when they added the 3 lives option, now if they could just fix this
Shrouded Chum Jun 6, 2023 @ 5:25am 
i get the option to remap fire and warp button for player one, but not the other keys. no idea why
Horrorscope CC97 Nov 9, 2023 @ 9:09pm 
Same as op, keybinds don't work and exiting a played game doesn't work either.
Using the Arcade stick I REALLY want to map the buttons like my OG Asteroids Deluxe. I haaaaate the thrust on the joystick, Essentially Just let us map what ever function to what ever button, and we're golden. Thank you. I can't play it until this function works. My brain fails to submit to this layout.
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