Victory Heat Rally

Victory Heat Rally

Hey devs, THANK YOU!
In a sea of modern games that feel like soulless paint by numbers clones, this beautiful game of yours really stands out! I found your game by randomly searching for "arcade racing game" and a many lines down the list I saw your game. I dloaded the demo, and I'm simply blown away! I'm not sure if you're a new dev team, single dev, experienced... but it doesnt matter. Everything from the controls and graphics to just the way it feels and how it resonates with me is unlike anything I've played probably since Windjammers 2, and I think this is better done! Btw, whoever did your music needs a raise. It's still in my head!

My only desire at this point would be support for my super ultra wide monitor. As it sits, it's fine without it, but when text comes from off screen it's shown sitting there in the wings as it flies in, which is a little distracting. If it's not possible, however, it's not the end of the world. But I do think it would make the game a lot more immersive, especially on that rollercoaster themed track!

I shared the demo on my channel, not much but I hope it helps get more eyes on this game. Is there any idea on a rough release date? I'd love to feature it again, soon!

Great job! Seriously, thank you so so much for making something with character and heart. I'm going to go check to see if you've done anything else, prior. Keep up the great work!

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Playtonic Steve  [developer] May 28 @ 1:29am 
Hey Daz,

Thanks so much for the kind words! I'll make sure the Devs see this :)

We don't have a release date YET but stay tuned ;)
Sounds good, thanks!
Agreed. Easily remains a top 10 wishlist game for me that I routinely check in on to see how it's doing, because I *need* this game lol.
Same, I've been looking for a drifting game like this for a long time. I love it. I hope the devs are able to finish it.
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