FREERIDE: The Personality Test

FREERIDE: The Personality Test

My thoughts on the game!
From the limited amount ive seen to be fair cause im not a grinder by any means!

-Love the personality function obviously its always fun to see choices compared to others and what the game thinks of you from the stat perspective
-Love talking to so many characters and small cut scenes with different characters as it builds the world and who doesnt like talking to little guys
-Love the minigame function, honestly the ddr part felt off to me on sync at least but not sure if thats me or the demo, id love if you got an achievement for this in the future though or possible cosmetics or gifts to give by hitting certain marks in mini games
-love gifts in general and figuring out what people like BUT id like a catalogue in the phone that keeps track of hearts with people and possibly notes from talking to them about who they are and what type of gifts they like or maybe just listing what gifts youve given them and if they loved or hated it etc
-love secrets theyre my favorite, i also love easter eggs like detective frog (which are 3 fun games in a series as well check it out!)

Things id like improved in a full game as a player
-I completely missed the boss section apparently but thats the fun of choice games, BUT if i had to use the throw function in that id probably be demoralized lol, i think the throw function needs polished or replaced, i didnt understand it at the start and think it at the least at the start needs a visual on the side showing that action or maybe the conductor throwing the ball and showing a step by step of her tapping and then after holding to throw and all that
-The camera itself gave me a headache, im completely fine with stagnant cameras but in places where its tight when you go in corners or sub areas etc it feels claustrophobic and letting the player maybe move it with right click or adjust their camera somehow would make a world of difference, same thing with the upside down function as for me at least it went back and forth at times and visually was hurting my eyes going inbetween areas like that at time but maybe thats just me lmao
-its a demo so im hoping this is replaced honestly in general but the start at the train station was sudden and i was confused and didnt feel like an actual character who did things or had connections but just like an empty headed guy which doesnt make much sense when we got the text at the start and all that, id like more dialogue options and lore padding maybe at like the train station bulletin board or papers on the ground etc to get more of an inkling whats happening and im sure that can be put into personality diagnosing as well
-Increase inventory please! im not sure how areas will work in the full game but so far in the first one im trying to give items to people but the space available is too little so im going back and forth and it feels pretty repetitive after a bit, if in the full game theres maybe a storage box system to have a main place to go back to or a way to find inventory increase upgrades maybe like by finding bags or something and slowly getting more space, just something where it gives me hope of less frustration please!
-I see theres a possible camera feature being added as well and id like to suggest something more involved with the phone added besides that if possible, im not sure how much text is gonna be involved maybe if characters you heart can text or call you but something that makes the feature seem more useful and not just a inventory spot would be nice

Im a yapper mb, but i really do hope for this games success, any more suggestions on any changes id love to see them too, hopefully the creator sees this as well as the other feedback!
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Flightyfelon  [developer] Jul 21 @ 7:26pm 
Originally posted by KomaedaxHope:
From the limited amount ive seen to be fair cause im not a grinder by any means!

-Love the personality function obviously its always fun to see choices compared to others and what the game thinks of you from the stat perspective
-Love talking to so many characters and small cut scenes with different characters as it builds the world and who doesnt like talking to little guys
-Love the minigame function, honestly the ddr part felt off to me on sync at least but not sure if thats me or the demo, id love if you got an achievement for this in the future though or possible cosmetics or gifts to give by hitting certain marks in mini games
-love gifts in general and figuring out what people like BUT id like a catalogue in the phone that keeps track of hearts with people and possibly notes from talking to them about who they are and what type of gifts they like or maybe just listing what gifts youve given them and if they loved or hated it etc
-love secrets theyre my favorite, i also love easter eggs like detective frog (which are 3 fun games in a series as well check it out!)

Things id like improved in a full game as a player
-I completely missed the boss section apparently but thats the fun of choice games, BUT if i had to use the throw function in that id probably be demoralized lol, i think the throw function needs polished or replaced, i didnt understand it at the start and think it at the least at the start needs a visual on the side showing that action or maybe the conductor throwing the ball and showing a step by step of her tapping and then after holding to throw and all that
-The camera itself gave me a headache, im completely fine with stagnant cameras but in places where its tight when you go in corners or sub areas etc it feels claustrophobic and letting the player maybe move it with right click or adjust their camera somehow would make a world of difference, same thing with the upside down function as for me at least it went back and forth at times and visually was hurting my eyes going inbetween areas like that at time but maybe thats just me lmao
-its a demo so im hoping this is replaced honestly in general but the start at the train station was sudden and i was confused and didnt feel like an actual character who did things or had connections but just like an empty headed guy which doesnt make much sense when we got the text at the start and all that, id like more dialogue options and lore padding maybe at like the train station bulletin board or papers on the ground etc to get more of an inkling whats happening and im sure that can be put into personality diagnosing as well
-Increase inventory please! im not sure how areas will work in the full game but so far in the first one im trying to give items to people but the space available is too little so im going back and forth and it feels pretty repetitive after a bit, if in the full game theres maybe a storage box system to have a main place to go back to or a way to find inventory increase upgrades maybe like by finding bags or something and slowly getting more space, just something where it gives me hope of less frustration please!
-I see theres a possible camera feature being added as well and id like to suggest something more involved with the phone added besides that if possible, im not sure how much text is gonna be involved maybe if characters you heart can text or call you but something that makes the feature seem more useful and not just a inventory spot would be nice

Im a yapper mb, but i really do hope for this games success, any more suggestions on any changes id love to see them too, hopefully the creator sees this as well as the other feedback!

Hey :) Rebecca the Dev here!

I’ve been giving your post some thought for the last few weeks. I do want to be clear that I write only in goodwill, and that I want you to know that I truly appreciate the time you took to leave this message.

Firstly, I’m really really glad you loved the parts of the game that you did ^_^ Freeride’s characters are the game’s heart and soul, so even if you struggled with some parts, I’m glad that shone through.

For the needs improvement stuff, I’ll start with the easy stuff

-Inventory size
I agree the inventory is small. It is intentionally trying to force you to be selective in what you carry(I can’t disclose why). However I really love the idea of a universal storage box to move things around more easily. I had not thought people would be wanting to carry huge amounts of objects across the map for gifting, but it’s clearly something that happens!

Sadly we won’t be able to let players move the camera. For controller-gameplay reasons(not enough joysticks) but also because we’re a small team and making a scene look good from any angle is an undertaking we cannot afford 😭. I’m sorry if it feels odd, but I am trying to keep it as simple as possible.

-Suddenness of the first scene
I agree the first scene feels like Proto is disconnected from their situation. This is intentional.

-Telekinesis is difficult
Just out of pure curiosity, are you playing with a mouse or a laptop trackpad? We are working on an accessibility option that removes the necessity for a standalone mouse.

Hope that helps clarify some things! I’m not saying all our design choices are perfect, but we do definitely have reasons for them :P
In the full game, many more of your questions will be answered, too.
Hi thanks so much for the reply its cool to see a developer looking at the forums for feedback etc!
The inventory solution would be greatly fixed with a universal box either by the train etc or a hub in each map in a central area in my opinion and really help with getting a visual on all the items available to the player when they're sorting through etc (preferably in some place around the main area the player will be interacting in for each zone as transitioning back to the train for more items could also be tiring honestly), I'd also suggest in this though depending on how many items are in the game total to be available for storing then implementing a categorizing system of some kind for that (as a player that hoards items then scrolling up and down a bunch to find a specific item can tip me off a bit unless i can sort it somehow)

The camera issue is more understandable when you see it from a developer standpoint, i wasn't thinking about that really but for the claustrophobic feeling in areas im not sure of a solution but for me at least kind of getting a headache with the transitioning upside down etc between areas (which is a cool mechanic, it just wasn't easy on my eyes lmao), I would maybe for longer walks between areas try and make it to somehow being able to fast travel to avoid that at least having to do it at least after unlocking it in some way? im not sure, Ill tough through it if I have to in order to play the game but also know im gonna be closing my eyes walking back and forth ;<

If its a story reason then completely understandable why it was sudden, im sure it'll make more sense in the full game

Im myself playing with a mouse, accessibility options are always good so glad to hear it!

Again super excited for this game cause it looks like it could be amazing, Im sure you guys maybe do already but id get some play testers and watch their game-play fully yourselves just to make sure all the loose ends are tied and see how their play styles differ and effect how enjoyable the game may be for them in that way.

I would also like to add as a little hope from a person who absolutely loves customizing and will go out of my way in most games to achieve it, possibly do collectible items from interacting with friends or games/quests to give the character an accessory ? or maybe the friends you make will have extra decor on them etc, even stuff on the phone possibly instead? I realize its not the main focus of the game but I think at least for a game that has many secrets and interactive items it makes sense to me at least and Im sure people would love it, Wish you guys all the luck in developing!:luv:
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