Space Warlord Organ Trading Simulator

Space Warlord Organ Trading Simulator

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Request fulfillment noise
Is there any solid confirmation on what the bee-doop noise when you fill a request means? There seems to be a positive, negative, or neutral version. Like many I assumed it was profit/loss but it was making the sad noise on deals I *know* I was profiting from, so I figured it was about how this deal will effect the market, based on who/what it's for? Which makes sense and I like that. But after trying to lean heavy on one or the other for a while, the market still seems to do whatever it wants. (NOT including storyline-triggered events in this! Just the repeatable generic requests.)
Has there ever been confirmation? Cant find anything anywhere.
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Strange Scaffold  [developer] Apr 1 @ 2:42pm 
The request fulfillment noise is a narrative device that signals how the game world feels about your actions in a quest.

So, it'll sound disappointed after you help someone, even if it's profitable, because it didn't generate as much profit as selling that organ to someone in a more privileged position.

Hope that helps!!
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