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Can't get into it.
I luuuuuuv MHW, but I am bouncing off this game hard. After less than an hour.
It's the introduction. It drags on, and on...
It's the map. Sows me where things are but not where I am.
It's the town. Everything looks the same and/or is poorly identifiable.
It's the vagueness. "Talk to Master SoandSo!" Who????
...but mostly in's the introduction.

I play, I run around town for a few minutes, get frustrated/bored, exit game. Haven't hunted a single thing yet.
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Showing 1-15 of 48 comments
Must be though. Give it another go, the village is not that big, should not difficult navigate and finding people.
it takes a while to get to the large monster hunts, the town stuff is dumb and once you do it once you can just fast travel around, the fast travel menu will show you an icon that tells you if there is someone there that wants to talk to you and its red if it's important
opposite for world for me, bounce of world mainly due to it being blurry(low end) and the enemy just keep running 5-6 times every hunt and flying enemies are a nightmare to hunt especially on expedition where, if you'e not fast, all you progress is gone.
Originally posted by Darkdusty8000:
opposite for world for me, bounce of world mainly due to it being blurry(low end) and the enemy just keep running 5-6 times every hunt and flying enemies are a nightmare to hunt especially on expedition where, if you'e not fast, all you progress is gone.
i would try it again someday if i have the patience and the time especially the fact that i need to commit to the hunt as no pause is active
The village is about same as the intro of World where it takes forever because the HANDLER wont move her ass.

but you can just go straight to hub after the tutorial and start hunting monsters. Just run around the town quickly to unlock the TP for their locations.
Bab Peeg Jul 12 @ 2:59pm 
0/10 bait
I didnt even last an hour so far OP. Its not just you. The character creation was so depressing I had to quit after saving my hunter lol. Will force myself to slog through the game at some point....
Last edited by uRBAN_Spaceman; Jul 14 @ 9:03am
Originally posted by uRBAN_Spaceman:
I didnt even last an hour so far OP. Its not just you. The character creation was so depressing I had to quit after saving my hunter lol. Will force myself to slog through the game at some point....
DaBa Jul 14 @ 9:44am 
The introduction doesn't drag on at all, especially compared to MHW. You can get into proper hunts extremely quickly with next to no interruptions.

The map literally shows where you are.

The town is small, easy to get around and everything is easily identifiable.

NPC have nameplates and you can clearly read.

It sounds to be like the attitude is the problem here and not the game. you went in wanting to dislike the game, made up reasons to dislike it that aren't even true, then posted them here to feel validated. It's okay, you don't have to like every video game. But that's a you problem, not the game's fault.
buttchin Jul 14 @ 4:43pm 
Originally posted by Nivek Ogre:
I luuuuuuv MHW, but I am bouncing off this game hard. After less than an hour.
It's the introduction. It drags on, and on...
It's the map. Sows me where things are but not where I am.
It's the town. Everything looks the same and/or is poorly identifiable.
It's the vagueness. "Talk to Master SoandSo!" Who????
...but mostly in's the introduction.

I play, I run around town for a few minutes, get frustrated/bored, exit game. Haven't hunted a single thing yet.
don't know why people hate rise
i played mhw so much and avoided rise because of mixed review but now i can say it really good
very arcady and early mid game is very easy but i love it
Anoyun? Jul 14 @ 5:25pm 
Originally posted by Nivek Ogre:
I luuuuuuv MHW, but I am bouncing off this game hard. After less than an hour.
It's the introduction. It drags on, and on...
It's the map. Sows me where things are but not where I am.
It's the town. Everything looks the same and/or is poorly identifiable.
It's the vagueness. "Talk to Master SoandSo!" Who????
...but mostly in's the introduction.

I play, I run around town for a few minutes, get frustrated/bored, exit game. Haven't hunted a single thing yet.

are you complaining or ranting? you should try the demo before you buy the game see its for you. either way its too late for refund if you havent refund it play it or dont its up to you.
Zelph Jul 14 @ 6:59pm 
Originally posted by Nivek Ogre:
I luuuuuuv MHW, but I am bouncing off this game hard. After less than an hour.
It's the introduction. It drags on, and on...
It's the map. Sows me where things are but not where I am.
It's the town. Everything looks the same and/or is poorly identifiable.
It's the vagueness. "Talk to Master SoandSo!" Who????
...but mostly in's the introduction.

I play, I run around town for a few minutes, get frustrated/bored, exit game. Haven't hunted a single thing yet.
Intro drags on? You can skip it. Worlds intro also takes about an hour to get through, and its unskippable.

The map does show where you are.

Everything looks the same? What? Thats a you problem. I don't know if anyone else has that issue. Astera is overly big for no reason then to have multiple floors, its a lot worse to navigate.

World isn't exactly any better on the vagueness though? I don't know why we are complaining when there are very clear red text bubbles that appear above the npcs you need to talk to either way.
next time just ignore them,obviously a hit and run bait thread
Originally posted by Laughing kookaburra:
next time just ignore them,obviously a hit and run bait thread
Of course. All negative/dissenting opinions are troll bait. :eyeroll:

I just don't like it. MHW was my first MH game so I'm not a series connaisseur, but I do know I was never, ever bored in that game, not even for a second. Logged in to Rise again today and the same thing happened...I was bored after a few minutes chatter about buddy plazas and chefs and this mechanic and that mechanic and....

Imagine the crawl at the beginning of a Star Wars film lasting for 20 minutes before the film starts. That's the issue I have with Rise, nothing else.
Last edited by Nivek Ogre; Jul 18 @ 8:01pm
Originally posted by uRBAN_Spaceman:
I didnt even last an hour so far OP. Its not just you. The character creation was so depressing I had to quit after saving my hunter lol. Will force myself to slog through the game at some point....
I wasn't too concerned with that, honestly. The game's art style is fine, performance is fine, it's just the pacing. *I still haven't hunted a single monster, not even a small one* because I can't play for more than 2-3 minutes before SOMEthing makes me go "Meh" and shut down. I still have the very first 2 intro quests in my top right corner.
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