Victory Heat Rally

Victory Heat Rally

2D cars are a detriment to this game
Unpopular opinion I guess, and probably an unrealistic wish for a game so late in development but I think the 2D cars are hurting the gameplay while not adding much from a visual standpoint.

You can't have precise collision or steering when cars are turning with ~45 degrees steps, so it simplifies a game already a bit too simplistic in the first hand.
And you could keep the retro aesthetic (and not change anything else) with low-poly 3D models like this
The art style could even lean more in the cartoony feel and be more dynamic by having car deforming when taking corner, a bit like Motor Toon Grand Prix, or having exaggerated suspensions movements like RallyCross.

edit : Now I'm thinking about it, Choro-Q would be a far better example
Last edited by Sylvine; Jun 12 @ 1:28am
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You're wrong. Clearly skill issue.
Besides, the car being 2D sprites or 3D models has no difference in the collision. Collisions are handled by hitboxes which are independent to what the car graphics are.

You can have 3D graphics with awful collision if the hitboxes are poorly made, or you can have 2D graphics with perfect collision if it's well made. The graphic style has nothing to do with it.
Sylvine Jun 13 @ 3:53pm 
Originally posted by V I D A L:
Clearly skill issue.
This is the most irrelevant argument ever, I'm precisely asking for a change that would make the skill ceiling of the game higher, because it's too low now.

Originally posted by V I D A L:
You can have 3D graphics with awful collision if the hitboxes are poorly made, or you can have 2D graphics with perfect collision if it's well made.
Of course, but it's useless since they player is not aware of where the hitboxes actually are since the cars are in 2D.

And it's not just about hitboxe, it's also the physic of the collision and how the camera is handled.

You can't have those "duel" like in 3D racing games where you can scrape a car from the side or push it from the back, either to destabilise your opponent, or to help taking a corner. Here it's lacking granularity with collisions, you either just lose a bit of speed, or you have those cartoonish collision where the other car is put into orbit. This makes overtaking very simplistic, when it's one of the most important and exciting aspect of racing.

Same thing for precise cornering, it would be almost impossible to have some kind of Gymkhana level where you have to make a donut around a cone and things like that.
Last edited by Sylvine; Jun 14 @ 2:25am
Biscuit Jun 13 @ 8:07pm 
Originally posted by Sylvine:
Originally posted by V I D A L:
Clearly skill issue.
This is the most irrelevant argument ever, I'm precisely asking for a change that would make the skill ceiling of the game higher, because it's too low now.

Originally posted by V I D A L:
You can have 3D graphics with awful collision if the hitboxes are poorly made, or you can have 2D graphics with perfect collision if it's well made.
Of course, but it's useless since they player is not aware of where the hitboxes actually are since the cars are in 2D.

And it's not just about hitboxe, it's also the physic of the collision and how the camera is handled.

You can't have those "duel" like in 3D racing games where you can scrape a car from the side or push it from the back, either to destabilise your opponent, or to help taking a corner. Here it's lacking granularity, you either just lose a bit of speed, or you have those cartoonish collision where the other car is put into orbit. This makes overtaking very simplistic, when it's one of the most important and exciting aspect of racing.

Same thing for precise cornering, it would be almost impossible to have some kind of Gymkhana level where you have to make a donut around a cone and things like that.
Man, they really need multiplayer so I can say "1 v 1 me,bro". Skill issue.
GoopyGear Jun 14 @ 11:01am 
Counterpoint: the cars in this game look infinitely better than any of the videos you linked precisely because of the 8-direction sprites.

I cannot imagine 3d models looking good against this game's 2d backgrounds so implementing them would probably require them to re-do just about every art asset in the game in order to achieve the visual cohesion that they already have now.

I think this game probably just doesn't appeal to you if you don't like the graphics or the relative simplicity.
FacuPovv Jun 14 @ 3:32pm 
I dont see any problem with the car sprites, yes they lack of some frames when turning (like the 2D retro games), but that doesnt change anything about gameplay, you should be looking the road mostly, not the car
Last edited by FacuPovv; Jun 14 @ 3:32pm
MAD Jun 16 @ 8:54am 
It's an homage to Sega's Power Drift,
supposed to imitate 2D scaling,
so I'm fine with the 2D car models and background objects.
Last edited by MAD; Jun 16 @ 8:57am
Sylvine Jun 16 @ 9:54am 
Originally posted by FacuPovv:
but that doesnt change anything about gameplay, you should be looking the road mostly, not the car
Of course it does, and you totaly need to look at your car in some circunstances.

This wouldn't be possible with 2D cars :

This wouldn't be possible with 2D cars :

This wouldn't be possible with 2D cars :

This wouldn't be possible with 2D cars :

And I could go on forever, of course having 2D elements instead of 3D will impact gameplay, I don't even understand why I have to explain something as basic as this.
Sorry but your opinion is wrong. 2D sprites in 3D environments is the most kino aesthetic.
Game looks completely fine. It's like if Power Drift and Sonic Mania had a baby.
Thalq Jun 16 @ 4:02pm 
Cute little car go fast
No the 2D sprites are perfect and adorable. I found no issue with the drifting. This game is very fun. This clearly just isn't the game for you, and that's ok.
I honestly like how it is and you can already go pretty fast and be precise on several tracks, just need the practice.
Sylvine Jun 25 @ 6:07am 
Originally posted by Mr. Zeppy:
I honestly like how it is and you can already go pretty fast and be precise on several tracks, just need the practice.
I'm answering one last time, because everybody is completely missing the point, and it's a bit tiring.

Yes, the game is perfectly playable as it is, because it's a fairly simple game.

But that's precisely my problem, I think the game is TOO simplistic, it plays like an early Mario Kart clone (the mix of 2D and 3D elements reminds me of Street Racer on the PSX), but with all the items and weapons removed.

I'm perfectly fine with the game being just a simple racing game with no powerup (in fact I hate weapons in racing games), but the driving model has to be a bit more challenging than this, and it's simply not possible with 2D cars. And I'm not talking about the overall difficulty of the game, you can always make the other cars go faster to make the game harder, I'm talking about the driving skill ceiling. It's the exact same reason that makes Quake skill ceiling higher than Doom.

And yes, you can end this debate by answering "It's designed to be a simplistic racing game, it's simply not for you", but I think you could satisfy both people that want a nostalgic simple racing game and players seeking for a more in-depth challenge by making the driving model a bit more complex (and so ditching 2D cars).

But as I've said in the first line of my first message, it's unrealistic to expect the game to have such a drastic change at this stage of development, it was more wishful thinking about a sequel or something.
So you somewhat dislike the visuals, but mainly wanting that there be an improvement or an increase in driving skill and optimization of runs?

I've gotten pretty precise with several tracks, so precision not an issue right now, just not many people have committed to the demo, probably when game release people will get better at the tracks
Last edited by Mr. Zeppy; Jul 7 @ 12:32am
Found something that might be what you lookin for
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