Open Roads

Open Roads

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nello Dec 11, 2020 @ 1:37am
This looks great! Any plans to have it run on Linux? Go on, you know you want to! :)
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Showing 1-15 of 18 comments
DrMcCoy Dec 11, 2020 @ 8:08am 
+1 for Linux :)
+1 for Linux, and an extra +1 for Doctor McCoy.
Nezchan Dec 11, 2020 @ 9:00am 
I really hope that Fullbright doesn't pull a Supergiant on us and continues to support Linux as they always have.

Also +1 for Doctor McCoy.
Last edited by Nezchan; Dec 11, 2020 @ 9:00am
DrMcCoy Dec 11, 2020 @ 12:29pm 
They answered on Twitter, btw:

we're figuring out launch OSes; my hope is that all of fullbright's games are Win/Mac/Linux, dunno if we'll be day 0 this time though 😩 Just a lot of SKUs to juggle and publisher involved!
flesk Dec 11, 2020 @ 1:09pm 
Nice. :) I don't mind if it's not a "day 0 release", as long as it's released eventually.
nello Dec 11, 2020 @ 2:09pm 
Oh nice, thanks for that Dr McCoy! Good to know.
PublicNuisance Mar 11, 2022 @ 7:39am 
I enjoyed Gone Home and Tacoma, i'll buy this as well if there is Linux support.
Zyro Jan 29 @ 11:34am 
So, we've got a date now, but nothing about a Linux version...?
L.Brown Mar 9 @ 11:10pm 
+1! :viridian:
EjBistu Mar 28 @ 1:38am 
Orkhepaj Mar 28 @ 3:19pm 
YanH Mar 29 @ 7:15pm 
you had a choice and you picked obscure system, take it or leave it. Why would indie dev, who will not even get back the money invested into game, bother instead of you... Im also not crying under Sony exclusivities, why I cannot play it in Windows.
L.Brown Mar 30 @ 12:35am 
Originally posted by YanH:
you had a choice and you picked obscure system
So you can't have both? Some of us for example have a windows PC and a Steam Deck (with Linux btw.)...
Zyro Mar 30 @ 2:54am 
Originally posted by YanH:
you had a choice and you picked obscure system, take it or leave it. Why would indie dev, who will not even get back the money invested into game, bother instead of you... Im also not crying under Sony exclusivities, why I cannot play it in Windows.

(It's years ago I read such a comment last time. Thought they had died out. Well...)

Nobody is crying. We're politely asking for a port. I did that often, and from time to time developers hand me a version for a beta test. The biggest problems usually are like setting executable rights in the zip their engine exported. So no, it's often not a big deal to make a Linux version.
Last edited by Zyro; Mar 30 @ 3:30am
EjBistu Mar 30 @ 3:21am 
If you dont want to have monopoly in the future, competition its sorely needed for new operating systems to be there, else you can just hand over all power to one company, stifle all competition and inovation and just end up like... Slovakia, as I can speak for this one :D state slowly falling under monopoly (which has impact not just on Slovakia but our , neighbours at least) - having a say in every part of country, being above law, murdering investigative journalists investigating corruption and getting away with it, no free media (oh they have several media, but under its own paycheck, conversations there look like those from Russia, no spontaneity just prepared dialogue beforehand so everything is in great positive light) company having better health care system than republic owned health care (but still being funded by state health care xD) oh and health care for only a few ppl- because u have to pay additional for it while republic health care being FREE, and only diseases that are profitable for said company!!! Selling mainly OTC drugs not rly anything thats supposed to cure wasting diseases that are financially expensive. Not willing to do ♥♥♥♥ when covid19 pandemic hits- they didnt want to treat covid19 patients while state hospitals were full. And shutting down all new blood and freelancers, not willing to offer healthcare to ppl from republic health care and so on.
But carry on, monopolies are future, play CP2077, whatever that game has problems of its own, but original idea author has it right (science-fiction-side) where the human society is heading. Bleak future indeed. Its alrdy happening. Look at fertility and birth rates in some countries. System is alrdy so stressful that more and more ppl are unable to concieve baby. Western states are slowly on decline (Diversity!! male to female infertiliy cca 50/50%) its that STRESS baby. Living conditions are worsening. For ordinary ppl. Those wealthy fewer and fewer of population. We here on Steam belong to 7% of wealthiest population of Earth right now, Maybe 6%.
So yeah, we need more diversity in competition. More competition. More operating systems. And more games for more operating systems.
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