Open Roads

Open Roads

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what is the gameplay exactly in this game? what do you have to do? it reminds me a bit of life is strange is this something like that?
Last edited by john doe; Mar 28 @ 10:43am
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Just watch first five or ten minutes.
Last edited by Lord_Dracon; Mar 28 @ 11:13am
Spiegel Mar 28 @ 11:44am 
Low pace walking sim/interactive story but well done. I like it so far.
Its all about immersing oneself in the story. Soaking in the atmosphere of the environment and discover clues that reveal more of the story and what is going on.
Might not appeal to everyone but thats Indie, trying something different, non- mainstream.
Last edited by Spiegel; Mar 28 @ 11:50am
Originally posted by john doe:
what is the gameplay exactly in this game? what do you have to do? it reminds me a bit of life is strange is this something like that?
It's basically a visual novel but 3D with low quality art that has no shading, rather than 2D and fully rendered manga style art a VN has.

but it is Extremely short for a 16-20 usd price tag. Like it's one of those few games that hits my never recommended rule, even if I like the game. As with the federal min wage being $7.25 there are regions even in the US where you'd need to work 4 hours to play a 2 hour game; imagine being in a country without regional pricing. But it is on gamepass so at least there's that.
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