Minishoot' Adventures

Minishoot' Adventures

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Achievement Bug
I beat the game on the hardest difficulty on my first attempt and i only got achievements for the other 2 difficulty, also after beating the game the file being deleted entirely, i can't go back in and through accessibility to get the achievement.
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Showing 1-14 of 14 comments
Exact same thing here unfortunately! One of the only games I've ever gone for all achievements but I wasn't able to get this one (and only this one!
Bummed that the button the devs added to retrieve missing achievements doesn't work, presumably because of the deleted save file. Oh well. Guess I'll replay the game on hard someday
Hariman Apr 29 @ 9:11pm 
The bug I've encountered is that having a completed save file seems to allow access to late game sections early.

I hadn't beaten the *spoiler* boss to get the item for the path to the final dungeon, but I was still able to raise the bridge.

I couldn't go through the door, or course, but I could also open the path to the first post game area... which I didn't go very far into due to wanting to finish the game regularly.
I just finished a little "speedrun" on normal, and i have the supershot, but the key for the supershot is lying in the cave again.
I think the black crystal was back too and picking it up a second time did nothing.

No idea how this happened. Just saw credits and then went to the caves that still had items in them, and the 2 story items were back for no reason.

Game is certainly messing up some things, logic wise.
Last edited by Ninethousand; May 1 @ 10:25am
SirMaoh May 5 @ 4:34am 
Same for me too :/ I completed the game on the hardest difficulty, the game said theres nothing more to do, and the game seems to have crashed during the last "action" you can do. Now I'm missing the last achievement :/
Elym May 5 @ 12:44pm 
Everyone: Load your game, go into your game Options, and select the Accessibility tab.

Once you've beaten the game, an 'Unlock Missing Achievements' button will appear at the bottom. This is specifically to address this bug, apparently.

Hope it helps!!
Last edited by Elym; May 5 @ 12:45pm
SirMaoh May 5 @ 12:59pm 
Doesn't work for me, the button is grayed out. Probably because the save slot was deleted as last action of the 100% save slot? I'm still missing the last hidden achievement
Originally posted by SirMaoh:
Doesn't work for me, the button is grayed out. Probably because the save slot was deleted as last action of the 100% save slot? I'm still missing the last hidden achievement
Hmm that's weird, did you change the difficulty at any time? I started my first playthrough on normal, but halfway through I changed it to Advanced and finished the game - needless to say the achievement did not unlock. So, I did a second run on Advanced from start to finish, without changing anything and this time it popped up, after the little cutscene at the end.
SirMaoh May 7 @ 1:50pm 
I started on hard and never changed it. I got all achievement except for the last hidden one. I don’t know which one it is, but its probably something like "get all other achievement"
Originally posted by SirMaoh:
I started on hard and never changed it. I got all achievement except for the last hidden one. I don’t know which one it is, but its probably something like "get all other achievement"

There's no such achievement, but you can check which one it is by hovering your mouse over the hidden one and that will reveal it.
SirMaoh May 9 @ 2:58am 
Originally posted by UncleWeed:
Originally posted by SirMaoh:
I started on hard and never changed it. I got all achievement except for the last hidden one. I don’t know which one it is, but its probably something like "get all other achievement"

There's no such achievement, but you can check which one it is by hovering your mouse over the hidden one and that will reveal it.

The part with "hovering over it" didn't work, but I managed to get the last achievment, the one regarding bard was missing. Thanks a lot for your help @everyone :)
Neruvous May 17 @ 5:58pm 
Originally posted by SirMaoh:
Originally posted by UncleWeed:

There's no such achievement, but you can check which one it is by hovering your mouse over the hidden one and that will reveal it.

The part with "hovering over it" didn't work, but I managed to get the last achievment, the one regarding bard was missing. Thanks a lot for your help @everyone :)

Me too, the bard is missing and i listened him.
biggray Jun 13 @ 11:30am 
I never got an achievement to speak of, and I'm close to 100% on normal. Nothing. I even started another game and didn't get anything.
nomercy Jul 3 @ 2:25pm 
I just found the suggestion to start the game on Windows and then all archievements will be there at once. It appears to be a problem with Mac users. If you don't have a Windows machine you can use the Wine emulator called "Whisky" for that purpose.
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