Minishoot' Adventures

Minishoot' Adventures

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Steam Deck?
Does this support Steam Deck and if so how does it run? Is the UI readable?
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Showing 1-15 of 15 comments
Demo runs fine, is readable to me. I'll know for definite when it releases,, has been on my wishlist for ages.
Steam deck was mentioned in this review here at around 4:45

Nothing was mentioned on readability, ran at "pretty solid" 60 fps, and visuals not as vibrant as on a monitor. (Not sure how fair it is to compare a portable 720p to what is likely a 4k display but that's my two cents.)

I'll found out myself tonight/tomorrow.
Bede-x Apr 2 @ 5:31am 
Originally posted by The Eternal:
Demo runs fine, is readable to me. I'll know for definite when it releases,, has been on my wishlist for ages.

I've only just found out about it recently, but it looks really good, so along with Bio-Gun, I was hoping they would be my April games. Just need to know that it works well on Steam Deck, as that's where I would be playing it, but it sounds promising going by your account!
Last edited by Bede-x; Apr 2 @ 5:32am
Bede-x Apr 2 @ 5:41am 
Originally posted by CatPhoenix:
Nothing was mentioned on readability, ran at "pretty solid" 60 fps, and visuals not as vibrant as on a monitor. (Not sure how fair it is to compare a portable 720p to what is likely a 4k display but that's my two cents.)

Just saw the clip and it sounds good. Gonna be picking this up when it releases in some hours.

Thanks to both of you for the information :)
100% readable, although you'll find yourself holding your steam deck close to your face to read the text when at a "shop". This is very sparsely occurring.
Originally posted by Bede-x:
Originally posted by The Eternal:
Demo runs fine, is readable to me. I'll know for definite when it releases,, has been on my wishlist for ages.

I've only just found out about it recently, but it looks really good, so along with Bio-Gun, I was hoping they would be my April games. Just need to know that it works well on Steam Deck, as that's where I would be playing it, but it sounds promising going by your account!
Oh BioGun looks pretty neat as well, will get the demo.
Bede-x Apr 2 @ 11:41am 
Seems to work perfectly on Steam Deck at 60fps from what little I've tried. At higher framerates it seems to always settle a little below what ever refresh you select.

The text is a small in places, but I'll manage. Seems so charming and can't wait to begin the adventure this weekend :)
Last edited by Bede-x; Apr 2 @ 11:45am
Totally fine on deck for me too.
I have fps drops near wateralls, but most time it works ok (1080p)
LeftPaw Apr 3 @ 3:25am 
Great news, my deck goes with me everywhere because it has literally grafted itself to my hand and I can't shake it loose.
Originally posted by LeftPaw:
Great news, my deck goes with me everywhere because it has literally grafted itself to my hand and I can't shake it loose.
Well it does feel that way sometimes
LeftPaw Apr 3 @ 4:46am 
Originally posted by The Eternal:
Originally posted by LeftPaw:
Great news, my deck goes with me everywhere because it has literally grafted itself to my hand and I can't shake it loose.
Well it does feel that way sometimes
Haha! yes it does, and that is what had me type something so ridiculous. I have even taken to bringing it to the toilet with me. Steam deck has to be the best product of the century.
labtob Apr 3 @ 5:47am 
Been working fine for me on the oled 512 deck. I had to set the refresh to 60hz and the in-game fps to 60fps. Enabled v-sync, too. Runs dreamy :)
Last edited by labtob; Apr 3 @ 5:48am
This game is great and mostly runs well on my Steam deck, but occasionally it freezes for a few seconds, and sometimes it outright restarts the device.

Maybe I've configured something wrong...
If many particles are visible on the screen, the framerate can drop from 60 to 50 and slightly below, but these situations are very rare. However, this concerns me regarding the potential port to the Switch.
Furthermore, when I move quickly through the game's world, I see the typical Unity stutters during scrolling, both when playing on my PC and on my Steam Deck OLED.
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